Who else has caught the Rona?


Dec 8, 2018
Some people are just dumb and will believe anything that supports their world view.

There is a guy on another hunting site who is pretending to be and MD who suggested that the vaccinated have 250x the viral load of the unvaccinated and that the vaccines are causing variants which are driving the fall COVID surge. Luckily there is also a legitimate expert in the field who is a long time poster who has explained how that fellow is incorrect on all counts. I am just amazed that someone would be so willing to post misinformation as indisputable fact.
Aren’t you the same guy who posted previously that ivermectin had no anti viral properties and is a scam? Correct if I’m wrong


Feb 16, 2014
The precedent that mandatory vaccines set is even more horrifying.
To continue working here you must: have a vasectomy,
tubes tied, hormone therapy, take estrogen due to your testosterone
being too high, donate an organ ,,etc....
I used to worry we were turning in to Europe.
Seems like we're turning in to China lately.
“But they would never do THAT”


Feb 28, 2012
Northern Idaho
No. That's not what they meant.

We have had numerous patients, sick enough to be borderline ICU or end up transferring, deny Covid even exists. They insist we are doing this for the money and lying to them about why they are in the hospital. Treat staff horrible and live in some fantasy world. Oh, well.

I admit people all the time willing to put a cocktail of random hearsay supplements in their body but won't get vaccinated. "It was working great until now." 😡 Their choice. All I ask is if you end up in the hospital to treat staff with some respect. Treating some 19 year old patient care tech like shit is really lame, no matter why you are there.
I don't agree with anyone being rude. There seems to be a lot going around both ways during this pandemic though, and I feel ashamed of some in my profession.

I have been on the phone this week with families of people in the hospital, very reasonable families in my opinion, who have called me almost crying because there loved one is stuck in the hospital clinically worsening (vaccinated and unvaccinated), in isolation, and still receiving just low dose dexamethasone and oxygen, while not allowing the patient any other treatment choices.

One pt had taken one subtherapeutic dose of ivermectin the day prior to hospital admission without anything else (states that she was basically told that she was an idiot by staff at the hosp).

The lady this morning said that the doctor told her, that if you leave this hospital, you will die before you get home, and they wouldn't even arrange home oxygen for her. She said that she was already dying there without her family or any say in her care.

So she is now home on oxygen, multiple targeted supplements, a much increased dose of steroids consistent with her stage of disease, ivermectin at an appropriate dose now, getting monoclonal antibodies tomorrow which was not easy to arrange, and surrounded by loving family.

Will see how she does. She definitely has a more positive outlook now, so hopefully her lungs will turn around as well.

When I was training 25 yrs ago, everyone in medicine still learned the Golden Rule, whether religious or not. What happened to that greatness and humanity that seems not to exist now in some of our hospitals or in some of our young doctors?
Oct 4, 2021
I think I did from a December 2019 cruise. I did eventually get the vax. I've got a hunting buddy and a cousin who are doctors and listened to their advice. I was looking at a potential client meeting in Barbados and I wasn't about to catch rona outside the US and be on their healthcare system.


Feb 28, 2021
I don't agree with anyone being rude. There seems to be a lot going around both ways during this pandemic though, and I feel ashamed of some in my profession.

I have been on the phone this week with families of people in the hospital, very reasonable families in my opinion, who have called me almost crying because there loved one is stuck in the hospital clinically worsening (vaccinated and unvaccinated), in isolation, and still receiving just low dose dexamethasone and oxygen, while not allowing the patient any other treatment choices.

One pt had taken one subtherapeutic dose of ivermectin the day prior to hospital admission without anything else (states that she was basically told that she was an idiot by staff at the hosp).

The lady this morning said that the doctor told her, that if you leave this hospital, you will die before you get home, and they wouldn't even arrange home oxygen for her. She said that she was already dying there without her family or any say in her care.

So she is now home on oxygen, multiple targeted supplements, a much increased dose of steroids consistent with her stage of disease, ivermectin at an appropriate dose now, getting monoclonal antibodies tomorrow which was not easy to arrange, and surrounded by loving family.

Will see how she does. She definitely has a more positive outlook now, so hopefully her lungs will turn around as well.

When I was training 25 yrs ago, everyone in medicine still learned the Golden Rule, whether religious or not. What happened to that greatness and humanity that seems not to exist now in some of our hospitals or in some of our young doctors?
I have a question since you are in the medical industry. I'm not going to give my full resume, but I'll provide a short bio then ask a question. Chemical engineer, 25 years of experience specializing in electrolytic disinfection technologies for water borne and airborne pathogens - in many cases potable water or air people breath. I frequently do work in healthcare facilities as well as food processing and agriculture (in addition to oilfield and other market segments). Just mentioning this because I frequently consult with Infection control and Epidemiologists who do take my recommendations into consideration when dealing with different pathogen problems within a healthcare setting. I'm not just some dumb schmuck who read something on the internet.

Its very common to use copper silver ionization to disinfect domestic hot water (potable, drinking water) in hospitals against various forms of water born pathogens in a hospital. Many healthcare facilities use this treatment for Legionella control as one example. There's efficacy data on the CDC website as proof of its efficacy as a disinfectant. Its one technology among many technologies I work with. I do NOT sell it, I just consult on the technologies as I have in depth knowledge of them.

The point being, silver has disinfection properties but at proper use concentrations is generally considered safe for human ingestion (just like chlorine, chlorine dioxide, and chloramines) - all of which are approved by the EPA for water disinfection and human consumption when at appropriate dose.

When my wife was struggling to breath with Covid, she had her natural path doctor (not sure what kind of doctor they are, but whatever...I won't go there) recommend using colloidal silver in a nebulizer for breathing treatments. She did that 3-4 times a day, and within 2 days was vastly better in the way of breathing with respect to Covid. We have multiple other friends that ended up doing the same thing as a last ditch effort to avoid having to go to the hospital ER for lack of being able to breath and low oxygen levels. 100% of the people were better with the silver in a nebulizer. I also realize this is highly anecdotal and is far from some peer reviewed medical study.

Dosage rate was 1 ppm, which is the EPA potable drinking water limit for silver so the concentration was applied at a dose considered safe by the EPA (diluted with RO water).

If a person is on their death bed or damn near it, would a medical provider even consider giving such a treatment when nothing else is working? I'm curious how the medical industry would view something like this. Would you avoid it due to legal liability concerns?

Just interested in your thoughts on this.


Feb 28, 2012
Northern Idaho
I really don't know much about possible antiviral properties of silver (it clearly is antibacterial) or possible pulmonary/lung side effects.

I think there are doctors that respect patient autonomy however, and would be okay with patients doing silver nebs at home if that is what they want to do.

But I can't imagine anyone ever being given silver nebs in a hospital, when people can't even get a visit from a family member in PPE or get regeneron, ivermectin, vitamin D3, etc. at most hospitals as part of a potential treatment regimen.


Feb 28, 2012
Northern Idaho
Update from the Covid files.

In less than 24 hrs on methylprednisolone 40 mg every 12 hrs, and ivermectin 36 mg once daily (along with other lesser treatment additions and being with family), instead of dying right after leaving the hospital ama yesterday, my patient is feeling much better.

She now notes improved energy, no shortness of breath at rest, taste and smell have fully returned, appetite has returned, and O2 sat is now 94% on 3L/min by nasal cannula, up from 90% on 15 L/min by mask when she left the hospital yesterday.

I am keeping my fingers crossed over the weekend, but I think that despite being very high risk, she is heading towards recovery.


Sep 29, 2012
Learned last night that an acquaintance passed away from COVID yesterday, old time hog hunting guide. Apparently succumbed after 2 weeks on a ventilator.


Aug 11, 2021
Excelsior, MN
Interesting read. Much like media, its so hard to truly believe what "we" are reading today because of how much manipulation of the variables can be done. It seems like everyone has some skin in the game some how and everything is bias. Strange way to be thinking, but unfortunately it's true in the world right now.


Sep 29, 2012
That is interesting considering how vastly the rates of new COVID cases varied across the US over the past 1.5 months with vaccination rates correlating highly with how each state fared. If one was to compare the curves of most highly vaccinated states a versus those with low vaccination rates, the difference is pretty stark.

Regardless, with Delta’s breakthrough infections the infection rate is not as relevant a statistic anymore. Much more relevant are the rates of hospitalizations and deaths, and the vaccines really shine in that regard. EDIT: Case and point: when you compare nominal daily deaths from the holiday 2020/early 2021surge pre-vaccination to the fall surge, daily deaths in Texas declined from 340 to 300. In CA, they declined from 550 to 100 (worldometers data).
Last edited:


Feb 28, 2012
Northern Idaho
Just posting this because I can't remember this being brought up previously and more positive data continues to come out now regarding aspirin related to covid 19 prevention even, let alone the decreased disease severity relationship.

As with all things, discuss with your doctor first to ensure that you have no contraindications, but imagine governments around the world encouraging daily vitamin D3 supplementation and a baby aspirin...mask mandates and for those under 60 yrs old vaccination mandates (with the current vaccinations when looked at comparatively) might seem a little perplexing, even when recommended for people without natural immunity? Research for yourself.



Feb 28, 2012
Northern Idaho
Update from the Covid files.

In less than 24 hrs on methylprednisolone 40 mg every 12 hrs, and ivermectin 36 mg once daily (along with other lesser treatment additions and being with family), instead of dying right after leaving the hospital ama yesterday, my patient is feeling much better.

She now notes improved energy, no shortness of breath at rest, taste and smell have fully returned, appetite has returned, and O2 sat is now 94% on 3L/min by nasal cannula, up from 90% on 15 L/min by mask when she left the hospital yesterday.

I am keeping my fingers crossed over the weekend, but I think that despite being very high risk, she is heading towards recovery.
Final update:

Talked with this lady this AM. O2 sat is 94% at home on supplemental O2 at 1 L/min by NC and she reports feeling great. She will start a slow wean of her steroids now.

To me some lessons from this story is that hospital protocols (that have often come about more due to medicolegal and reimbursement concerns as opposed to quality care) should only be rough guides where doctors start from and not where they end. And hospital administrators should almost never be involved in determining a treatment regimen agreed to by a doctor and the patient, even if the hospital employs that doctor.

Second, people are not robots, nor do they wish to be treated by robots.

And third, when something is not working, don't be afraid to try something else.

Hopefully you or your family member are never in this position, but if so, don't be afraid to ask questions and be an advocate for yourself.


Jun 12, 2012
Piedmont, SD
I don't think a lot of folks are familiar with corporate " protocol" medicine.

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Oct 23, 2017
I tested positive this evening after calling the after hours hotline for the clinic near me and getting tested. Couldn’t taste my white tail back straps, la croix’s or chew and what made me go get tested is doing a cigarette test and didn’t smell that either.

I thought I just had a normal cold and headache on Sunday. Monday rolled around and felt weak like I need to drink more water. Went for a short hunt and couldn’t do 6 miles. Can normally cover 6 in 2 hours. felt better yesterday and today with minimal cough but lost my sense of taste or smell.

when I got tested, temp was 98.5, O2 SAT Was 96 (2 below my norm), and blood pressure was decent.

Shivering now even though I’m warm. Really weird shit this China virus is. I’m 27 so I can get over this thing fairly quick I hope!


Jun 27, 2021
Update from the Covid files.

In less than 24 hrs on methylprednisolone 40 mg every 12 hrs, and ivermectin 36 mg once daily (along with other lesser treatment additions and being with family), instead of dying right after leaving the hospital ama yesterday, my patient is feeling much better.

She now notes improved energy, no shortness of breath at rest, taste and smell have fully returned, appetite has returned, and O2 sat is now 94% on 3L/min by nasal cannula, up from 90% on 15 L/min by mask when she left the hospital yesterday.

I am keeping my fingers crossed over the weekend, but I think that despite being very high risk, she is heading towards recovery.
But,But,...But I thought Ivermectin was the Devil !!!?
Glad to hear she's getting better.