Who Uses Walking Sticks for Hunting?

Del Gue

Jun 4, 2023
Looking to see who uses walking sticks/trekking poles for elk hunting out west. Up and down mountains.
Do they really make a difference?
Are they worth the aggravation of carrying around?
They are worth it when super heavy (like packing out) over uneven terrain. OR steep inclines/declines over uneven terrain. OR fording a slippery deep creek, river etc. Essentially anywhere where a fall would be trip ending or result in you using the SOS button on your inreach. They don't make my pack every trip, but when I know I will be in situation like that, I pack them. Collapsible carbon poles don't add much weight or take up much room.
They are a huge difference maker, regardless if a pack is on your back or not. They take a lot of strain and stress off your quads, knees, hamstrings, calves, lower back etc. Great for balancing, aid in climbing give you control while descending, help to stabilize you or you+backpack.

Depending on the terrain and/or if I have been where I am going before they may or may not get used while hiking. Once an animal is down and I am loaded up, 100% of the time they are being used.
Yes and yes. Trekking poles are an absolute necessity for me in the back country. They are one of the items I use that don't require you to throw money at the most expensive ones available. Cascade Mountain Tech makes great, economical carbon trekking poles that I've bought at Costco or on Amazon. Once you use them, you'll never be without them. Especially side hilling in steep off-trail conditions.
Yep. They have saved me many times from a bad fall while packing out meat after dark in steep, rocky terrain. Also great as a monopod for glassing with binoculars. Can be used as a bipod as well.

They do weigh about 1lb and you need a place to put them when not in use. But 100% worth it, in my opinion.
Pack outs, exceptionally steep or technical terrain during the hunt, hiking in/out in dark. Otherwise they are in my pack. I have Black Diamond Carbon Z. Fold up small and don't weigh much. They are probably not the best choice for a hunt where terrain dictates you need poles all the time. But for the occasional use I need them for, they are perfect. I chose them because they fold up small to be in my pack, rather than longer ones strapped to outside of my pack.
Absolutely, I use them all the time.Also carry 3 legged trigger stik, it adjusts with squeeze great up and down hill.
Always available and I use them heavily. Even hunting the flatter terrain, they are with my frame pack for heavy pack outs. Between the improved stability and taking some stress off of my knees, they’re well worth the minimal weight.
As already said....yes is the answer. They've saved my ass from a fall (or a slip, or an ankle twist, or a whatever) so many damn times it's uncountable. My hunting buddy still refuses to buy a pair and I end up letting him use 1 of mine very often. Just 1 makes a huge difference. My pair weighs exactly 1 lb, they're always in my pack or hands.