Who else has caught the Rona?

Or for some odd reason the hospitals and doctors were incentivized to report everything as the boogie-man COVID bug......even the flu.
Nope easily explained that the measures to prevent one easily prevented the other, didn't even need to "do my research" to piece that puzzle together

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There is Tamiflu and a couple of other antiviral meds to treat the flu virus itself, not just the symptoms. My wife was prescribed one of the other ones whose name escapes me right now back in February of 2020 when she got the Flu B. It worked way better than just treating the symptoms alone.

Over the last 18 months of the world dealing with this virus, some really smart doctors figured out highly effective ways to treat this disease. Those treatments include some of the drugs we are discussing in this thread, such as hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin (human drug, not horse drug), azythromiacine, doxycycline, Nebulized albuterol…. They work and keep most people out of the hospital and get them back on their feet quickly. I watched it work on my wife in less than 24 hours after she started taking the prescribed drugs. It was absolutely amazing and frustrating at the same time to see, knowing what the CDC is recommending and how many of the doctors out there are blindly following those recommendations.
I took tamiflu about 15 years ago and broke out in hives and had all kinds of short-term neurotic side effects similar to an LSD trip, not saying its not effective for some but I had a horrible experience with it.
It didn't "magically disappear" people weren't lined up nut to butt over the winter trying to score deals on flat screens coughing in each other's faces. Almost like staying home when sick and washing your hands is effective at stopping the spread of infections diseases

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Haven’t read the thread, but hopefully someone noted that the PCR tests can’t tell between influenza and COVID. So a bunch of folks who had the flu were told that had COVID.
You lost me. I have no idea what point your trying to make.

I’m a human, why would I go to a vet for care.
To get the secret covid treatment now that big pharma is hiding all that good invermectin from all the anti Vax patriot Brothers

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There is Tamiflu and a couple of other antiviral meds to treat the flu virus itself, not just the symptoms. My wife was prescribed one of the other ones whose name escapes me right now back in February of 2020 when she got the Flu B. It worked way better than just treating the symptoms alone.

Over the last 18 months of the world dealing with this virus, some really smart doctors figured out highly effective ways to treat this disease. Those treatments include some of the drugs we are discussing in this thread, such as hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin (human drug, not horse drug), azythromiacine, doxycycline, Nebulized albuterol…. They work and keep most people out of the hospital and get them back on their feet quickly. I watched it work on my wife in less than 24 hours after she started taking the prescribed drugs. It was absolutely amazing and frustrating at the same time to see, knowing what the CDC is recommending and how many of the doctors out there are blindly following those recommendations.
Tamiflu is helpful for high-risk individuals with influenza. You are correct. However, you don't want to give it to every influenza patient. These drugs have developed drug resistance over time.

The standard SARS-COV-2 case/patient does not need all the meds you stated. They WILL fully recover with standard OTC symptomatic care and rest. However, as soon as patient develops respiratory involvement they are typically prescribed antibiotic (cover for 2nd bacterial infection), steroids, and albuterol. Just to be clear, a patient with no complications, does not need this regimen.
He thinks ivermectin has no anti viral properties but he is anti science so not surprising
Research supporting your position has been withdrawn or is unable to be repeated so is invalid. Literally the definition of the scientific method

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You wrote this:

* this list is not all possible symptoms.
Please call your veterinarian for horse dewormer

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Then I asked you what you meant by that and this is your response:

To get the secret covid treatment now that big pharma is hiding all that good invermectin from all the anti Vax patriot Brothers

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I’m not trying to be rude, but is English not your first language, because I can’t figure how you can go from the first comment to the second as an explanation of the first. Makes no sense whatsoever and has nothing to do with any of my comments on this thread.
You wrote this:

Then I asked you what you meant by that and this is your response:

I’m not trying to be rude, but is English not your first language, because I can’t figure how you can go from the first comment to the second as an explanation of the first. Makes no sense whatsoever and has nothing to do with any of my comments on this thread.
You either intentionally left out the bottom of the symptoms list to support your asinine position of "no treatment without blue lips "
Or- your too stupid to read the entire item you were listing as evidence.
The vet comment was a general shot at the other idiots Taking horse dewormer- that may treat symptoms after you catch Corona- but will not take a vaccine that will prevent catching Corona in the first place.

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Glad to hear all you guys have had a relatively easy go with this. As of this morning, my symptoms are still pretty mild. Had some chills and body aches earlier but nothing a hot shower couldnt fix. I guess I should add I’m 35, in pretty good shape and not vaccinated.

It makes sense that most of us on here handle this well. We mostly eat wild game and are always training for the mountain and are pretty health conscious overall. I kinda thought I’d read a couple horror stories on here but I’m glad that’s not the case.

Now for the remaining nine days of quarantine…I got a free pass for Netflix at the hotel, any good documentaries that you guys would recommend?

Manhunt Unibomber, Manhunt deadly games, American Murder, The Devil Next Door, The Pharmacist, Murder among the Mormons

Some of the better docuseries Ive seen on there

Get well soon

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You either intentionally left out the bottom of the symptoms list to support your asinine position of "no treatment without blue lips "
Or- your too stupid to read the entire item you were listing as evidence.
The vet comment was a general shot at the other idiots Taking horse dewormer- that may treat symptoms after you catch Corona- but will not take a vaccine that will prevent catching Corona in the first place.

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Ummmm.....the vaccine does not prevent a person from catching Corona......it’s not even a vaccine according to the definition of a vaccine.
Ummmm.....the vaccine does not prevent a person from catching Corona......it’s not even a vaccine according to the definition of a vaccine.
OK champ
Stick with your hopes and horse wormer then. It doesn't bother me 1 bit

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The standard SARS-COV-2 case/patient does not need all the meds you stated. They WILL fully recover with standard OTC symptomatic care and rest. However, as soon as patient develops respiratory involvement they are typically prescribed antibiotic (cover for 2nd bacterial infection), steroids, and albuterol. Just to be clear, a patient with no complications, does not need this regimen.

I strongly disagree with this and so does my doctor. Do you have a way of telling if people are going to have mild symptoms or are going to require hospitalization? No one I know can and the longer you wait and let the virus build up in your body, the less effective these drugs will be.

There’s a 5 day window from the onset of symptoms where this treatment is most effective. Once you go beyond 5 days, the efficacy dwindles and your chances of requiring hospitalization and intubation increase.

Why let the virus replicate unchecked in your body and potentially mutate if we have the means to stop it. It just doesn’t make any sense whatsoever to just do nothing when there are treatments out there to stop it. I’m sorry but that’s just stupid and irrational and not a gamble I’m willing to take with myself and my family.
There is Tamiflu and a couple of other antiviral meds to treat the flu virus itself, not just the symptoms. My wife was prescribed one of the other ones whose name escapes me right now back in February of 2020 when she got the Flu B. It worked way better than just treating the symptoms alone.

Over the last 18 months of the world dealing with this virus, some really smart doctors figured out highly effective ways to treat this disease. Those treatments include some of the drugs we are discussing in this thread, such as hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin (human drug, not horse drug), azythromiacine, doxycycline, Nebulized albuterol…. They work and keep most people out of the hospital and get them back on their feet quickly. I watched it work on my wife in less than 24 hours after she started taking the prescribed drugs. It was absolutely amazing and frustrating at the same time to see, knowing what the CDC is recommending and how many of the doctors out there are blindly following those recommendations.

Absolutely, if your symptoms warranted it. If having mild symptoms, like what the majority has described in this thread, you aren't being treated with all that in all likelihood.

Making someone "feel better" isn't the same as treating symptoms that can cause serious deterioration. You get covid, you're likely to feel like crap for several days. But that doesn't necessarily mean you will be given one or any of those medications you listed. It isn't negligence, or money, it is simply letting the body heal itself when it can.
So I finally got the Rona. While traveling for work no less and am now stuck in a hotel room to quarantine for the next ten days before I can travel home.

Anyways, I thought my allergies were acting up yesterday so I took some antihistamine and it cleared up my headache, cough and runny nose after a few hours so I figured I was good. Due to flying and where I am, my wife told me I should get tested just to be sure before I fly home so I figured why not, I’ll head over to the nearest clinic and knock one out. About an hour later a woman in damn near a full hazmat suit walks into my room and tells me I’m positive for Covid.

So for you guys that have had this, what was your experience with it? Mild, bad, horrible? Luckily everything seems pretty mild for me.

Headache cough and runny nose...and that deserved a post, why?