Decided to experiment with some old components in my 284 Win. Loaded 30 with 162 ELDM, IMR7828SSC, CCI200, in Lapua brass. Shot 3 groups of 6, horrendous, which was what I found last time I tested this bullet. Then shot an abbreviated Form drill with the remaining 12. Logged radius data on the second 2 groups because the first had foulers in it.
I'd like to just abandon this load completely because I already have a really good baseline, but last night I decided I might as well use this bad load to do some testing on effective methods of load dev. First, to test components I loaded up 10ea of IMR7828SSC/FED210, H4831SC/CCI200, H4350/CCI200 (all still with 162ELDM at same seating depth). This covers a different primer, and 2 different powders. Will shoot for groups of 10 and record radius data to compare which of these changes, if any, produce an improvement over the first load tested.
Then with my remaining 20 bullets, I'll do 10ea of a drastically different seating depth (currently 0.055" jump) and then a drastically different powder charge with one of the above combos to see if either of those knobs produce a meaningful result. Will edit this post with results once I do.
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Mean radius for these 12 was 0.55".