What hunter stage are you in?

What stage are you in?

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I’m in the sportsman stage with a little bit of limiting out as well. I think as a lot have stated, we can all kind of fall into all of the categories depending on the hunt. Each hunt has its own different purpose. But getting my little ones involved and hunting with friends to make memories is what’s most important right now.
Im in the “proud of the hunts I’ve been able to afford while working a normal job to support my family yet wishes I had the personality or professional archery background to be a sponsored social media hunter that got to go on one “hunt of a lifetime” after another” camp
Definitely found myself transitioning into more of the method stage over the previous 2 years. I hit a point where I just was not enjoying sitting in a blind or tree stand on small patches of family land or friends land on Saturday mornings and Sunday evenings. If I can spend 3-6 days camping, still hunting/stalking, and see game up close (even if I don't seal the deal) I will go home satisfied. Traveling out-of-state, incorporating camping, and still hunting/stalking have really added the adventure to hunting that I really wanted and was not getting previously.
I'm a HUNTER. It's what I love to do and it'll never change.

Some days it's limiting out, some days it's only archery, some days its checking off a new species or filling a tag for the freezer, some days it's holding out for a specific mature animal, some days its the adventure or just being in the outdoors, some days its just having shot opportunities, it changes all the time depending on the quarry, the location, and the tag.
I'm not sure what category I best fit into. I enjoy the spot and stalk with my grand-kids. I am past the trophy stage and am now into the filling the freezer with healthy food options.
Definitely Sportsman stage. I have taken a lot of animals in my life. I have 4 boys ranging from 40 to 26 and I have never taken an animal any better than being with or watching those boys get one themselves.
I catch close to 100 bears a yr,and I personally haven’t killed a bear in over 10 yrs. It’s all about the chase for me , rather it be whitetails or hound hunting.
I’ m very surprised at the majority being in the Sportsman stage. I wonder how these categories correlate to respondents ages, if at all ?
Sportsman fits me the best, but I do miss the shooter stage, and enjoy reflecting back on that when there was no BS and I was purely hunting for an opportunity.

In text, the sportsman stage sounds the most elegant, but the shooter stage was the most pure stage of hunting… no rabbit holes, no thought on gear, hardly prepared for success, just out there grinding for a chance, and everything is new

Those in the shooter stage are my favorite people to take hunting and see successful. It seems like the most pure stage of hunting, just out there hunting for food and a full tag
For elk I'm in the Misogynist stage. I can only draw cow tags and I like to hunt them and put them in the freezer.

The more time you spend in the Trophy stage the more time you will spend in the Point Creep Sucks/ I Got No Tag/They Hate Non-residents Complaining stage.

Hunting deer I was for many years in the Trophy stage until I finally understood a quote by one of the Wensels. You can't kill a 160" deer if you are hunting a location without 160" deer no matter how hard you hunt.