Game Bags

Caribou, shake the loose stuff off, soak in cold water and bleach and throw in the washing machine. Tough and look like new after many years. BTW, my wife washes them.
Grakksaw are the lightest I've found. Under 6oz for 5 of their XL bags. They are for boned out meat only though, will not fit a bone in quarter.

I just got some argali M.O.B bags. 15oz for the set.
Ive used caribou, allen and tag bags. Tag bags take my vote. Only ripped one on a broken shoulder bone on a higher shot. Otherwise, they wash and do great for the last 3 years.

Hauled elk, antelope, deer, you name it.
another vote for caribou bags here. I bought the Wapiti pack a few years back and they've transported a couple elk, 4 black bears, 5 deer. Love em.

Fold up small, light weight, clean easily, dry fast and are super tough. I've yet to see any downside beyond initial cost.

I bought the Wapiti pack a few years back and they've transported a couple elk, 4 black bears, 5 deer. Love em.
What’s everyone’s favorite game bags to run Colorado Elk

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Don't overthink it. They are just a bag all they need to do is hold meat together and breathe. My family and friends have hung a lot of elk in trees. And $1.99 cheese cloth bag work just fine and weigh a lot less.

Ok feel free to hate on me now.
I was running caribou for a while. Switched to argali they are a lighter. Both good, but I like the argali better.
Have packed out one elk and at least a few dozen deer in Argali bags and have no complaints.
After reading all the buzz, I just grabbed Graaksaw as another spare set (can easily take multiple bucks in a weekend with the bow while in AU).
I like Argali for the weight in the pack- I will usually do a final clean-up and re-bag with Caribou's once back to the truck or camp- they don't seem to stick to the quarters as bad.
I have the Argali bags and have used them for the past 3 years. Really like how lightweight, strong and breathable they are. They also clean up really nicely.
I have used the same set of Black Ovis for a few years now. Been pretty happy with them but cannot say I have tried many others as I just have not seen a need to switch.
Argali bags have done well by me and the guys I hunt with. We’ve got a few black Ovis bags in the mix too that are great. Each guy with an elk tag typically carries the argali MOB set + 1 xl black ovis bag.

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I’ve used the same set of pillow cases for 10 years on deer and elk. I had my wife stitch some paracord into the top of it so I can cinch it and hang it. You can also put them in a vacuum sealer to make them a little more compact and fit in your pack.
Decided to post what I actually use….. I have no idea what they are. A mix of cloth, canvas style, cheesecloth that customers have left at my plant over the years. Just washed them and store them in a couple of boxes in my seasoning storage room. I don’t think I have ever bought a game bag in my life. 🤣
Another vote for Caribou. Have two sizes, the larger working well for bone in elk. The smaller is what I use mostly for boned out elk, deer, lion, etc.