What Did You Do With Your Old CDs?

When my truck’s cd player broke, I got a cd burner and loaded everything onto my laptop, then moved my favorites onto an ipod which plugs into the truck.
I think the cds are in a box somewhere in the garage now…
I still have most but not all of them in a zip up binder. My truck still has a CD player and I use it.

My 16 year old daughter has a CD player in her car and has raided my wife’s and my binders a few times.
At some point I came across a card-catalogue-esque (if you remember what one of those are) piece of furniture made for storing CDs. Twenty-four drawers of 20-ish CDs per drawer, sits in the corner of my office. All been ripped years ago, but my kids get a kick out of listening to my "retro" music in their cars which still have CD players.
i burned all the stuff i wanted to MP3.
sold the good stuff that i didn't want to record store and/or garage sale
donated the crap to goodwill
and i STILL have a three foot long stack of CDs

i make mix CDs for xmas and hand them off to friends and now people say "i don't have a CD player..."
merry xmas
Heck, I'm still buying CD's. Down load to a hard drive and then onto a flash drive then into the car. I don have an in vehicle streaming service and only have amazon music for CD's that I've bought and have autorip download for the purchased CD. A lot of music I listen isn't on available on the streaming services.
Sold a SUV and forgot to get my Linkin Park A Thousand Suns CD out of the player. Chaps my ass to this day.

If anyone is looking to get rid of that one, pm me. Or Breaking Benjamin’s Phobia album. Lost that one somewhere too.
Ripped them to MP3 although I have a few vehicles that can play CDs. I don't listen to that much music any more though.
umm... until recently, i still had a vehicle with a cassette player in it and i still have a truck with a CD player.
so i guess the answer is... keep them?
Keep them in a box in the basement. Now my 8-tracks and cassettes are in the garage. Definitely need to throw those out before my cd's!
Sold a SUV and forgot to get my Linkin Park A Thousand Suns CD out of the player. Chaps my ass to this day.

If anyone is looking to get rid of that one, pm me. Or Breaking Benjamin’s Phobia album. Lost that one somewhere too.
Man i feel your pain.... Got Tboned in my old f150 and left a CD that was burned for me by my smokin hot high school counselor.
Get a CD player at a garage sale and let your kids play them (if appropriate). Hang them in a tree to keep the birds off your fruit. I have a CD player in my truck and I've never used it. I tried ripping and burning DVDs so I could watch them off a thumb drive in the camper - what a pain in the ass
Theres's money in some CDs.
I have a bunch limited release and obscure rock, metal, progressive, jazz and fusion. Weird combination I know.
So its 2024 and I should know, how does one convert CDs to MP3, and put them on a thumb drive? My dad used a program to do this. I need to ask him.
Any of you guys use some sort of program?
Tossed most of my old cd's out but held on to a dozen or so of my favorites. I've got an old cd player out in the shop and play them when I'm out there working.
CD's...hmmm, I don't know. But I think I'll Just take those old records off the shelf, I'll sit and listen to 'em by myself. Today's music ain't got the same soul.
I like that old time rock and roll.

Man i feel your pain.... Got Tboned in my old f150 and left a CD that was burned for me by my smokin hot high school counselor.

Smokin hot high school counselor. That WOULD be painful.