What hunt doesn’t interest you?

Turkeys are okay but if they weren't right out my back door I doubt id ever hunt them. Not interested in anything non native to the US either.
I used to talk a ton of crap about people that watched NASCAR. Then I told myself that I need to experience it once, just to see if I'm missing anything. Now I still talk a lot of crap about NASCAR, but I've been there. :-)

I've hunted Africa twice. Once because of an impulse buy at a banquet, and once to help a friend fulfill his life long dream of hunting free ranging Cape Buffalo on foot with a double rifle. The variety of game there is the biggest thing that I've noticed. It really is amazing. Not being able to bring the meat home sucks, but you can eat plenty of it while you are there (in reality, you'll likely eat nothing but game in most camps). I used to think I could never kill a zebra until I tasted one. I haven't yet, but now, I'd eat a horse for sure!

I get that some folks are wired to focus on one species, and learn it so intimately that they can predict a 340" bull elk's bowel movement to within a few minutes, but my ADHD makes me want to try everything (probably why I never got married!). To me, being able to go from Kodiak Island hunting blacktails, to Gabarone, Botswana to tip toe after kudu, to China to hunt water deer, to quail in Texas, Pheasants in South Dakota, makes one a well rounded hunter. I think my hunting philosophy is mainly "I'll try anything once, and twice if it doesn't cost too much".

In conclusion of my un-requested dissertation: I have no desire to do Driven hunts, like deer drives. I don't like the idea of blasting away at mammals running for their lives from a line of dudes in orange outfits.
What hunt doesn't interest me? Typical Eastern hunting from a tree stand. I like moving, hiking and still hunting so much more. Favorite methods are moving along (in) creeks in waders or hip boots, moving along ridges and calling or rattling periodically along a feature like a swamp, creek or heavier cover.

Pigs are fun but often easy.
I have no interest in shooting/eating the following:

-squirrels (rodent stigma I wish I could overcome)
-rabbits (see above)
-bears (have eaten, meh)
-any wholesale killing (rifle hogs, prairie dogs, etc)
-Africa (I could possibly be persuaded)
-Bald Eagles

I generally don’t have an interest in a fully guided hunt where I’m just being a trigger man. I feel the same way with fishing.

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High fenced isn't hunting to me and I have no interest there. I have mixed opinions about guided hunts. The hunts I really have zero interest in are sheep/goat hunts. Cool animals but I have zero desire to hunt them.
Basically I have no interest in eating which is basically anything in Africa, Ram or any goat sheep etc. I don’t hunt solely for the sport of it.

Would love to hunt New Zealand though but only if I lived there. 24/7 seasons and no limits is very appealing.

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For whatever reason, never felt much call to predator hunts...dunno why....no objection to it just haven't felt the pull...yet.
Here are some:
* Sitting in a climate controlled "blind" watching TV while waiting for the target animal to show up on schedule.
* Mass killing of animals such as prairie dogs in the US or dove down in Argentina.
* There is a potential difference between "high fence" and a "pen". You are going to the "butcher" if shooting an animal in a pen. Don't pass off a visit to the "butcher" as a hunt. Lots of places in Africa are fenced in...
* As far as killing top-tier predators, some folks won't do it due to "professional courtesy". I'm open to hunting them myself but I'm not inclined to wholesale slaughter of them.

Sarcasm time...
It's ok that some folks don't get it about Coues. At least they are honest about their inability to handle the fact that a 90 pounds animal can thoroughly whoop their butt. Others are either unaware or their egos get in the way. I have the opportunity each year to hunt Coues with folks who have hunted the world over (they love to bring their trophy photo books). The majority are unable to glass up a Coues with their binoculars and/or spotting scopes without you doing it for them. Even more are unable to find the Coues in their rifle scopes without you doing it for them. And yet more are unable to get a killing shot on the Coues the first time or two; many take 10+ shots. On a more serious note, I've also had the privilege to hunt Coues with folks who are truly lethal.
For whatever reason, never felt much call to predator hunts...dunno why....no objection to it just haven't felt the pull...yet.

I’m kind of the same way mainly because I’m not going to eat them however I have listened to some of the arguments for them and there are other benefits to it that I could support and get behind. I think if I owned enough of my own land that it was an issue for game management I’d do it more also.

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Coyotes have never interested me a whole lot, I've tried getting into it, bought rifles and calls etc, but I just don't have the passion for it. Africa holds some interest for me, but it's mostly the romantic history of it painted by the Outdoor writers of yesteryear that get me. The modern style of High Fence Africa just doesn't do it for me.

Oh, and going back east to hunt out of a stand. I love hunting whitetails, but it's much more fun on the ground still hunting. Some days I do miss melting through the timber looking for those timber ghosts
I have heard many people say that both with bears and other large predators. I would love to hunt bears, but may only do it once. I guess it would just depend On what it was like when I did it. I wonder if the lack of appeal to many people is hunting something so high up on the food chain.
I thought the same thing until I hunted bears last spring for the first time. The amount of bears I saw and their interactions was amazing! I went back in the fall and killed my first bear with a bow. Now, I'm chasing them spot/stalk this year. And the meat was fantastic.

For the OP. Africa has never appealed to me.
For some reason I just can't get into Turkeys. I hear them gobbling around the house and outside the tent this time of year, but just can't get into hunting them.
I'm in line with most in here on the doesn't interest me stuff, but even the one I wouldn't go on if it was free would be Africa Giraffe/Zebra/Lion. I simply have zero want at all to do that. If someone tells me I can go hunt antlered/horned African species for free, I'm in. But others I just wouldn't even want to do it. No knock on those who do, just not my cup of tea.
I cant think of any specific animal I'm not interested in hunting. Just the places or techniques used are what do or dont interest me.

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my sentiments too. the methods used have a huge bearing on things for me. spot and stalk bear with a trad bow is awesome but sitting over a barrel has zero appeal to me. maybe different if i lived there and had more opportunity at them.

i'm surprised how often Africa came up. i also don't have a huge desire to go there either. the thought of,"sit here in this blind we have prepared for you and shoot when they drink from the trough", has no appeal for me. it's not so much the technique but has more to do with the fact i'd rather hunt like that if i had done the scouting and setting up of the situation.

pretty much anything that requires a guided hunt doesn't appeal to me. i like the total package of DIY. yes that rules out a lot of species that i would love to hunt that mandate that a non resident alien must have a guide. that's why New Zealand is my special place.