Speaking of noise.......I'll just take the advice of a hunter who knows 1000 times more about it than anybody here does, and has the experience to back it up. Unless I have the same amount of experience or more, then I'll defer to a real expert on this subject, and that would be Phil Shoemaker. He killed a charging grizz with a 9mm once, but that doesn't mean he chooses to carry it every day or recommend it.
As I rec'd before, if you have more specific questions, ask him. instead of a bunch of internet warriors who've never hunted them or even seen one for that matter.
I have an analogy to express the counterargument to this.
I'm a carpenter. CDX plywood sheathing and tyvek or similar water resistant barrier (house wrap) has been a standard accepted building envelope for decades. We know it works.
If I want to try a new system (ZIP sheathing that has a waterproof membrane pre-applied to the sheets, with liquid applied sealant on the joints for this example), I'm taking a huge risk if the system doesn't work as advertised. Failure of this component of the building envelope would be catastrophic.
I'll build 20 houses with Tyvek, unwilling to risk catastrophic failure. The guys at JLC or Fine Homebuilding magazine might build 5 little sheds with 5 different weatherproofing methods, side by side, monitor moisture levels for a year in all different weather conditions, and put their results in an article.
You are getting ready to build a house, and run across that article. You ask me, and I say that I've always used Tyvek, and am not gonna start using that ZIP stuff because I know what works. I have vastly more real world building experience than those internet warriors at the industry journal that have never built a real house.
Just because I have something that does work, that I trust over something I haven't tried, does not make me an informed source of information on whether or not the newer product works or not (spoiler alert - it does. Better waterproofing, much better air sealing. Better window/door integration into the building envelope)
I'm the expert that's killed/guided a bunch of grizzlies, always recommended something that's worked well for me, but that absolutely does not make me an authority on the effectiveness or lack thereof for something I've never tried.