Made a poor choice at the bow shop

Sitting here scratching my head wondering why you need it set to 76lbs?
I’m strong and have good shoulders. As long as that stays the same I’ll pull the heaviest poundage I can. I enjoy my 500 grain arrow moving over 300fps, pass throughs, and sinking my arrow to the fletching in just about every target I shoot.

Might seem over kill, but anything worth doing… worth over doing.
I’m strong and have good shoulders. As long as that stays the same I’ll pull the heaviest poundage I can. I enjoy my 500 grain arrow moving over 300fps, pass throughs, and sinking my arrow to the fletching in just about every target I shoot.

Might seem over kill, but anything worth doing… worth over doing.
The big magnum deer shooters appreciate you ;)
So what was the poor choice. Just looking was the first mistake. Then handling and touching? Going through with the deed? Be glad it was just a bow.