What happened to Firstlite/Meateater

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Biggest gripe is hyping up western hunting along with the other media to the point where our draw odds in all western states are rising rather quickly, but that’s more of all social media and not just meateater… honestly it all gets pretty old
This reminds me of a story I've been meaning to tell.* I saw Steve in the Austin airport waiting on a flight, seated at his gate. His gate was way less crowded than mine, so I went and sat auspiciously close to him considering how much room there was. Obviously I struck up a conversation.

Me: Airports, amirite?
Steve: Ya.
****small pause****
Me: What do you do?
Steve: Oh...I'm a writer.
Me: Oh ya? Anything I may have heard of?
Steve: Nope. [he's trying to blow me off]
Me: Try me. What do you write about?
Steve: I wrote a book about buffalo.
Me: African buffalo? Asian? Both? Neither?
Steve: No, like American buffalo.
Me: Oh, well technically those are bison. You'd think someone who wrote a book about them would know that.
Steve: [kinda laughing at this point] You don't say?
Me: Tell me friendo, are you familiar with the concept of trinomial nomenclature...Linnaean taxonomy?
Steve: [really having a giggle now] Vaguely.
Me: You might take advantage of your layover here, hop on the Wiki and do some reading. Fascinating stuff. Welp, I gotta go see a man about a horse. Safe travels.

* - this story is purely fiction and only happened in my alternative view of reality as it should be
I can't wait to meet you in person Dos!
This reminds me of a story I've been meaning to tell.* I saw Steve in the Austin airport waiting on a flight, seated at his gate. His gate was way less crowded than mine, so I went and sat auspiciously close to him considering how much room there was. Obviously I struck up a conversation.

Me: Airports, amirite?
Steve: Ya.
****small pause****
Me: What do you do?
Steve: Oh...I'm a writer.
Me: Oh ya? Anything I may have heard of?
Steve: Nope. [he's trying to blow me off]
Me: Try me. What do you write about?
Steve: I wrote a book about buffalo.
Me: African buffalo? Asian? Both? Neither?
Steve: No, like American buffalo.
Me: Oh, well technically those are bison. You'd think someone who wrote a book about them would know that.
Steve: [kinda laughing at this point] You don't say?
Me: Tell me friendo, are you familiar with the concept of trinomial nomenclature...Linnaean taxonomy?
Steve: [really having a giggle now] Vaguely.
Me: You might take advantage of your layover here, hop on the Wiki and do some reading. Fascinating stuff. Welp, I gotta go see a man about a horse. Safe travels.

* - this story is purely fiction and only happened in my alternative view of reality as it should be

Absolutely no doubt in my mind be calls them buffalo to bug his biologist brothers.
I take Meateater for what it is: entertainment. As a whole, they do more good than harm. Showing hunting in a positive light and introducing it to a wider audience is not entirely a bad thing. There are more than a couple states that are one ballot referendum away from having an all-out ban on hunting. If they can sway some people to support hunting, I'm all for it.

They generally have been on the right side of conservation issues and haven't been shy about voicing their opinion against what's happening in CO and WA. They have put some sizeable money into securing land and access.

I don't care if they hunt OTC, draw, or otherwise. They have been honest when they purchase landowner tags or access to private land.

Have they sold out? Yeah, it seems like it to a certain extent. But, at the end of the day, they run a business and the point of running a business is to grow and make money. As long as they are growing that business within the regulations of the states that they hunt in, do more good than harm, and represent hunting in a positive light, I have no gripe.
DOn't think I have seen a show since season 1, but do enjoy the podcasts, except Steven tends to talk over everyone. They have some good guests. I like the trivia and Reeves podcasts as well. I spend a lot of time in the car and need something to break up the boredom. Never had any First Lite so can't speak to that. All my clothes are from an American made company....KUIU. (I jest of course)
It’s astonishing to me that there’s enough people left out there who care. Turn the TV/computer off and go outside.
So if he hunts public land DIY he's spot burning, and if he hunts locked up private he's an elitist that lost his roots.

Not even close. Its EASY to hunt public land without "spot burning."

All you have to do is avoid mentioning your location or showing any filler footage with open maps.

I jumped off of the Rinella bandwagon about 4 or 5 years back when their podcast started to sound like a morning radio show. Lost interest in the TV show soon after. Quit buying FL clothes after they started falling apart every season.

No love lost.
I am not a me fan. I find Steve to be abrasive however he did a good job of selling or teaching the farm to table (hunt to table) aspect of hunting. Much better than a bunch of 20 year olds posting pics online of blood laden deer which turns all the soccer moms off and make them hate us.

All companies will die off someday it just happens more often in the hunting world

I do like the first lite brand of clothing. I mix and match between fl and Sitka.
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Interesting, I brought up a sponsor that supports the Muley Freak poachers on a thread and that sucker was locked asap. Maybe there are levels to the sponsorships and FL & Mtntough don't purchase the premium, no criticism version.

I honestly don't even like bashing on FL. Everyone I have met or talked to that works for them has been awesome. I have a soft spot for small companies based in my home state.

Ima go with that has way more to do with frivolous threats of lawsuits from little weiners than protecting sponsors.

Plenty of sponsors have been drug through the coals, the influencers that can afford lawyers here some protection.
Interesting, I brought up a sponsor that supports the Muley Freak poachers on a thread and that sucker was locked asap. Maybe there are levels to the sponsorships and FL & Mtntough don't purchase the premium, no criticism version.

I honestly don't even like bashing on FL. Everyone I have met or talked to that works for them has been awesome. I have a soft spot for small companies based in my home state.
Things people worry about in the off season always amaze me.

I'll go ahead and lock this thread so it'll be one less thing to bitch about.

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