What’s the best wild game meat?

Someone put bear on this list. Bear is definitely a step up from a livery gross mallard but I wouldn’t put it on the best tasting list lol. I don’t get too exited about a chewy bear steak. And it has a funky weird smell when cooking. I think it’s best used in pepperoni and summer sausage. The best:
Followed by mule deer
Quail and wood duck I think are my favorites.

Maybe because I eat so much venison and wild pork, I view those birds as delicacies. I don’t have much time to chase them and even when I do you only get a little bit of it…
probably not as popular or well known, but beaver meat is fantastic table fare. has the consistency of pot roast, it moist like a dark turkey leg, and when prepared properly, zero game flavor. high in protein and other nutrients. i tell everyone they are a water deer. pretty dang tasty. actually getting ready to pressure can a bunch up tomorrow
Mallard ducks... all I see are streaks with wings filling the air... I imagine it's what heaven looks like.

My buddy gave me some of his moose last season, pretty great as others have said.
Dall sheep.... Seasoned with a Ramen noodles flavor packet... Cooked on a rock over a smoky willow fire... while looking at the perfect mixture of water, grass, and decaying, vertical geology
In order of most delicious:

1.) Quail
2.) Berry fed grouse from wet side Oregon
3.) Elk
4.) Moose

In order of most disgusting
1.) Ducks
2.) Geese