Aron just showed off the Nargali (or however it's spelled) on his IG feed....NO MOLLE!!! TAKE MY MONEY PLEASE!!!
lol...they have a million packs with zippers. This bag is specifically for people who want a light weight, simple, top load bag. I have been waiting a couple years for this bad boy and will be buying it on opening day.I like the looks, but wish it had a zipper access into the main bag. Top access only is kind of a bummer.
lol...they have a million packs with zippers. This bag is specifically for people who want a light weight, simple, top load bag. I have been waiting a couple years for this bad boy and will be buying it on opening day.
lol...a side zipper may add 1.5oz. Regardless, its a sweet pack. Besides the Hoodlum its the only pack that really has me have a million packs with zippers. This bag is specifically for people who want a light weight, simple, top load bag. I have been waiting a couple years for this bad boy and will be buying it on opening day.
Yeah, and they already have a bag that is almost exactly what you are describing...the Muskeg. It has your zipper and weighs just a few ounces more than this pack side zipper may add 1.5oz. Regardless, its a sweet pack. Besides the Hoodlum its the only pack that really has me excited.
Not really. the large side pockets are key feature on the new bag. Its the real reason that kept me from pulling trigger on a Muskeg. They could drop a couple oz if the muskeg lost the Cardura back pocket.Yeah, and they already have a bag that is almost exactly what you are describing...the Muskeg. It has your zipper and weighs just a few ounces more than this pack will.
Putting a zipper on this bag defeats the entire purpose of what they are trying to do. They currently have no top-load packs in their lineup, this fills that niche for guys that are looking for it. If you don't want a top-load just buy a Muskeg.
Zip your $500 quilt into a side zipper and tear it once and you won't want one any more either..Not really. the large side pockets are key feature on the new bag. Its the real reason that kept me from pulling trigger on a Muskeg. They could drop a couple oz if the muskeg lost the Cardura back pocket.