What happened to Firstlite/Meateater

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May 7, 2018
Let me start by saying,
I've always been a big fan of Rinella, both as an author and a person. What he and the Meateater team have achieved has been remarkable for the hunting community. They've assembled perhaps the best ambassadors the industry has ever seen, and overall, they've had a positive impact on hunting.

However, lately, it feels like they've lost their way. It's almost offensive to many hunters now. If you haven't noticed, Meateater's recent direction has shifted significantly from its roots.

Steve, once known for eating snails and challenging locals in San Francisco, now seems focused on exclusive private ranches and guided hunts. Even Janis and Clay's recent shows featured exclusive hunts. It seems like next season will be filled with high-fence episodes.

Meateater appears to be sacrificing its integrity for corporate profit, which is deeply disappointing. They're not even trying to hide it anymore.

Take FirstLite, for example. They're now selling the same poly clothes from China that Amazon and Walmart offer, but at five times the price. This wasn't always the case—I own a lot of FL gear—but every year, the quality seems to decline. The newer models don't even compare to the pre-Meateater Merino gear I have.

They're leveraging Meateater's hard-earned reputation to rip off hunters, and it's disheartening to see Steve, Janis, Cal, Clay, and others go along with it.

It's a sad and embarrassing situation. Hopefully, they'll receive enough criticism to reconsider their path and return to what made them successful—or perhaps they'll realize that money has clouded their judgment.
Mar 27, 2019
Lyon County, NV
I can actually say that I've never seen a single episode of Meateater - but I have wondered about such shows...how could it even be possible to do a show with enough content for multiple seasons without purchasing tags or hunts?
Jun 21, 2019
It's the way of the world...start small producing something of high quality > grow in popularity > sell out to a soul-less conglomerate > compromise on quality to improve margins > create opportunity for a newcomer to step in and fill the void. This has played out many times before. Cabela's used to sell quality products; now they're just another peddler of Bass Pro's garbage. Even Johnny Morris probably sold something worth owning once upon a time. The good news is that the Internet has lowered the barrier to entry for new boutique brands to start up and get quality products out there.


Jul 16, 2019
I'm pretty sure we have a thread on this topic but I don't care enough to link it.

So if he hunts public land DIY he's spot burning, and if he hunts locked up private he's an elitist that lost his roots.

I have no dog in this fight. I think there is a balance and somewhere very early along the way this became a business, not a feel good conservation program. If you accept it for what it actually is it will be less bothersome.


Aug 2, 2022
New Mexico
Meateater has been around a long time how many public land mule deer/elk hunts can they do before it gets old.
As far as Firstlite goes they are the same as any other premium brand. Years ago they were much better than anything you could find at Walmart or Amazon. Now it seems like they are all about equal. Everything comes from the same few factories in China with different camo prints and labels. The advertising has us fooled we need $400 jackets and pants to hunt when they are the exact same thing Amazon sells at 75% less. It doesn't matter if you are talking about clothes, bows, bullets or optics. I fully believe I would have the exact same success weather I had gear from 20 years ago or top of the line brand new gear of today.


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May 20, 2024
Meateater has been around a long time how many public land mule deer/elk hunts can they do before it gets old.
As far as Firstlite goes they are the same as any other premium brand. Years ago they were much better than anything you could find at Walmart or Amazon. Now it seems like they are all about equal. Everything comes from the same few factories in China with different camo prints and labels. The advertising has us fooled we need $400 jackets and pants to hunt when they are the exact same thing Amazon sells at 75% less. It doesn't matter if you are talking about clothes, bows, bullets or optics. I fully believe I would have the exact same success weather I had gear from 20 years ago or top of the line brand new gear of today.
Interesting... how do you know the quality is the same from WM or Amazon or that they come from the same factories?

Not saying that I doubt it, but that's sort of a bold claim! It seems like the top brands (FL, Sitka, Kuiu, SG...) put a fair amount of R&D effort but that could just be marketing idk.


May 7, 2018
This was inevitable after their acquisition by private equity. I'm more aligned with Steve's brother, Matt, these days.

Meateater/Steve Rinella are a virus, spreading only to perpetuate itself.

I agree. Maybe ole Matt has been right the whole time. I'm just now coming to the realization.

Maybe I'm just late to the party.


Aug 2, 2022
New Mexico
Interesting... how do you know the quality is the same from WM or Amazon or that they come from the same factories?

Not saying that I doubt it, but that's sort of a bold claim! It seems like the top brands (FL, Sitka, Kuiu, SG...) put a fair amount of R&D effort but that could just be marketing idk.
I guess I shouldn't say I know for sure. In the past I bought a lot of Kuiu and Sitka as well as other premium brands of all sorts of gear. When I compare similar items I have purchased with discount brands like Blackovis and items from Amazon, I see no difference in quality and performance from the top brands. Also when I actually stop and think about the claims made in advertising it just doesn't make sense. When the 2025 bows come out they will all be saying their bows are quieter, smoother, more forgiving and more accurate. Will any of us shoot any better than with their 2015 bows? I doubt it.
Top brands may be putting in more R&D but how much more can you research pants? I know they talk about the latest and greatest materials but I don't know that it really makes much of a difference. Maybe I am biased because I am tired of seeing the prices of everything these days, a cup of coffee for $9, trucks for over $100,000 and $400 jackets. Who knows and at the end of the day it all comes down to what each one of us wants to spend their money on. Thanks and happy hunting to all.


May 7, 2018
Interesting... how do you know the quality is the same from WM or Amazon or that they come from the same factories?

Not saying that I doubt it, but that's sort of a bold claim! It seems like the top brands (FL, Sitka, Kuiu, SG...) put a fair amount of R&D effort but that could just be marketing idk.

That used to be the case. Every year they get worse. Instead of selling quality items they are now overmarketing cheap items. They just released a cheap polyester dry wick shirt for $80. Same shirt you can get at Walmart for $6. Probably cost them $2 to make.

And let's not start on KineticGrid™..... At least it's at a cheaper price point. There's one thing great about these products. PROFIT MARGIN


Dec 12, 2023
Interesting... how do you know the quality is the same from WM or Amazon or that they come from the same factories?

Not saying that I doubt it, but that's sort of a bold claim! It seems like the top brands (FL, Sitka, Kuiu, SG...) put a fair amount of R&D effort but that could just be marketing idk.

It's been quite a few years ago now, well before the Meat Eater buy out, but I was in the R&D room at First Lite and they were definitely doing more than just ordering clothes from the same supplier in China that WalMart does.

At the time they were working on bringing several different down jackets to market and they had comparable jackets on hand to test/look at from every manufacturer you could think of.
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