What Did You Do With Your Old CDs?

My truck (2000 ford f 250) still has a functioning CD and cassette player and I have both that I still listen to . Only when I an drinking and driving though. Just kidding--- about the drinking and driving...Joe
I still purchase CDs, although I don't really listen to music while driving. Yet, I have a high end home stereo system and a stand-alone CD play at home and I prefer the CD audio quality over MP3 or other condensed audio formats.
My wife still has all hers and her '17 suv has a cd player so for now she's happy. She'll be mad when she has to upgrade. I'll probably put them on the pc and onto a USB she can plug n play
Still have a bunch of CD's with nothing to play them on. Of course I still have a drawer full of cassette tapes too. I might toss all of them some day...except for the Burnham Bros. yellow hammer woodpecker tape - lot of good memories with that one!
I busted one in half and carry it in my pack. The bottom side is better than a mirror in case you need to signal rescuers.
All 3 of em are still in center console of my truck I think the CD player might have quit though
I still listen to a lot of them on the home system, typically when no one else is around but the dogs.
Not too many Rush fans in my house.
As a former drummer, Neil was the standard. The family has already been warned, our next dog will be named Geddy.
We're a huge baseball family. My daughter asked if I could pick any 'walk up' song...without hesitation, I answered Tom Sawyer.