Where would you move to out west if you could?

Alaska, pretty sure you could find some refinery work. I moved to AK from OK 5.5 years ago, But my wife wants to move back because we just had a kid.

I got here 5.5 yrs ago as well. Had our first kid in October 2018 and we planned to move back fall of 2019. By the time our kid was 6 months old, we already decided to stay and bought a house. There just isn’t a better place to raise kids. On top of the outdoor activities, we also have what seems like an endless supply of superfoods (salmon, wild game, berries) driving our decision.

I get people’s lower wages but lower cost of living argument, but you also have to take into account a much more relevant factor - savings percentages. We live in a high wages/high cost of living area. If you are saving 20% into your retirement and are maintaining a relatively similar lifestyle whether making, for example 100k vs 60k, you can potentially have an extra 1-2 million at retirement over a 35 year career (or choose to retire VERY early and then move to that low cost of living area). Just a thought as it’s all about priorities. If I’m working full time past the age of 45, it’s simply because I love my job and they give me mountains of vacation time!
I got here 5.5 yrs ago as well. Had our first kid in October 2018 and we planned to move back fall of 2019. By the time our kid was 6 months old, we already decided to stay and bought a house. There just isn’t a better place to raise kids. On top of the outdoor activities, we also have what seems like an endless supply of superfoods (salmon, wild game, berries) driving our decision.

I get people’s lower wages but lower cost of living argument, but you also have to take into account a much more relevant factor - savings percentages. We live in a high wages/high cost of living area. If you are saving 20% into your retirement and are maintaining a relatively similar lifestyle whether making, for example 100k vs 60k, you can potentially have an extra 1-2 million at retirement over a 35 year career (or choose to retire VERY early and then move to that low cost of living area). Just a thought as it’s all about priorities. If I’m working full time past the age of 45, it’s simply because I love my job and they give me mountains of vacation time!

Its not the money for her, its family!
The wife & I have plans to move to Montana to raise our two boys, but the prices for houses out there are getting out of hand considering the job market. The point is to move to a place where I can't see my neighbors.

Plans now are to save for a down payment and rent out the house we live in now to make it work. I just hope I can afford something with some land or close to water.

Any luck & I'll get her to move to Ketchikan, AK....seems like a nice little secluded area with mild weather....but it's going to be a tough sale since she set her eyes on Montana.
I moved from Oregon to Colorado about 3 years ago. Moved in the middle of the mountains 4 hours from the front range, no Californication here. Any of the states you mentioned are being hit by the mass exodus of California, Idaho being number 1. I have friends who live in Idaho and Flathead Valley Montana and it truly is the new places for Californians to go. They heard Colorado was full, and if you watch census trends at all you’ll notice people are leaving Colorado too, good riddance. If I were you I’d look at Wyoming if I had to choose lower 48, although Kanye West and Kim Kardashian just bought up there as well, I’m sure they’ll have their CA friends join soon, and I’m not talking Jackson either. I think people need to get over this California thing, just move somewhere they don’t, which usually means stay away from the cities. The Rocky Mountain west is a sweet place to live, pick a spot and enjoy, and don’t worry about the Californians, cause there’s idiots migrating from other places too, if that bothers you I’d choose somewhere in Yukon Territory. It’s just the way life is now, more humans=less space.

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About the only thing Wyoming has going for it is the harsh climate, lack of jobs, and hungry grizzly bears. Otherwise it would be right behind MT and ID in rapid growth. Major employers (at least in NW WY) are shutting down for good here left and right yet the cost of real estate is skyrocketing. I guess that reflects on the type of folks moving here. I'm still trying to figure out what Kanye West is doing here, his ranch is situated in one of the windiest places in the basin, semi trucks consistently get blown over on the nearby highway. I'm curious as to what his long term plans are.

I grew up in the Flathead valley and it makes me sick to my stomach every time I go home to visit family. It's a completely unrecognizable rat race and its lost any of the charm that made it so popular to begin with. I can't imagine what Western MT will look like in 10 years. I guess this is a little bit of an opinionated rant but finding that "last best place in the mountains" might be quickly disappearing or already gone.
I would move to WY if I had a choice simply because of low population and the amount of opportunities available to you as a resident.

Boom. This is the right answer IMHO as would be some limited parts of Montana and Idaho. Montana is getting Californicated, Washington-ated and Minnesotta-ated at an alarming rate. Boise is North Las Angeles. In my opinion Sheridan and Cody Wyoming are awesome, been visiting friends there more often for the past few years. I'm not moving, but if i were it would be Wyoming.
I lived in Southwest Utah (La Verkin) for a couple of years and very much enjoyed it. General tags were fairly easy to come by, housing wasn't terrible and there was always something to do outside. If it's your thing you can be in Vegas in just over 2 hours and in surrounding states with good OTC hunts fairly quickly.
I can't imagine what Western MT will look like in 10 years. I guess this is a little bit of an opinionated rant but finding that "last best place in the mountains" might be quickly disappearing or already gone.

I agree with you. When you live in a desirable place it gets noticed, especially with all the social media nowadays. I used to think Sunset Magazine was bad with their “Best Town in the West” articles. But to blame Californians for wanting to move someplace for the same reasons YOU wanna move, is self serving. My wife and I lived off-grid in the Siskiyou Mountains of Oregon, a lot of our “neighbors” were Californians. They hunted, fished, plowed snow and we helped each other when someone needed it. They left that place behind and adapted to their new lifestyles, and some already had that lifestyle before leaving CA. I think where Californians get a bad rap is with the rich ones who bring their entitlement with them, and then want to turn their new community into what they left behind. Those folks are evidence to what Sun Valley, Jackson, Whitefish, Aspen and Vail have turned into. Find yourself a cool little ranching town that offers what you are looking for and I guarantee you you’ll be happy in any of the states on your list. Finding work is another matter though. Good luck and hope you find your place.

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I agree with you. When you live in a desirable place it gets noticed, especially with all the social media nowadays. I used to think Sunset Magazine was bad with their “Best Town in the West” articles. But to blame Californians for wanting to move someplace for the same reasons YOU wanna move, is self serving. My wife and I lived off-grid in the Siskiyou Mountains of Oregon, a lot of our “neighbors” were Californians. They hunted, fished, plowed snow and we helped each other when someone needed it. They left that place behind and adapted to their new lifestyles, and some already had that lifestyle before leaving CA. I think where Californians get a bad rap is with the rich ones who bring their entitlement with them, and then want to turn their new community into what they left behind. Those folks are evidence to what Sun Valley, Jackson, Whitefish, Aspen and Vail have turned into. Find yourself a cool little ranching town that offers what you are looking for and I guarantee you you’ll be happy in any of the states on your list. Finding work is another matter though. Good luck and hope you find your place.

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I do not blame folks from California, or anyone else, for wanting to move to a better place.....not at all. The problem is just as you stated......they don't want to move and adapt themselves to the local culture. They want to move and change the local culture to the way they had it where they came from. This I do have a problem with. Believe it or not, some people don't want to be "progressive". Individually, they are probably good people for the most part. Collectively, they are a wave of cultural destruction on the places they choose to populate.
I agree with you. When you live in a desirable place it gets noticed, especially with all the social media nowadays. I used to think Sunset Magazine was bad with their “Best Town in the West” articles. But to blame Californians for wanting to move someplace for the same reasons YOU wanna move, is self serving. My wife and I lived off-grid in the Siskiyou Mountains of Oregon, a lot of our “neighbors” were Californians. They hunted, fished, plowed snow and we helped each other when someone needed it. They left that place behind and adapted to their new lifestyles, and some already had that lifestyle before leaving CA. I think where Californians get a bad rap is with the rich ones who bring their entitlement with them, and then want to turn their new community into what they left behind. Those folks are evidence to what Sun Valley, Jackson, Whitefish, Aspen and Vail have turned into. Find yourself a cool little ranching town that offers what you are looking for and I guarantee you you’ll be happy in any of the states on your list. Finding work is another matter though. Good luck and hope you find your place.

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That last best place that everyone showed up for in 2000’s was already a shadow of its self. I left in 1995. Used to get a night ski pass for Whitefish entire season for $125. Worked 3 jobs on main street in Whitefish in High school, no traffic, mostly locals and Canadians visiting except the few celebrities that owned places on the mountain or lake before it was “discovered”.

We were complaining about Californians in 1992, and you know what? Some of my best friends growing up were from Cali, conservative, now pillars of the community. It will be alright, life’s short enjoy what you can.

In 20 years everyone in Montana will be wishing it was still like today, just enjoy it while you can, nothing stays the same. If you want to move somewhere nothing changes, I can point you to a few villages here in AK that will have the same or less number of residents in 10 years.

To the OP, if you are in the oil industry, I’d look at WY, ND. Montana is not too friendly with oil exploration.

Better yet, go to Alaskapipelinejobinfo.com and sign up for the news letter. Get a job in AK on the slope, work 3 weeks on/3 off and live wherever you want, trust me it’s fun when you are single! It’s like an annual vacation people save all year for every 3 weeks!
I do not blame folks from California, or anyone else, for wanting to move to a better place.....not at all. The problem is just as you stated......they don't want to move and adapt themselves to the local culture. They want to move and change the local culture to the way they had it where they came from. This I do have a problem with. Collectively, they are a wave of cultural destruction on the places they choose to populate.

Read this again. And again.
Man I might be in the minority here but I used to dream of hunting west but I’ve since realized that the Midwest is where I’m staying.

Cost of living is cheap as hell, plenty of jobs, no crazy winters (at least not here in southern IN). Tons and tons of hunting opportunities for whitetail, turkeys, predators, and small game that I can do cheaply and easily.... and honestly I see no major threats to my whitetail hunting in this area. IE there’s tons of them and tons of places to hunt them unlike what seems to be happening with elk and mulies out west.

I can afford a few acres and a nice house here that would probably get me like a 2 room apartment in the Rockies. It’s just not a good trade off for me and a family. Plus being close to your family is so vital IMO. It just makes raising a family better in every way having free help and a support system.

Save your money and get a flexible job and just travel. That’s my 2 cents.

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Man I might be in the minority here but I used to dream of hunting west but I’ve since realized that the Midwest is where I’m staying.

Cost of living is cheap as hell, plenty of jobs, no crazy winters (at least not here in southern IN). Tons and tons of hunting opportunities for whitetail, turkeys, predators, and small game that I can do cheaply and easily.... and honestly I see no major threats to my whitetail hunting in this area. IE there’s tons of them and tons of places to hunt them unlike what seems to be happening with elk and mulies out west.

I can afford a few acres and a nice house here that would probably get me like a 2 room apartment in the Rockies. It’s just not a good trade off for me and a family. Plus being close to your family is so vital IMO. It just makes raising a family better in every way having free help and a support system.

Save your money and get a flexible job and just travel. That’s my 2 cents.

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I am also in the midwest (eastern Kansas) and am realizing how good things are here for hunting between KS and NE. Colorado, Arizona, Montana and maybe one or two other places a year for hunting trips ain't too bad. Even pretty easy for me to take a summer scouting trip with my job if I pull a good tag or just need something to go do for a week.
If I was your age with your work experience I'd move to Alaska! But, since AK was not a choice I'd be looking at WY.
If I was your age with your work experience I'd move to Alaska! But, since AK was not a choice I'd be looking at WY.
I’m not against Alaska. I’ve just never been there. Never experienced it in person. What areas do people consider good places to live up there? If I were to take a trip up this summer, where should I go?
I’m not against Alaska. I’ve just never been there. Never experienced it in person. What areas do people consider good places to live up there? If I were to take a trip up this summer, where should I go?
You should visit AK before making a decision. Jobs are plentiful but cost of living is much higher than the lower 48. Hunting and fishing opportunities are incredible for residents.
I have friends on Wrangell Island, if I could afford it I'd have a summer home there. Last summer we flew to Anchorage and rented a car. Spent three weeks traveling. We stayed in Palmer (w a friend who is a resident) Denali, Girdwood, Seward and Homer. Homer was our favorite City. Wife and I are towing our travel trailer to AK this summer. Hope to fish the Kenai River during one of the salmon runs.