What is everyone's career choice??

Ranch Manager for 20 yrs then I semi-retired about 10 yrs ago only to find that I was bored. I went back to work managing a ranch full time again this year. I have been able to work outdoors managing wildlife everyday for the last 30 yrs and get paid very well to do it. I still get to hunt and do wildlife photography also with my work. I will turn 66 this summer and not looking to fully retire till I hit 70. I still hunt as much if not more than I did when I was younger. Life has been very good to me.
Military, 21 years active duty. Retired and went right back working with them as a DoD civilian. Another 7 years until my second retirement.
Tile contractor.....1 man crew, man of many hats throughout the day. Sometimes I hate my career, other times I love it
Accountant/Analyst in the sale & use tax world

Niche area that I stumbled into because I needed a job when I graduated and it turns out I enjoy it
See username.

Dad was an ABEW electrician. I went to engineering school thinking it was going to be more hands on or that I'd get to actually solve real problems, but I spend my time in front of a computer for 12-14 hours a day making people less qualified than me look good so they can get paid more than me.

We appreciate your service. I retired as a Master electrician in the oilfield. The money was off the charts.
We appreciate your service. I retired as a Master electrician in the oilfield. The money was off the charts.

Unfortunately, I'm part of the "everyone needs a degree" generation. So here I am, helping C average business majors make well into the six figures.

I wish someone at some point had told me I could have learned hands on, useful skills that I could of made a living off of. Part of it too is being a first generation immigrant where education was valued over everything else.

I shouldn't complain too much. I have been able to work on some really cool stuff. The best projects were ones I did for the .gov/.mil, where I was able to interact directly with the end user (direct, unfiltered feedback) and be out in the field.