What's in your bino harness

Nice setup. Looks like you got some possible items there.
Pretty sure I'm about to pick up the new Eberlestock Recon harness. Probably just the rf pouch to add on the bino pouch/harness. Already have some other stuff to attach that work for my other small items I want in reach.
I have one and am really happy with it so far. I just don’t have side pouches figured out yet. The Eberlestock ones are small volume for what I’m trying to carry.
I run an FHF. I was pretty stoked to have a little spot for the revolver using the straps that the rangefinder pouch connects to the bino harness with20240213_095042~2.jpg
Monarch 7s 10x42 a rangefinder and various doodads. Lighter, calls, I slip my phone in it too.
marsupial gear
front zip pocket: lic/tags, diaphragm calls*
back pouch: cell phone
left pouch: thumb release* or misc odds & ends (don't always feel confident my release will stay put and do worry if i put it in all the way it could tweak my adjustments)
right pouch: wind checker
left side accessory: range finder pouch
right side accessory: radio pouch*
under: was running the bow clips but would caution that the plastic will wear your bow string if you move around

*depending on hunt
I’ve been keeping a range finder, small scissors, wind checker, archery hex tool, a small knife, and my calls generally. Oh and of course my cellphone

I sometimes will carry a sharpie or a small set of stickers/tape for range days.

I’ll also carry my pistol on my bino harness.

I stopped carrying my release on my bino harness because it would sometimes hit my bow or rattle around. I’ve since switched to a Kydex holder for it that I keep on my waist.
I use the AGC Ravus Harness.
Mine has binos, Rangefinder in a pouch on the right side.
Back has tags and licence.
Bottom basement pouch has MSR Aqua tabs, Emergency Blanket, Fire Starter and Zoleo
Left side pouch has Windicator
Have a side pocket Marsupial:

- Aqua tabs
- whirl pak water pouches
-very compact battery pack (emergencies only)
-small multi head charging cord (phone, head lamps)
-Ferro rod
-NU 25 lamp

And the usual Wind checker, range Finder, hidden canyon knife, hunting licence.

Basically a last ditch survival kit on my chest for when the pack gets dropped.
Besides binos, range finder, and extra rounds, anything that I'd need to make it out should I lose my pack for any reason.
I'll play. Marsupial mag case. Back mesh has a Kestrel caper knife in S90V. Right side pocket has a wind checker. Left side pocket has Chapstick. Front zip has optics brush, lense wipes and mini Bic. Ear plugs are usually stashed in one of the pockets. RF is hanging off right side in its pouch. Skinning knife (Buck 141 Paklite) hangs in its sheath on left side. Wonder if I "need" more gear, but I'm seldom very far from my pack. Kill kit and tags live in there.
The only thing in my bino harness is my binos. If I want a sandwich, it will be in my backpack. As a bow hunter, I don’t want the Beverly Hillbillys’ truck look protruding outward from my chest. I do have a separate rangefinder pouch on the side, only because it is less movement to use, as opposed to reaching for it on the belt.
I’ve got a bunch. Lately I’ve been using the Eberlestock recon. I typically have my rangefinder attached in its own pouch. Then have a scent/wind checker. If anything would be extra in a pocket, it would either be my tag or my phone. Pretty simple.
FHF harness.
Standard loadout: 10x or 12x bino; rangefinder; lens pen; wind check; folding knife; drivers license, bank card and hunting license in a small heavy-duty plastic zip pouch. Extra pouch on the bottom molle with rain cover and extra pair of glasses in a hard case.

Backyard woodlots... Post-season for small game:
This harness works great as a muzzle loader possibles bag for my .32 Cherokee.
Range finder for confirming distance for hold-over; knife; license/card pack; cleaning kit and extra caps in the bottom pouch; folding ammo pouch with ten 2 dram glass vials with 20 grains 3F powder; short starter; in-line capper; small screwdriver; bullet board with six .32 patch/balls.

If I go off my property to state game lands or a friends place, I will move this kit to two small molle pouches that I attach to a larger fanny pack with shoulder straps. That will carry a large thermos of coffee, food and several squirrels/rabbits, which I usually clean and zip-lock bag in the field.


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Marsupial Enclosed with range finder pouch and large zip pouch. Venandi custom holster on the back and blue force gear TQ holder.
  • Athlon Midas G2 10x42
  • Bushel Broadhead RF
  • Glock 19
  • Esee Izula II
  • Black diamond storm rechargeable headlamp
  • Wind check
  • Milkweed pouch
  • License/tags
  • Pen & sharpie
  • Zip tie
  • Nitrile gloves
  • Spare AAA batteries
  • Spare hot hands
Need to add rangefinder battery and some D loop material.



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Marsupial Enclosed with range finder pouch and large zip pouch. Venandi custom holster on the back and blue force gear TQ holder.
  • Athlon Midas G2 10x42
  • Bushel Broadhead RF
  • Glock 19
  • Esee Izula II
  • Black diamond storm rechargeable headlamp
  • Wind check
  • Milkweed pouch
  • License/tags
  • Pen & sharpie
  • Zip tie
  • Nitrile gloves
  • Spare AAA batteries
  • Spare hot hands
Need to add rangefinder battery and some D loop material.

View attachment 681012
Thanks! These lists are so much better when accompanied by a photo.

Quick question - what's your use for a carabiner carried in a bino harness?
Quick question - what's your use for a carabiner carried in a bino harness?
Two purposes:

1. I saddle hunt and 50/50 leave the bino harness on. I use the carabiner to hang the harness on my strap

2. It’s a fully climbing rated carabiner so it’s just a good back up to have for when you’re in and out of trees. Can be part of a emergency decent system or help prevent suspension trauma
Sitka Bino Bivy
4-5 rounds for my rifle
Lens cloth
Pocket knife

This year I’m going to add a compass to it
Update here:

Marsupial Gear but soon to be moving to a no mag from them
Lens cloth
Suunto MC-2 Compass
Cell in back pocket
Aziak Inreach mini mount on harness

Hunt Variables:
RF Pouch
Bear Spray
Down under pouch for ammo
Side pouch ammo or other accessories
Marsupial bino harness

Range finder, binos, spare range finder battery, wind checker, lens cleaner , license and tags
AGC max
Main pouch - 12x52 binos
Front zip- ear plugs, 1ea spare round, food bar.
Bottom zip- CT , 3ft or orange marking ribbon
Left zip- , 3ft of p cord tied in a loop
Right zip- no8 opinel, bic wrapped in electrical tape
Rear zip- ziplock with tags, license, I.D.

Will add or remove items depending on the hunt type. Can really pack thing in there if needed.