Why don’t the Kowa Genesis Binos get more love?

Jul 20, 2019
They are phenomenal. I traded for some 10.5x44s and after comparing them to some NL Pures picked up the 8x33s. Maybe my eyes are crazy, but they were every bit as good optically as the NL Pures, just had a narrower FOV. How are these not the best binos on the market considering their price point?


Jul 3, 2019
West Texas
Because when using high end glass, the "best" is always subjective. For instance, I found the 8x32 UHD superior to the Genesis 8x33, and IMO the NL's stand alone as the best hunting binocular known to mankind. Ergonomics play a big factor as well. That's why I always say you've got to try 'em for yourself, as your eyeballs may see things differently than mine, and vice-versa.
Jul 20, 2019
Because when using high end glass, the "best" is always subjective. For instance, I found the 8x32 UHD superior to the Genesis 8x33, and IMO the NL's stand alone as the best hunting binocular known to mankind. Ergonomics play a big factor as well. That's why I always say you've got to try 'em for yourself, as your eyeballs may see things differently than mine, and vice-versa.
Interesting. I just got back from 2 weeks in Alaska moose hunting. My buddy had 10x42 UHDs and I had my 8x33 Kowas. We could both see much more detail when it came to counting points and brow tines etc in the Kowas.
May 2, 2024
Because when using high end glass, the "best" is always subjective. For instance, I found the 8x32 UHD superior to the Genesis 8x33, and IMO the NL's stand alone as the best hunting binocular known to mankind. Ergonomics play a big factor as well. That's why I always say you've got to try 'em for yourself, as your eyeballs may see things differently than mine, and vice-versa.
I firmly believe in trying before buying.

I will be purchasing. A set of mid grade/alpha binos within the next year and while the 10.5 genny is on my list, the only way to try them is to purchase and if I don’t like them, I will have to pay a restocking fee, which I don’t want to do.

That alone might steer me away from a potential bino.