Who else has caught the Rona?

Sep 13, 2016
A ton of these recent young-folk positives are incidental findings. I forget where I saw the data but among young kids it was something like 80% went to the doctor/hospital for something OTHER than symptoms related to covid. It was found just as a matter of course on admittance.
Bizarre, to say the least. My wife is a pre school teacher for delayed development kids, so she is around living petri dishes all day long. Not many of her kids were out last year, it hit the working staff pretty hard though.


Aug 10, 2021
Got it in March. Basic lethargy and runny nose, lost of taste and smell but that was about it. Took about 3 months for my taste and smell to come back, now some things still taste weird or different. I notice a metallic taste in things a lot more now than I did prior to having it.


Dec 4, 2017
I didn't understand guys taking flunix for hangovers and I don't understand why people are taking ivermectin for this...but I guess if it works, it works. I'll leave the cattle drugs for the cattle...:ROFLMAO:


Sep 16, 2016
St. Louis
Got it during deer season last fall, from a new guy in our camp. Sunday before Thanksgiving I had some congestion and things smelled strangely, I had a sore throat for a day or so. Body temp a couple degrees higher than normal that night. Cold-like symptoms carried on for about 3 days. Wife got it from me on Tuesday, similar symptoms but a few body aches added to it, all only lasted a few days. So our symptoms were quite mild. Got tested on Thanksgiving morning, next day found out we were positive for COVID. I am a regular, extensive vitamin and supplement taker, have been so for 40 years. Also in very good shape for my age (62), and I think those things helped me with lesser symptoms and quicker recovery.

Wife and I were antibody tested in late April of this year and also 3 weeks ago. Both times showed we still have antibodies. As a result, I'm reluctant to get the vaccine. Wife may have to as her working from home ends soon and all her co-workers are vaccinated and she feels guilty about it. Tried talking her out of it but looks like she won't budge....


Mar 2, 2012
North Central Wi
I got it then gave it to my wife. Don’t know how I got it since management claims it’s impossible to contract it while wearing non fit tested n95s in various sizes and brands that don’t fit me at all, all while doing high risk procedures to people with Covid. Read as sarcasm.

It wasn’t terrible for us, but we both got a hit respiratory wise. I couldn’t go load the wood stove without being short of breath. The respiratory stuff lasted beyond 2 weeks for both of us but by a month we were back to normal.

I have no lasting problems. My wife cannot smell or taste still. Caught a skunk the other day, it dumped. I couldn’t stand 25 yards downwind without gagging. My wife was standing there laughing cause she couldn’t smell shit. This is recent, we had it back in February.


May 31, 2017
So I don't talk to this much as I deal with it so much it's tiresome. I did want to share a couple things.

#1, Ivermectin is no guarantee of anything. Just like anything else taken to avoid this, it is no guarantee. 100% you can still get sick enough as an otherwise healthy individual while taking it to end up in the hospital. Anyone with a sample size of 1, 2, or 15 has no usable source. It's just a guess and an opinion.

#2 is about perspective. How you see this and what you think you and your family should do is based upon your political and philosophical leanings. Much of what is tossed around as fact is nothing of the sort. It's just a guess based upon some poor information. That goes all the way up to the CDC and WHO. They made a best guess as to what they needed to do, and it changed because they had no ******* clue how bad it was going to get. One thing is for sure, this disease is very real and has killed millions of people. Would they have died anyway? Of course. Would they still be alive but for Covid? Very likely. And that might not matter to you but they probably had some people it matters greatly to.

I fully acknowledge that my opinion on what should happen moving forward is tainted by my personal experiences caring for those sick with this disease, and being witness to the worst it has to offer. My opinion is just that, an opinion, and is not to be trusted. That's wisdom that comes with age and experience. Anyone speaking in absolutes is open to suspicion. I fully acknowledge any ideas I may have probably won't work.

This post is probably not to be trusted either. Just saying. 😀


Dec 6, 2015
As with any upper respiratory infection I usually feel like shit for 7-10 days. Fever, chills, achy, coughing and headache. No reason why COVID 19 is any different. I’ve had the flu at different times in my life where I thought death would be easier, but since we sensationalize COVID 19 it’s supposedly so much worse I guess.
yes I did have already and basically just couldn’t taste my thanksgiving dinner last year
Apr 1, 2013
A ton of these recent young-folk positives are incidental findings. I forget where I saw the data but among young kids it was something like 80% went to the doctor/hospital for something OTHER than symptoms related to covid. It was found just as a matter of course on admittance.

thats a major issue. My daughter had a fever for one night, scheduled a doctors visit just to make sure she didn’t have an ear infection. She was fine at 1 o’clock when we finally got in. They did strep and Covid test… and boom tested positive for Covid.

because of Covid most family practices want todo zoom… so you have to get an appointment at minor/major emergency which counts as hospital….


Sep 3, 2014
Southern MO Ozarks
I got it then gave it to my wife. Don’t know how I got it since management claims it’s impossible to contract it while wearing non fit tested n95s in various sizes and brands that don’t fit me at all, all while doing high risk procedures to people with Covid. Read as sarcasm.

It wasn’t terrible for us, but we both got a hit respiratory wise. I couldn’t go load the wood stove without being short of breath. The respiratory stuff lasted beyond 2 weeks for both of us but by a month we were back to normal.

I have no lasting problems. My wife cannot smell or taste still. Caught a skunk the other day, it dumped. I couldn’t stand 25 yards downwind without gagging. My wife was standing there laughing cause she couldn’t smell shit. This is recent, we had it back in February.
Some of my smell is back but skunks are one of the smells that is completely different now. It's sort of a cattle feed smell to me. I'm getting to the point where if I'm driving down the road I recognize it as a skunk now but it's nowhere near the same smell.


Mar 2, 2012
North Central Wi
Some of my smell is back but skunks are one of the smells that is completely different now. It's sort of a cattle feed smell to me. I'm getting to the point where if I'm driving down the road I recognize it as a skunk now but it's nowhere near the same smell.
For me everything is normal but chemicals, my toothpaste smells like h4350 smokeless powder to me. Loss of smell was nice for a while on the job.

My wife still can’t smell shit and certain things she used to enjoy don’t taste the same to her anymore.


Jul 3, 2019
I had it in March, unvaxxed. I wasn't that bad, just tired and exhausted for two days. Pretty much stayed in bed, from Friday afternoon through Sunday afternoon.

Only remaining side effect is; taste is a little subdued, and I get a whiff of diesel exhaust very randomly. Even had the mechanic look my truck over, but there was no exhaust leak.


Feb 16, 2014
Memphis, Tennessee
Well, it finally happened to me. It was inevitable I guess, since both my wife and then my son got it. I woke up Saturday with a headache, but didn't think much of it. I drank a cup of coffee and a big glass of ice water then went for a 4.5 mile ruck with 50 lbs on my back in 90+ degree heat without a cloud in the sky. The ruck went as well as could be expected and the headache disappeared during it but came back once I got back and ate lunch.

Sunday I still had the headache and felt a bit malaised, but nothing significant. I had suspicions, but I still wasn't sure. Monday I woke up and knew for sure that I had it. I had the headache still, in addition I also had a mild fever, aches/chills, tickle in my throat, a wet cough, mild sinus congestion, O2 level at 93 and heavy fatigue. Getting out of bed to pee was a challenge.

Tuesday morning was no different but I soldiered on and went and got tested. It took 2 1/2 hours of sitting in my truck waiting for my turn. Absolutely miserable when all you want to do is lay down and rest. Postive of course. I let my doctor know that afternoon. I had already corresponded with him when my wife got it and asked if he had a treatment protocol. He said that his office was following the Drs Fareed and Tyson protocol which include hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin and azythromiacin/doxycycline. I had my prescriptions that evening and began taking them as prescribed. I woke up the next day (today) totally fine. All symptoms resolved (O2 level back to 98) except the tickle in my throat and cough.

This is the third time I've seen the treatment protocol work in under 12 hours of starting it (my wife, my son and then me). I don't know how many success cases there have to be for evidence to go from anecdotal to confirmed, but from my 3 and then the thousands of other successful early treatments by the many doctors who have ignored the CDC/NIH and taken it upon themselves to not abandon their patients until it's too late just because they were blindly following the CDC guidelines, in my mind it's no longer anecdotal.

I truly believe the CDC/NIH is negligent at the very least and criminal at the worst for tens of thousands of deaths and overworked hospital staff. I no longer have any faith whatsoever in anything they say or recommend. I'll be following my doctor and his opinions and completely disregard anything from them for now on. And, after this experience and new found knowledge/conclusions, I'll never get the vaccine.

If you're interested in reading about their early Covid treatment protocol, just search for Drs Fareed and Tyson early Covid treatment protocol. It should be one of the first links that pops up.


Dec 31, 2020
My daughter who was 16 at the time got it first and just lost taste and smell briefly along with a runny nose for 2 days. I lost taste and smell for a couple of weeks and it slowly came back. I had a minor headache for a day. My wife had a little difficulty breathing for a couple of days and stuffy like a cold. Her taste was gone longer than mine. 13 year old son just lost taste and smell for a short period along with minor cold type symptoms.

I tested after I got a headache I couldn’t get rid of. 5 days after my daughter got sent home from school. No symptoms for her till she couldn’t taste her lunch at school. I tested negative at 4 pm then woke up 12 hours later with no taste or smell. I was already had 19 days because my daughter was only on day 5. So, I just worked from home and did a little more deer hunting.


Jul 13, 2021
Had it once. Took ivermec and was over it within a couple days. I farm and ranch so I’ve been to myself mostly. We have known about ivermec since the pandemic started. My dad (62 years old) has been taking ivermec once a week mixed in his crown and Coke at night to prevent since February of last year. He has not been sick yet. My neighbor (vaccinated moderna with booster) had confirmed covid couple weeks back. Went to ER with breathing issues and demanded vitamin D3, zinc, and dexamethasone. Doc finally gave it to him and he took couple cc’s of veterinary ivermec and within 12 hours he said he was 75% better. Mind you he was 72 years old. Not saying it’s what everyone should do but it’s what we’re doing and it’s working. I won’t take the jab. I’ll continue strength and endurance training, being conscience of diet and sleep, and supplementing as necessary. I’m not worried.

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Jul 10, 2021
I know multiple positive people that were very affected by it. Sick for weeks. Hospitalized even. I also know people that are positive with no symptoms. I think it impacts people differently and people need to be smart about it.
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Mar 14, 2017
My whole Family had it in January. I felt feverish on a Thursday, no other symptoms just a a little out of it and a temperature that never got up to 101. Felt ok Fri, Sat and Sunday. Sunday night i woke up to attend to my son in the next room and as soon as i got out of bed I got hit with the worst chills of my life. Shook really hard until I was able to get back under the blankets at which point I sweated profusely all night. Woke up Monday morning with no taste or smell.

Never had another symptom after that, besides not tasting or smelling. We had a baby on Christmas day so I was home for 3 weeks anyway and we all just layed around and rested and ate tastless food for 2 weeks.

My 5 year old son broke a fever for a few hours one day, my 3 year old daughter had no symptoms or sign of illnes at all, My wife felt tired and had a headache for a few days, That was the extent of it.


Feb 9, 2021
The guy referenced in comment #2 had moderna. He is a guide and it kicked his butt.

Most bad cases are unvaxed, but it can hit anyone.

Me, back in July 2020. Felt bad for 2 days, lost my smell and taste for a month
I took both shots back in March. Caught the virus in early July. Headache and minor lung congestion, plus I lost taste and smell. Recovered in 3 or 4 days. Taste is better, but can't smell much.
Jun 17, 2017
Looks like big tech and the main propaganda media can't suppress this any longer.


I shared a study on Facebook two months ago about the vaccine being linked to myocarditis and pericarditis in children and wrote "Something for parents to consider."

That got me banned and my account deleted. I was phasing out fb already, but that still pissed me off.

If you are under 30, the vax is a much greater threat to your health than the virus.