What bow is everyone shooting?

Hoyt RX 1 & RX-5 they are both fantastic… think I like my RX-1 a little more, have all my first archery kills with it
Hoyt defiant 34. Ridge reaper pattern, bunch of orange accents (dislike). Really like it otherwise. Getting big cam envy though.
I'm shooting a PSE evo ntn 33 with vapor trail gen7 rest and Black Gold Rush 5-pin sight. It shoots better than I do.
Shooting a CD Archery WF19 / 48lb 68" N3's limbs / Champion Custom bowstring / Bikini Wax for string I bought @ surplus from the old PlayBoy mansion auction ( sent free ) :cool: AAE ELITE corduvan tab / GT Trad arrows cut 29 3/4 " / SteelForce 150/210 grn broad HD's / make my own string silencers , and ThunderHorn Boa quivers ....... Shoot off the "hump" . I don't tend to take any shots further than 27 yards .
Bowtech patriot. That’s why I’m here, have no idea what’s next but could be soon.
I have 3 that I shoot regularly.
A Bowtech Carbon Knight that I mainly hunt with, I love how light it is to carry around chasing elk and I shoot it really well for how light it is. It has surprisingly good pin float for me for how light it is. It has a QAD rest, B-stinger 8" front bar, and an Option 8 Oval sight on it.

A Bowtech Revolt-X, I mainly use it for 3d shoots and winter league. It has a Hamskea Trinity rest, a 15" B-stinger counterslide (10" out front, 5" back), and an HHA single pin mover sight. This bow is my favorite bow I've ever owned, it just holds so well for me.

A Bowtech Solution. I have always used an index release and have started trying to get comfortable with a handheld thumb. I have the Solution setup for using the handheld but found that I can use an index with it also and hit the same POA. So far I still shoot an index more accurately/consistently, but the thumb is showing some promise. It is my backup hunting bow should it become needed. It has an HHA Virtus rest, a 10" B-stinger microhex front, and a 7 pin Cobra fixed sight on it.
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Elite Envision. First new bow since my 2008-2009 PSE Stinger.
I won this bow in a raffle this past spring, and I am just starting to set it up. I purchased a CBE Engage 3-Pin for my site, and I am trying to decide if I stay with the QAD Ultrarest or something from Hamskea for a change. I will be running a back-bar on my bow, and I really like your set-up. What are you using for an adapter? I think I need to get whatever you have and another Cutter Stabilizer. What are your thoughts on the grip? I am on the fence if I need to put something on that, or do you find it to be ok?
I won this bow in a raffle this past spring, and I am just starting to set it up. I purchased a CBE Engage 3-Pin for my site, and I am trying to decide if I stay with the QAD Ultrarest or something from Hamskea for a change. I will be running a back-bar on my bow, and I really like your set-up. What are you using for an adapter? I think I need to get whatever you have and another Cutter Stabilizer. What are your thoughts on the grip? I am on the fence if I need to put something on that, or do you find it to be ok?

Front stab is on a cutter QD. love that I can reposition it up and secure it to the bow for transport. Back bar is on a Shrewd Atlas mount, I went with the shrewd because it was a bit cheaper than Cutter. So far it has held tight, I've bumped the stab purposely to see if it shifts and it's held tight. Grip doesn't bother me but only having shot the PSE Stinger I think anything is an upgrade in the grip department ha
I have a PSE Omen SE2 cam on order. But my 30” EVO XF S2 has held tune for almost a year now. Much better than my past hoyt yolk cam system tune that would last 4-6 weeks if I was lucky.

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Hoyt RX4 Ultra for Compound.
Bushmen Spartan Recurve
And my Border Archery Hawk Hunter Longbow with Carbon Limbs


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Hoyt Rx-1

It flat out shoots and is hard to justify upgrading right now. Hoyt just replaced the limbs for not charge (warranty).

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