What gear are you going to ditch (or ditched)?

Map-reading is becoming a lost skill. What kind of maps do you carry? Printed from Google or purchased topos?
USGS quads or BLM Land Use 1:250k. Maybe just photocopies of smaller portions of the each.
I paid for a CD kit of all USGS/BLM maps for the home state, and still have a CD drive.
I still like Google Earth for e-scouting but can't stand the flat phone in the field.
Sounds good. If you're at all interested, you might look at how you've got that gun bearer set up. The rifle shouldn't be hitting you or bouncing around. Carry on (see what I did there?)
Can't agree more..... Different rifles and optic sit different so you have to mess with the location of the pocket an length and shoulder strap location. For me, once set up and adjusted the gun bearer is very comfortable, secure, very quick access and has been great for me all the way around.
USGS quads or BLM Land Use 1:250k. Maybe just photocopies of smaller portions of the each.
I paid for a CD kit of all USGS/BLM maps for the home state, and still have a CD drive.
I still like Google Earth for e-scouting but can't stand the flat phone in the field.
I go to the USGS Topoview site to look at and download topo quads from as far back as they're found for your site. The viewer allows you to layer them over the current imagery and make transparent. I can then download the map for printing or layering in Google Earth. I guess I could take screenshots and print them off for the field, too.
My 2022 resolution. Ditch alcohol. Hoping to lose 20 pounds and get close to the shape I was in when doing triathlons. Never drank soda or energy drinks. Eating "natural" not processed. for example, veggies, taters, onions, meat, eggs. Nothing processed unless it's venison sausage I made. Nothing that comes in a box. Gear wise, I want to add a range finder and get a better 20 guage shotgun for deer. Something like the Savage 220 or a rifled 20 guage barrel for my Encore with a quality scope.
This year I’m ditching weight. I have a few more I want to fitness-wise and I’m working on and swapping to lighter gear (sleeping bag and some clothing lately)

I’m also thinking of ditching the weight of handheld binos when I have 15’s in the right country and expect long hikes. My 10’s are great for a quick scan but I have figured out how to make do with the 15’s, so I use 10’s less and less. I grip them against my hat brim, rest them on my top bow limb or just use my tripod up against my pack belt
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Ditching using the old handheld gps and will use iPhone with onX Hunt. Will have the handheld for backup as I worry about phone durability in the field.
Ditching my tipi in the early season for just a tarp or my bivy depending on weather. Saves up to 2lbs and bulk. Cook system is upgraded to a toaks UL 550ml and the brs 3000t burner. Minimal weight savings but more compact than my previous setup. Replacing the sawyer squeeze pouch with a smart water bottle. Last i need to ditch about 20 lbs before the season starts.
I ditched the replaceable blade knife (Outdoor Edge) for a fixed blade (Benchmade Steep Country). After an elk and 20 birds my mind is made up.

I will not argue with that. But I still carry a tyto TI that weighs next to nothing along with the SC. If I only went with 1, it would be the Steep Country.

But this year I think Im ditching (but keeping) the Copper Spur UL2 and going floorless with the Silex (but I have the nest).

That sounds absolutely non committal. But its the plan as of now.

I may also ditch the water bladder and just go with nalgene and smart water bottles.

Also, non committal. Pending further investigation.
I’m ditching my XOP climbing sticks after this season because they’re boat anchors. I’m still debating ditching my lone wolf treestand and switching to a saddle. Also debating ditching my rx1 for a brand new model.

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Saddle will change your life. I will never go back
What are 1-3 things you thought you needed on any kind of hunt that were a serious waste of time and weight and then ditched? Or something you replaced with an upgrade. This is a counter post to ‘what do you wish you carried sooner.’

1-Saddle platform when using sticks (I just use the top steps to rest my feet).
2-Shitty binos. I am up to a $300 pair now, cant imagine what the more expensive ones are like. i refuse to try them as I’m imagining its like trying any other added luxury.
In my experience, the $300 binos (Nikon, Leopold and Bushnell) are garbage after a few years of regular use. Premium binos will be on your 'wish I would have carried sooner' list if you ever buy a pair.

My gear that I ditched is a packable saw and field dressing gloves
I carry one for coyotes (even tho there's probably no real need) and possibly hogs. Then there are potential escaped convicts from the neighboring prison... :) (hey, it's happened to people before!)
I've had that happen. We drove up early morning one year, and there was an advisory in the area that an escaped convict had entered the woods the night prior near where we do. We did run into a weird guy the next day, but I seriously doubt he was the convict.

I've camped in the Boundary Water many times. Seems like every few years, there's talk of an escaped convict hiding out there semi-long term. Probably usually just a husband's tale, but it has happened in the past. Seems like you only ever hear of gear getting stolen from campsites while people are out fishing, but if course the thought of it still gives people the creeps.

As an adult, I've only had a stubborn uninvited bear in camp once (blackie), but have also had a sketchy guy walk univited right into camp, while his buddy hung out just on the fringe of camp. Those dudes scared me more than any bear ever has.
What are 1-3 things you thought you needed on any kind of hunt that were a serious waste of time and weight and then ditched? Or something you replaced with an upgrade. This is a counter post to ‘what do you wish you carried sooner.’

1-Saddle platform when using sticks (I just use the top steps to rest my feet).
2-Shitty binos. I am up to a $300 pair now, cant imagine what the more expensive ones are like. i refuse to try them as I’m imagining its like trying any other added luxury.
Gonna ditch a brand new pair of Crispi boots because I have 2 sets as soon as I reach threshold and can sell in classifieds. Anybody needing a set of 12 Thor GTX’s holla.
The 10.5 kowas are seriously a hidden gem… side by side with my slc’s, the Kowa prominar are flat out better

my wife is stealing my Kowa like she stole my slc’s, but I am not complaining because I get some NL pures
Do you still feel positively about the Kowas? I’m in need of new binos before next season, and seriously considering these, just can’t find any local places with them to actually look through. I’ve sold all my vortex stuff, been disappointed and underwhelmed too many times with them. I know I’m buying a Kowa 77 spotter, just need to decide on the binos, sub $1500.
Do you still feel positively about the Kowas? I’m in need of new binos before next season, and seriously considering these, just can’t find any local places with them to actually look through. I’ve sold all my vortex stuff, been disappointed and underwhelmed too many times with them. I know I’m buying a Kowa 77 spotter, just need to decide on the binos, sub $1500.
100%, i think for your price range, the kowa is the best you can do. you could also likely get some used EL's in that price range, or for sure SLC's, it depends on what features you value. the Kowa are pretty big, and pretty heavy compared to SLC's, but sitting behind glass on a tripod, i would pick the 10.5X44 kowa over 10x42 SLC every day of the week, and with the weight and bulk, i still would rather pack the Kowa.

the downside to kowa are the size, weight, not threaded for tripod adapters (plenty of great cinch style tripod adapters, so non issue to me) if it's a tight fit in your bino harness, it's fairly easy to unlock the diopter adjustment if you aren't paying attention... bugged me a little for awhile, but with time, i liked sitting behind them so much i quit caring about that little quirk. i am being pretty critical with these cons, none of them are a big deal considering how nice they are for the price, just trying to be as detailed as possible so you can make your best decision not knowing where your priorities are.

they can often be found on cameraland for 1k, and for that price, they are amazing. prior to taking Doug's advice on the kowa, i was going to buy another set of SLC (from them) and i'm glad i took his advice, or i would have never known. i always considered Meopta (and some Minox) as the best non alpha glass, but those Kowas are legit, and my new favorite glass that isn't Leica, Zeiss, or swaro, and like them better than all of their entry level options... for sub 1500.00, they are the standout in glass.

their spotters are the same, and i haven't looked through every alpha spotters, but i like the kowa spotters more than the couple swaros i have used. if you go that route, i highly suggest you go through cameralandny
100%, i think for your price range, the kowa is the best you can do. you could also likely get some used EL's in that price range, or for sure SLC's, it depends on what features you value. the Kowa are pretty big, and pretty heavy compared to SLC's, but sitting behind glass on a tripod, i would pick the 10.5X44 kowa over 10x42 SLC every day of the week, and with the weight and bulk, i still would rather pack the Kowa.

the downside to kowa are the size, weight, not threaded for tripod adapters (plenty of great cinch style tripod adapters, so non issue to me) if it's a tight fit in your bino harness, it's fairly easy to unlock the diopter adjustment if you aren't paying attention... bugged me a little for awhile, but with time, i liked sitting behind them so much i quit caring about that little quirk. i am being pretty critical with these cons, none of them are a big deal considering how nice they are for the price, just trying to be as detailed as possible so you can make your best decision not knowing where your priorities are.

they can often be found on cameraland for 1k, and for that price, they are amazing. prior to taking Doug's advice on the kowa, i was going to buy another set of SLC (from them) and i'm glad i took his advice, or i would have never known. i always considered Meopta (and some Minox) as the best non alpha glass, but those Kowas are legit, and my new favorite glass that isn't Leica, Zeiss, or swaro, and like them better than all of their entry level options... for sub 1500.00, they are the standout in glass.

their spotters are the same, and i haven't looked through every alpha spotters, but i like the kowa spotters more than the couple swaros i have used. if you go that route, i highly suggest you go through cameralandny
Thanks so much for a detailed response. As you have said, I’ve seen multiple people recommend Doug at cameraland so I will definitely be going that route in the next couple weeks when I’m ready to. Weight/size really a non issue to me, looking for the best quality I can get without spending $3000. I have seen one other person complain about the locking diopter as being an issue, but I have a rather large bino harness, I run the newer gen kuiu harness, so that may be a non issue for me. Last season I had vortex razor 10x50, non uhd model, and they fit with room to spare. As stated before I sold all my vortex stuff after last season. Tired of giving them a chance. The only formal review I could find was Backwood Pursuits review talking about how thick the eyecups are, and that the binos themselves would have done better and reviewed higher if the rubber wasn’t so thick. Are they really that difficult to get good fov? Again, thanks so much for the detailed response. I see so much about Kowa spotters, which led me to being 100% sold on the 773, which I will be buying along with the new binos, I just don’t see all that much on their binos.
Thanks so much for a detailed response. As you have said, I’ve seen multiple people recommend Doug at cameraland so I will definitely be going that route in the next couple weeks when I’m ready to. Weight/size really a non issue to me, looking for the best quality I can get without spending $3000. I have seen one other person complain about the locking diopter as being an issue, but I have a rather large bino harness, I run the newer gen kuiu harness, so that may be a non issue for me. Last season I had vortex razor 10x50, non uhd model, and they fit with room to spare. As stated before I sold all my vortex stuff after last season. Tired of giving them a chance. The only formal review I could find was Backwood Pursuits review talking about how thick the eyecups are, and that the binos themselves would have done better and reviewed higher if the rubber wasn’t so thick. Are they really that difficult to get good fov? Again, thanks so much for the detailed response. I see so much about Kowa spotters, which led me to being 100% sold on the 773, which I will be buying along with the new binos, I just don’t see all that much on their binos.
the eye cups don't bother me... it was notable at first because it was different, but once i got used to them, it wasn't ever a thought, and they became very comfortable to sit behind.... it's always tough to tell what quirks will bother people and what won't, but after considerable time behind those binos, i wouldn't change the eye cups... i like them, there was a brief getting used to.... there was a brief getting used to with my NL pures too, they are different, and it took a few days behind them before i could truly appreciate them.