Why cant people accept the fact that some people dont need a drop tested scope?

Use whatever you want to use if it’s consistently working for you. Have fun and enjoy it.

The issue for me lies when your “use case” is used an argument for or against an optics ability to maintain its primary function under normal/regular field use.

I’ve been lucky enough to shoot and hunt enough, and with enough people, that you start to see repeatable patterns with certain make and model rifles and scopes. So if somebody comes into a scope recommendation thread, touting that a certain make/model scope has been “great” for them; it potentially contradicts what I’ve seen on multiple samples over multiple years.

I’ve become more vocal on this forum regarding delivery systems that actually function as expected; and I’ll continue to let guys and gals know what my experience has been with certain optics under field use. Whether it’s a positive or negative outcome for the delivery system, I don’t really care. I’m interested in using what actually works and has proven to work for me; and I’ll continue to be vocal about what hasn’t worked.

That would be the main reason why I guess I “care” about what somebody else uses for a rifle scope and delivery system as a whole. It’s when the same few folks consistently come into threads recommending scopes that I, and many others have seen utterly fail on decent sample sizes. I will continue to make the argument against using those optics when being recommended to other hunters/shooters.

To me that’s a lot of what this excellent forum is all about. Helping other hunters understand what gear works and what doesn’t. Not everybody has the luxury of getting to shoot and use their gear very often, so recommendation threads here are important in my opinion.
Yes, 90%+ of them. Because they know most shooters don’t stress them and won’t know if there’s a problem. They know what sells. Light weight and pretty glass.
I like your post, good glass is a selling point. With respect to "most shooters", I don't want to disagree about where the line is drawn on that. However I must be one of them as I've had Leupold on my rifles for 30 years. I have not hunted lightly, nor babied them hunting Colorado for those 30 years. In full disclosure, they haven't taken big hits to the extent the drop test accounts for. Personally, I'd be as concerned about the mounting system throwing things out of alignment as I would be the scope regardless of the brand. The scope, depending on the angle of the hit, will put leverage on the rings and bases.
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Or to put it another way, you know what you've heard, or read. I could really freak people out by reporting that the 2 Arken's I have, and the Athlon Helos I have, have all performed excellent as well, but I won't.
I don't remember (please correct me if I'm wrong) you having any scope that has not worked by your reports on this form.

You are either exceptionally lucky.
Or you don't use scopes in a way that shows zero shift (either they never get bumped or you just don't notice).
Or the drop tests are a lie and the majority of all scopes made work flawlessly.

The drop tests are much more reliable than what I have heard and read from people who advocate for various scopes that fail it.

I was taught and told to check zero all the time by many, many different people, so I do not believe the majority of scopes hold zero reliably.

Seriously, you can use whatever scope you want and I don't care. However, if you get offended when I consider those scope to be junk and I will not buy one, then the question becomes, why do you care what scope I use?
You must have missed where I've stated having had a SwaroA lose it's erector while shooting at a big 190" mule deer. A buddy of mine had 2 samples of this scope do the same. Also had a VX3 4.5-14 with bad erector. They fixed 'em, I sold 'em.

I hunt alot, a whole, whole lot, as it's open season 24/7 here for something. I kill lot's of animals, a whole lot, and I know how to check zero and do so.

Anonymous internet posters most definitely don't offend me no matter the subject . I also don't give a ratsazzz what you or anyone else thinks about what I use. I know what works for what I'm doing, and come to think about it I don't recall you or anyone else on this whole forum who's ever been in one of my hunting camps, so howthehell would you know how I hunt?
@Formidilosus makes a rational compelling argument supported by data.

By simply interpreting his opinion and not adding any additional data your adding zero value to the original argument.

People should be testing thier own equipment and adding data or letting Formidilosus argument stand on its own merit.

Sent from my SM-G996U using Tapatalk
@Formidilosus makes a rational compelling argument supported by data.

By simply interpreting his opinion and not adding any additional data your adding zero value to the original argument.

People should be testing thier own equipment and adding data or letting Formidilosus argument stand on its own merit.

Sent from my SM-G996U using Tapatalk
I have 50 years of data.
@Formidilosus makes a rational compelling argument supported by data.

By simply interpreting his opinion and not adding any additional data your adding zero value to the original argument.

People should be testing thier own equipment and adding data or letting Formidilosus argument stand on its own merit.

Sent from my SM-G996U using Tapatalk
What format would you expect/want “data” posted in? I certainly don’t drop scopes on purpose so that’s out…

I personally have been posting my findings in certain dedicated scope threads or threads that I’ve started myself. Is that acceptable? Is posting updates after continued field use “data” or should I stop and just let everyone read the evaluation threads?

A little bit confused on what exactly you’re after here, it’s a very broad statement that “both sides” of the scope “reliability” argument, I think, may think is targeted at them.
If you don't present your data you have an opinion formed over 50 years.

Opinions are important but rely on the person who holds it, data on the hand stands on its own merit.

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Serious question.
So if I drop my scope how form does it and it holds zero but I dont video it or take pictures is that data or an opinion? Since I can't quanitify it with proof who gets to make that call?