What is your favorite TO carry pistol?

Most days bodyguard 2.0 with vedder light tuck. Recently got that holster and I like it. Appendix. Sometimes I put it in the pocket with a sticky holster.

NAA mini revolver .22 mag in pocket with desantis pocket holster was my carry for a long time and still is in real dressy clothes or athletic wear.

365 if the outfit works for it. I have a N8 tactical IWB holster with suede back that is super comfortable but hard to draw, but it prints a little and I can’t seem to solve that. Might need a new holster for that one but for me a 365 is too big for my pocket.

I think I’ve retired my Taurus tcp 380, pockets or iwb so well and so small but the damn thing is just not reliable and I’ve tried a lot of stuff to make it reliable. The bodyguard 2.0 does just about everything better.
I’m a Dino. I’ll have a 2” or 3” K frame 38 either IWB in the summer or in an inside vest pocket in the winter. Pocket carry a J frame if wardrobe makes it impossible to hide a K. If for whatever reason I can’t hide the J my last resort is an old High Standard D101 DA derringer that I’ll pocket carry. If I have to go to the city after dark I’ll have a BHP in an IWB with an extra mag but that’s a rare occasion.

Really prefer the K frames. They’re much easier to shoot for me than smaller guns.
sig p365 here too. oddly enough, i shoot it best out of my lineup of commander and full size 1911s, g19, g27, g34, and g20
Spent 25 years as a LEO and 16 of them as a firearms instructor. For a long time, I carried a Glock 27. Then I went to a Glock 43. It was nice to have a small frame that was easy to carry and conceal. For the past 8 years I have been carrying a Glock 20, just liked the feel of the larger frame. Been kicking around a 5.7 idea.
Ruger LCP Max appendix carry in a Crossbreed The Reckoning holster. I’ll pocket carry it pretty often too in a DeSantis Super Fly. It has to be a comfortable setup all around or I’d be less likely to carry. The above combinations work well. The LCP Max is more than accurate enough at don’t go to jail distances. I’ve ran lots of different ammo through it without issue. I have found the Ruger mags can have a problem. Two out of eight mags between my LCP Max and LCP II would cause jams once in a while. Ruger replaced them free of charge no hassle and the replacements work fine.
P365 with an XL slide & 10 round grip frame & mag. I carry appendix in a modified Fat Guy holster (clip lowered for higher carry & claw added)

Equal fave is an old model LCP. 380 in a sticky pocket holster
Sig 365, appendix carry. I never understood how guys say a holster in appendix carry is uncomfortable. I wear one every day and honestly can’t even tell it’s there.
I'm also in the P365XL club. Appendix carry in a tenicor certum, holosun 507k sight, and Wilson combat grip module.

Lots of capability for the size and weight.
Another p365 vote here. I've got a few of them but a standard 365 is on my hip every day. put alot of rounds through without a hiccup and reasonable aftermarket support if you wantna play with it. plenty of holster options too.
lots of good options out there but the sig just fits my hands and gets on target fastest for me. and the 12 rd mag while still being very compact is nice. I shoot it better than my s&w and glocks.
Best thing I can suggest is find a few you like the feel of and try to go shoot them before you buy....or just buy all of them😜
It isn’t always about the gun when conceal carry, the question would be about the holster and platform and attire.
100 degree heat and 100% humidity, you want a huge platform around your waist? You’re not going to be out in thick blue jeans or even thick shorts. Ok, some will, I’m not! I don’t have to wear a coat and tie anymore, so I don’t and therefore a shoulder holster is out.
OP, find a compact gun/guns “you” can shoot well and manipulate even better, first. Then, ask about what platform you need. You may need multiple guns, a pocket carry for super hot weather and a tucked gun for other times. Then, ask how people carry, describing your physique, etc. Small guys and big guys have different carry options and needs.