What is your favorite TO carry pistol?

I have 5 in rotation depending on dress and how I’m feeling. In order of preferred (shoots best, carries well, ease of draw, etc)

1. Sig p229 Legion SAO appendix
2. Glock 43x appendix
3. Sig 365xl appendix
4. Kimber Micro 9 Rapide Sticky in waist or pocket
5. Ruger LCP sticky in pocket

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Kahr PM9 or CW9 in a IWB in the small of the back. I like the single stack mag and slim profile.
45 long colt ruger. Custom loaded for bear or to replace my rifle under crisis management. No need to conceal. Same handgun I carried while crawling through the bear tunnels in the salmon berries of southeast Alaska.
It's been a Sig 365 Macro for a little over a year now. By far, my favorite to carry / shoot in quite some time.
Sig 365xl is hard to beat for me. But I picked up a kel tec pmr, that thing is like a touch over 16oz with a fully loaded 30 rnd mag… it feels like a feather and being a 22 still very shootable
It isn’t always about the gun when conceal carry, the question would be about the holster and platform and attire.
100 degree heat and 100% humidity, you want a huge platform around your waist? You’re not going to be out in thick blue jeans or even thick shorts. Ok, some will, I’m not! I don’t have to wear a coat and tie anymore, so I don’t and therefore a shoulder holster is out.
OP, find a compact gun/guns “you” can shoot well and manipulate even better, first. Then, ask about what platform you need. You may need multiple guns, a pocket carry for super hot weather and a tucked gun for other times. Then, ask how people carry, describing your physique, etc. Small guys and big guys have different carry options and needs.
Very true. I can carry a small .380 in gym shorts. In the pocket or using my IWB holster. Awesome for quick trips to Home Depot or grocery store, taking the dog for an walk, etc.
Ruger LCP2 is what I carry. On my hip with a tuckable holster due to work. Not the best or most comfortable but it fits what I need to be able to do.

A week or so after I bought it, they released the 43X. Thats what I would have gotten.
Glock 42, appendix in a G-Code Eclipse holster. Small, light, comfortable, reliable, and I shoot it well.

Haven't bought a new handgun since before the P365s got popular but if I was in the market for a new carry piece I'd be looking hard at a P365 AXG Legion.
For me, it's gotta be my Glock 19. It's like the perfect size, not too big to be annoying, but still big enough to handle comfortably and shoot accurately. I've tried smaller guns, but I just don't shoot them as well.
Glock 43X with 15 round mags or Sig P365 with 12 round mags.

I wouldn’t hate a Glock 48 either.

With the availability of 15 round mags in the G43x/G48, slimmer profile and lighter weight, I see no reason to consider carrying a G19 anymore.
Charter Arms Snub nose 38spl.

if i need more than 5 shots, i've made enough bad choices up to that point that i deserve whatever I've gotten myself into
Most "comfortable" would be the LCP in a pocket holster. But I always feel like that's just a "better than nothing" option. I feel better with my 365x w/ dot. Appendix in a Vedder LightTuck.
When it's cold enough for a jacket or hoodie I carry a P365, summertime in shorts and a t-shirt it's the bodyguard 2.0. I'm 5'10" and 155lbs. No way could I conceal anything larger
I envy anyone that carries a larger weapon and doesn't mind it. I would love to carry my 2.0's, Glock 19, or my Walther.
But no matter the rig I hate anything IWB.
I can carry OWB, Micro 9s like my GX4, Shield, etc aren't too bad but I don't even like that. I'm consciously aware of it at all times, but I'm also the kind of guy that hates a ton of shit in his pockets, so I travel low drag.

Every so often I'll get the urge for a new pistol, telling myself that I'm going to carry it, but deep down I know that 95% of the time it's going to be my Ruger LCP in a Desantis pocket holster in my back pocket.
Although I am probably going to replace that with a Bodyguard 2.0