What hunt doesn’t interest you?

Bighorn sheep do nothing for me. I have been on a couple of buddies desert bighorn hunts here in Az and they are anti-climatic. Super easy to locate and not very intelligent. It all comes down to inches at that point and you sit there and bounce numbers off of each other to determine if he gets shot or not. I think all the allure is the once in a lifetime aspect.

Don't get me wrong, I apply for them, but have not developed the sheep bug yet. When I was in Alaska hunting, those sheep got me excited. The terrain was wicked and it looked challenging.
Africa doesn’t do it for me far too many things I may never get to do or see on this continent

High fence isn’t hunting

And for what ever reason sitting over a bait pile near hunting.... spot and stalk bear I’m all for it just not the common sitting in a stand waiting for one to show up like is so common here

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I have no interest in hunting anything from the inside of a man-made blind. Sitting inside while trying to kill animals outside completely turns me off.

I’ve turned down multiple opportunities to hunt the fenced concessions in Africa. I don’t mind if someone likes it, but I can’t really value a kill which took almost no hunting effort on my part.

I would rather spend one day trout fishing than 2 days hunting coues whitetails.
Coon hunting. I enjoyed it as a kid listening to the dogs run. I don’t care to be out all night now or the aggravation of having to locate a runaway dog.

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i wish anti hunters and fence sitters would read threads like this.
comments here are contrary to the stereotype of hunters being bloodthirsty murderers.

I think Rokslide is not a very good representation of hunters in general. I dont personally know any hunter that would not happily go to Africa and kill every animal that walked within range. People here tend to be more in tune with the spirit and adventure of the hunt, generally.

This is more main stream in my experience.

I really cant think of anything. I like killing stuff.
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Turkeys or anything outside the US anymore. I hunted Namibia in '08 & it just solidified my thoughts that I'm far more interested in meat than trophies.
I simply cannot get enthusiastic about thunder chickens.
Africa and ducks. Never had much interest in hunting whitetail from a stand either, but I’d be open to trying it.

You know I see the stand about stand hunting but depends on how you do it. I bet most a lot on here have never done it and don’t really have any idea about it. I understand setting a permanent stand out and hunting that way. I’ve done it and it gets boring. But going out and scouting with a stand on your back and climbing a tree for THAT hunt is completely different and harder than you think. I would say sometimes it’s harder and less successful than just walking around and still hunting.

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Any of you non turkey hunters, feel free to pm me locations of high populations of wild turkeys that you may know about. Doesn't matter what State.


Same thing except only in Utah. I’m not traveling around for turkey right now. Too much money for that.

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Absolutely zero interest in hunting anything in Texas.

Just posting this here because I took a screenshot of it earlier and, well, seems like a good time to post it

I think Rokslide is not a very good representation of hunters in general. I dont personally know any hunter that would not happily go to Africa and kill every animal that walked within range. People here tend to be more in tune with the spirit and adventure of the hunt, generally.

This is more main stream in my experience.

I think it’s more just growing up in the country. Hunting season for us is not just one animal or a few weeks here. Growing up we ate a lot of wild game from doves to deer and success was (is)measured in killing stuff to eat while having plenty of adventures. Shooting ducks on open water while ice fishing and nailing walleyes turned into one hell of an adventure haha
Anything in Africa except strangely enough a warthog appeals to me.

High fence unless it’s the apocalypse and freezers empty we’ll talk.

Most birds unless for backpack meal.

Big cats. I don’t know why, I love all other predator hunts.