Hmm ... lots to think about here. I have some different ideas; just adding for discussion, not to start a fight.
Someone here should just start a scope brand, or talk
@Ryan Avery into it.
I'm not personally convinced about this. Just look at the rash of new scope brands of the last few years alone - Riton, Arken, Element, Swamp Fox, Athlon, and so on ... frankly, I think it's getting kinda silly. There's also a lot of work in setting up overheads, marketing, and so on for a new company, when we could just use an existing one.
I think there is enough industry networking in enough people at/on Rokslide that the right entity to manufacturer is one of two degrees away.
I'd hope so. But the key thing is they'd have to listen ... some industry people have spoken with Form, and not listened. And we know of at least two reticle designers who've had scope companies approach them to design a reticle just for them ... and then those companies haven't listened. There are opposite examples as well (ZCO with Nick), but there'd have to be some way to ensure the scope company doesn't cluck it up.
I do think there'd be a hard decision to buy if it went over $999. I think it would be in a much better market around $599. I say that knowing how popular Vortex and Leupold are due to being "affordable". If folks really want to change the consumer mindset into demanding reliability, you have to show them that they can afford to pay for it. Otherwise the mindset will continue of "I can't afford a Nightforce, I'm just a hunter, etc."
For the 'perfect' scope? I'm not so sure. For context, Bushnell sold the LHRS2 for $1615, while GAP had them listed until only recently at $959. While that platform is chunkier than we want, it's getting close, and reliability is up there ... so $1000 looks like it could be possible. The Tenmile 3-18x44 shows up for me as under $1500 at EuroOptic. Not sure what it's usual retail is; I get a first responder discount. But again suggests $1500 is both doable for a pricepoint on both the supply and demand sides. And I'm not sure this project is about changing the consumer mindset to demand reliability at a cheap price - we already have the SWFA 3-9 as a vehicle to do that. It's worked for many, but not for mass take-up ... and I'm fine with that.
I think both Tract and Maven COULD do it tomorrow, far more than capable. I think it would be a huge pill to swallow because then they would be insulting their existing products.
Have we seen either of them pass a drop test?
I think Bushnell could do it as well, just revive the 3-12 elite tactical.
Nightforce has no need to do anything like that.
I agree! And even though the LRTS/LRHS 3-12 was slightly chunky too, if it had the THLR reticle, that's possibly all I'd run for a hunting scope.
I don't think trijicon is capable because there seems to be at least one person there that approves nonsensical product line features (ten mile vs HX) and would likely screw it up.
Maybe, but the that still shows that they know how to do it right for the ones they get right. Even if they just put the THLR reticle in the Tenmile 3-18x44, I'd go for that - it's a little long, but 24.4 oz / 692 grams is about as good as we've seen so far.