What strange things do you do to prep for season?

I’m still laughing at the elk calls at a red light. If someone did that here in commie central I’d start clapping. 🤣
I dont have anything wierd I do, but I know I'm gonna wait until my 3 teenage daughters are in the car and rip a big hole bugle off when I know I'll embarrass the hell out of them. It's a dad's right to embarrass their daughters.
Living in south Louisiana I do more internet research. For hunting season I like to get ready by shooting my bow from different positions; one foot, on top of a trash can, one knee, draw from a kneeling position and creep around the lawnmower to rip a shot and other weird angles. For waterfowl hunting I always practicing duck/goose calling in my truck to and from work. It's pretty common here as I see others doing it too. Usually half the trucks you see leading up to duck season have lanyards around the rearview mirror. For winter speckled trout wade fishing season I test my waders in the in-law's pool for leaks because the winter coastal conditions can be brutal and being wet sucks! I also test my twitch-baits to better understand their sink rates and action.
Great thread and some funny stuff.

and agree on being careful with barfoot running, I made that mistake and was down for a few months.

You guys know most my dirty secrets but...

Ryan tests adult diapers in the off season—to see how many days he go without changing. Was up to three when he blew a seam, so he’s shopping new brands. Supposed to have us a review soon.

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Can't clean that up with a frozen wet wipe!
I got thinking about this topic a bit after reading through Robby's sleeping bag review thread. Sometimes we do things to prepare for hunting season that most people would find strange, like choosing to sleep outside in the yard at 15 degree temps to test the limits of your cold weather sleeping bag and getting it wet to add another layer of testing. Post up what strange things you've done the prepare yourself physically, mentally, to shake out gear, etc. It can be related to fitness, gear, or whatever else comes to mind. I'll start off with a few I've done in the past that others find odd.

  • As mentioned above, I've done some backyard tests on cold weather gear down to about 14 degree temps and my wife thought I was nuts
  • Mowing the lawn with a weighted pack (now that I live closer to a trail head this has mostly been replaced with weighted pack hikes but even those get me weird looks on the trail)
  • Practicing elk/turkey calls while driving. I love to rip a bugle at a red light and see how the cars around me react. My wife also appreciates that I do a lot of my practicing where she can't hear me.
  • To help mentally prepare myself to be okay with being uncomfortable I end my showers with at least a minute and a half on the coldest setting.
  • I've been known to put a different insole in each boot, or different socks on each foot and hike to see how things compare.
  • Shooting from other positions besides off a bench rest when at the range can get some funny looks at times but I feel is essential preparation.
I'm curious to see what everyone else comes up with. Maybe I'm hoping I'm not alone in being an oddball?
I quit caffeine beforehand so my sweat doesnt smell as much, I make and freeze a pile of venision and beaver hot pockets so aI have a snack ready in the car waiting.
I'm just a day hunter, I still have things.
1) I shoot year round, I might shoot once off the bench before the season (just because), I shoot a lot of different positions especially off a tripod. I'll start shooting out of shooting houses in late July/August (I put a small coffee cup on a stick and shoot it at various ranges and times of day. If a hog is unlucky, I'll take out some of those while I'm at it.
2) Get all my gear laid out, depending on the season (deer, turkey, duck/goose, dove, etc.). Deer clothing gets extra attention for smell. Everything needs to work, fit, etc. Check packs and refill any necessary items.
3) Make sure I have plenty of bug dope to scout and early season hunting.
4) I walk more with an old backpack, bricks, and my boots.
5) Make sure I have unscented soap and shampoo in the shower.
6) Make sure the extra charger and cable are good to go.
7) Make sure the truck and SXS are ready.
8) To prepare for cold, I try to build up to leaving my hands and feet in ice water for 10 minutes at a time. Going from 90 degree heat all day to that is something at night.