Tripod, trekking poles, shooting stick combo system.


Oct 30, 2019
I have been going through all my gear the last week and calculating weight, and trying to figure out where to cut pounds, because was just way too heavy last year. I am 165 pounds soaking wet, so a 50 pound pack is pretty uncomfortable....

For shooting sticks, trekking poles, and a bino tripod. Technically I could get rid of all of those.... who needs shooting sticks (ME), but here is what I have and the weights for each. Is anybody making a really lightweight combo system that you can somehow integrate all three of these?

2lb 2 1/2oz: Vortex high country tripod with the quick release plate

1lb-1/4oz: sonic alu evo trekking poles

2lbs 12 7/8 oz: Shooting stick: BOG adrenaline tri

Total: 5lb 15-1/2 oz

There are definitely lighter trekking poles, but you're talking ounces, but get ounces add up, as I do calculations, I may end up deciding it's worth it I don't know, but for $200-$250 to save 6 ounces? Not prob worth it... but the shooting stick in tripod you're talking almost 5 pounds, that's a lot of weight, of course, not including Bino's/ the Bino case, etc.

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Since I use trekking poles anyway when hunting so I attached the Wiser Quick Stix to them to use as shooting sticks when seated. When prone, I use a Spartan Javelin Lite bipod.

7.5 oz total for both.
Are you using a tripod for your Bino's?
If you multi purpose your gear you'll be light years ahead. I carry trekking poles anyway so the only penalty is the 2.38oz of the Quick Stix, and I use a tripod for glassing regardless so that weight is there no matter what and I just carry a slightly beefier one than I would I wasn't shooting off it. If you're not already glassing off a tripod, you're wrong. If you are, then you know what I'm talking about.
If you multi purpose your gear you'll be light years ahead. I carry trekking poles anyway so the only penalty is the 2.38oz of the Quick Stix, and I use a tripod for glassing regardless so that weight is there no matter what and I just carry a slightly beefier one than I would I wasn't shooting off it. If you're not already glassing off a tripod, you're wrong. If you are, then you know what I'm talking about.
So trekking poles + quick sticks, and then you're running a separate tripod for binos?
So trekking poles + quick sticks, and then you're running a separate tripod for binos?
Correct. Quick stix adapters mounted on trekking poles for quick employment as needed and a tripod for glassing/shooting. Truth in advertising I have never shot an animal off the quick stix but for a sub 3oz penalty it’s negligible and I see the utility. I have shot several off the same bipod I used to locate them so that’s a double win for me.
So trekking poles + quick sticks, and then you're running a separate tripod for binos?
This system is great. The quick clip that attaches the third leg to make a tripod is also a solid connection to lock into the pica-tinny rail for a tall bipod. I am able to shoot 650 yards from a seated position and hit a 12” steel plate.

I also carry a Javelin Lite Tall bipod and the picatinny Javelin adapter on the front of my stock for prone long range shooting with an easy setup. The bipod stays in my front pocket when not used.

If you do not have a pan head the Wiser Nighthawk is pricey but irreplaceable for weight/usability. Super smooth and light.

The entire system which I can use for hiking poles, bipod, tripod for glassing weighs 2 lb, 6 oz.