Where would you move to out west if you could?

I’d look into the four corners area. My wife and I have traveled all over the western US and have visited a lot of the smaller to mid sized towns. This was one of our favorite areas.
That's the million dollar question. I was born and raised in CO, but looking elsewhere for the first time in my life. We might just have to split our time because I hate winter, but I also won't do humidity in the summer. So I'm thinking maybe a split between WY and maybe AZ.......don't know. I'm an opportunist, so I'll just keep on looking until something catches my eye and my heart.

My cousin lives in south west Arizona in the fall and winter and Wyoming in the spring and summer. He loves it.
I made the move from midwest to west 11 years ago...we decided I needed a frontier whether it be mountains or the ocean. Chose mountains. Look very closely at cost of living in relation to salary. You can make less here and live well. When I moved we got 5 acres with water rights and a modest 2000 square foot home for the same price at same time my brother-in-law got a tiny 2 bedroom condo in a crappy part of Nashville. Often the ratio of salary:cost of living can makes finding a lower paying job worth it. Extreme example...move to California (uhgg) and you'll get paid quite a bit more, but some places you won't find housing under $600,000 or more. At what point does lower salary vs cost of living make lower salary worth it? Up to you but something to consider.

Public land is a huge draw that you will realize how awesome it is if you make the move.

Best of luck!
I had to move East but ya I threw my stuff in the truck when I was 18 and left I’m 33 now and my parents just moved to town 6 months ago I’ll never leave Montana it just always called to me

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I'd recommend Wyoming so you can hunt Wilderness areas there without using a guide. Definitely rule out Oregon and Washington, their hunting opportunities aren't worth moving for. Only other thing I'll add is that if fishing ranks a little higher than hunting Wilderness areas in Wyoming, Idaho gives you a chance to fish salmon and steelhead when runs are decent, not to mention some C&R sturgeon opportunities.
I am biased but Southern Arizona is a great place to live. Sure it is hot in the summer but 70 degrees and sunny today. Mountains only a few hours away.

Job market is pretty strong with the likes of Raytheon and Catapillar expanding.
Wyoming...parts of Montana.

If you are not afraid of manual labor you could make a good living in Bozeman area. No one wants to work out there and a lot of the "skilled" labor is not so skilled if you get my drift. I have had family there since the 90s and currently my mom and sister live there. I also worked around there for a few years.

Problem is cost of living is high unless you move 30-40minutes outside and drive in. Personally I would avoid it like the plague as MT will be just like CO in not too long and Bozeman is the epicenter. Really sad to see what it has become.

Billings may fit your job experience better.
The west is changing for sure - but it’s not getting better any time soon. You wait until everything is perfect based on your expectations and you’ll simply do
We have 2 refineries in Wyoming, Cheyenne and Sinclair. Don't know if you could find work in one though.
Lots of construction in Laramie for UW, that is one option for work.
Cost of living is much lower here but wages are also.
Many folks snowbird here when they get to retirement age, head to Arizona for winter.
We have outstanding fishing, trout and walleye with some crappie thrown in. Warm water fishing and cooler water streams and lakes.
Hunting almost everything OTC is a big plus.
I’d look into the four corners area. My wife and I have traveled all over the western US and have visited a lot of the smaller to mid sized towns. This was one of our favorite areas.

My cousin lives in south west Arizona in the fall and winter and Wyoming in the spring and summer. He loves it.

Four Corners? No wonder, pro 80% of the people that live there are from CA
Whitefish aka (East California)...... Find a place you can afford to live and have a job lined up before you move. What a lot of people fantasize about moving out west is quickly disappearing. With all of the mass west coast exodus and retirees with money buying up land it's really creating a serious issues on the average joe who wants to live there. On top of it there has been a serious problem with ultra rich buying up land and blocking access to public land. Weyerhauser just sold to Southern Pine and they were the same ones who sold huge tracts of land to the Wilks brothers. I'd recommend Wyoming, seems to be the last hold out (other than Jackson) as the true west. Or Alaska, but last time I visited the Kenai it was changing too.
I’ve been Seriously wanting to move out West for the last 10 years or so also. My wife and I were going to move to MT in 2012 but it didn’t work out for one reason or another and then we had kids and that also delayed things a bit. I went back to school and will finally graduate in May. We’re planning on moving as soon as possible after that. It’s always been Montana or Wyoming for us but lately I’ve decided I’m gonna focus on Wyoming first for the reasons given in the post above mine. I’ll be just fine with it if we end up in Montana but I’m a little worried about the Californication of it. I’ve seen a lot of that here in TN already. Good luck in whatever you decide to do.