When do children return to school where you are?

8/22. Get out early June.

Our kids get off more random ass days throughout the year than I care to count. Almost like parents of young kids don't need to work or something.

We live in a university town and it's a lovely place to live, but there's some real bullshit that comes along with it. Chief complaint, our schools have off an entire week for spring break so all the professors and administrators can travel and do things travelly people do. I get it's a college town and I signed up for it, but the town is starting to get to the size where the college should not be wagging the town's tail anymore. It's complete horse shit trying to find childcare or anything to do in PA in early March, probably the absolute worst time to have a week off. My least favorite week of the year, thanks for the oppo to rant about that.
They actually delayed it a week this year...its usually the same day as deer opener 8/15...but it's the following week this year...my boys are pumped.
We always started school after Labor Day and were done end of May or first couple days of June. Then I remember one year the district decided to start like the 20th of August. Well, the state fair always ends Labor Day weekend. That year the schools were like 50% empty when they started because most the kids had animals they were showing at the fair. The next year they started after LD again.

We always had fall fly fishing trips every year, and my dad always told the schools we wouldn't be there until we were done with our trips, which was always sometime in September.

Now some districts start early August, and the rest start by mid Aug. It's crazy.

We started homeschooling our youngest in 2019 right before Covid started, thankfully. She loves it. She starts when she wants, works when she wants, and ends when she wants.
August 15 start for 3rd grade, get out May 29 (Wed AFTER Memorial Day). You better believe my kids aren't going back after Memorial Day because we'll be doing something fun. The school is a joke then anyway, because the standardized testing is over with, and all they do is screw around.
One started last Friday and the other started the Tuesday before. Having kids in different school zones is a challenge lol