What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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Oct 2, 2016
West Virginia
I don't begin to have a sense of that nationwide, but that certain is not the case where I live. Our COVID dashboard doesnt give detail on bed availability (just utilization). But we have never been anywhere close to capacity even with COVID. This from April 2:

"During a Thursday morning news conference, officials said the county — which has been one of the hardest hit in California and currently has about 200 hospitalized patients — still has around 936 available acute hospital beds and 92 available intensive care unit beds. The county also has 392 ventilators available."

We currently have 78 COVID hospitalized patients, but that is up very significantly from 38 just days ago.

But back to my point that the increase in testing is not is what is causing the ramp up in hospitalizations.

And to your comment, where exactly did I employ a "scare tactic" via a comment about running out of hospital beds? You won't be able to produce it because I didn't. But keep on with putting words in other people's mouths and then chiding them for things they didn't say and don't believe.

On another COVID note my AZ realtor told me this AM they are going backwards in the re-opening stage because of rising case counts there. Haven't looked up details, but that is discouraging. Those rugged individuals are f'ing up the economy.
You are correct. I did put those words about hospital beds in your mouth. Unwarranted because you truly didn’t say that. I made an assumption that was an angle you Were approaching. My fault and I apologize for that mistake.

FWIW, the chiding I’ve done to you about your beliefs, were in response to the same you done to others this whole thread. So, you are no victim.

People are flocking to the hospitals because they’ve been told they will surely die for the last 6 months. Yes, they turn up positive. And, you better believe the hospital will keep those with symptoms now. They’d go broke without doing so had they handled the way they did in March and April.
Oct 2, 2016
West Virginia
The last two post both highlight "freedumb" and show neither of those guys understand what the mask do. They aren't about protecting you from getting it. It's about protecting others from getting it from you, on the chance that your an assymptomatic spreader.

When did being a patriot go from being willing to make a sacrifice to help the greater good, to being so selfish you can't wear a mask to do your grocery shopping?

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You calling someone dumb is like you insisting you weren’t a political partisan. Kinda meaningless coming from you.

Spike elk

Jun 17, 2012
Saw a study referenced last week that said antibodies may be gone in 60 days after an infection. I didn't follow it up. Not sure we will ever know the scope of this thing.

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Another bit of Covid science that does not add up. I remember watching Cuomo's briefings early on when Covid still had the possibility of being the apocalypse. He talked about the people who have Covid and then recovered. He said that they could then do anything they wanted, go play with friends, go back to work, etc. They had the antibodies and were good to go. He even asked them to donate blood to help new cases fight C19. Then about the time that Stanford released their antibodies study and we found out that there were way more people with antibodies that just the positive cases. What has Fauci said, 20% to 40% of infected people were asymptomatic? Then all of a sudden it was time to put on the breaks. The science shifted and just because you have the antibody did not mean that you were protected in either the short or long run.

That is cool. Science can change just as fast as Biden's politics, as long as it is bad news for Trump. But what doesn't add up is then how the crap is a vaxine going to fix all of this? If the actual antibodies cannot protect you from C19 then how the hell are antibodies that are induced by a vaccine going to protect you?

Science can be a convenient religion for the left. Ma Nature cannot save you with her antibodies but the government can with theirs.

Spike elk

Jun 17, 2012
durangobrad said:
The last two post both highlight "freedumb" and show neither of those guys understand what the mask do. They aren't about protecting you from getting it. It's about protecting others from getting it from you, on the chance that your an assymptomatic spreader.

When did being a patriot go from being willing to make a sacrifice to help the greater good, to being so selfish you can't wear a mask to do your grocery shopping?

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On June 8th the WHO announced "|Spread of the coronavirus by asymptomatic patients is “very rare,” the World Health Organization said Monday, calling into question research that suggested asymptomatic cases could be spreading the disease on a large scale."

The next day they tried to walk it back after they realized they let the cat out of the bag. Just another example of more flip flopping from experts that many of you do not question. Once again if you are really concerned about Covid and the 99.95% chance of surviving C19 then you wear a mask. If you purchase a N95 mask which are readily available and used in hospitals then you can have the security that people enjoying their freedumbs will not kill you.
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Apr 8, 2020
The last two post both highlight "freedumb" and show neither of those guys understand what the mask do. They aren't about protecting you from getting it. It's about protecting others from getting it from you, on the chance that your an assymptomatic spreader.

When did being a patriot go from being willing to make a sacrifice to help the greater good, to being so selfish you can't wear a mask to do your grocery shopping?

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Your response to the freedumb post is a perfect example of believing every piece of bullshit that is spoonfed to you. Don’t worry if you get it, you have a 99.95% chance of surviving it. You’re probably at a much greater risk of getting killed driving to work this morning. If you’re worried about catching it stay your ass home. If you’re worried about getting it close your business, quit your job, or saran wrap your house I don’t care.
No one is making you go to work, shopping, or opening your business. You don’t wanna be out in the world don’t, it is literally that simple. Just stop trying to dictate for those people that do want to go to work, go shopping, go to the beach, enjoy your day at the park, or just in general live their life.


Jun 12, 2012
Piedmont, SD
Ah, the beauty of science, it's right whether you believe it or not!

And science has no bias, scientist do.

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Dec 26, 2017
Man, this thread was kinda dead for a while. Happy to see its kicked itself back into gear. The Slide was getting a little boring....


Feb 28, 2012
Northern Idaho
I think the question really should be at this point, with good amounts of community spread going on over the last 2 months in certain areas, and in a disease with so many asymptomatic individuals such that contract tracing is a myth in this scenario, should the world govt of "Durango" be compelling people to wear masks everywhere like just happened in Washington State?...or should at the other end of the spectrum masks be recommended by public health officials locally on the county level depending upon conditions there at the time, and people only be forced to wear them if directed to do so by private property owners like grocery stores?

And the king of Durango should be aware, that compliance will be horrible if edicts make no sense at the time to the locality that they affect, and if some feel that the recommendations & enforcement are ripe with hypocrisy.

There does not appear to be any good evidence that asymptomatic people are passing this in open ventilated environments when not wearing a mask, especially after just brief contact, and there is clear evidence of transmission occurring from symptomatic individuals in tight indoor environments where one has spent significant amounts of time around the sick person regardless of mask wear.

So it is those inbetween situations where masks may help slow spread somewhat, if there is community buy-in.
Feb 20, 2014
Southwest Colorado

As mask-wearing becomes a political flashpoint—despite coronavirus cases spiking to record levels across the country—new research from Goldman Sachs suggests a national mask mandate would slow the growth rate of new coronavirus infections and prevent a 5% GDP loss caused by additional lockdown measures.

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Oct 2, 2016
West Virginia

As mask-wearing becomes a political flashpoint—despite coronavirus cases spiking to record levels across the country—new research from Goldman Sachs suggests a national mask mandate would slow the growth rate of new coronavirus infections and prevent a 5% GDP loss caused by additional lockdown measures.

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Nobody is locking back down. That’s a fairytale you harbor but, it ain’t happening because a major, governor, or president says so. You can take that to the bank.


Feb 13, 2017
That is your freedom and that is my freedom.
If you had COVID would you go walk around without a mask at a grocery store, go to church, go to a concert?

I'd hope not, because you would feel that would be irresponsible. The reason masks should be mandatory in surging states is because there are so many people with light/mild symptoms that could be attributed to colds or even seasonal allergies that a lot of people do not know they have it.

So people should be wearing them to protect those that are at risk. It's not about YOU it's about others. I don't understand your argument about limiting ma freedom when it's a small thing you can do that can save someone's life. (Which scientists and politicians are coming to an agreement on) So are you trying to say is that you just don't give a shit? That's a much better answer and would make sense.

If wearing a mask provides you and others 1% protection that's better then zero. All for the cost of a small inconvenience out shopping/eating/working and $5.
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Feb 13, 2017
With the 4th of July coming up it is time to be thankful for over a million soldiers of all races, creeds, and religions who have died fighting for Old Glory. If we give up our freedoms that they paid for with blood we do them a tremendous disservice.
Honestly what the fu$% are you even talking about? What does wearing a mask to protect your fellow citizens have to do with soldiers?

Do you think they would sit around cheering and celebrating you not wearing a mask? Pretty sure at least the 10s of thousands of US soldiers fighting overseas that contracted the Spanish flu and died a horrible death wouldn't be.
Jan 10, 2016
I live in the state of Oregon. Yesterday our governer announced statewide mandatory masks indoors in public places. She also hinted at the fact we may have to go backwards on our reopening process due to the recent spike in positive covid 19 cases. All the news radio stations and local news channels have huge breaking news segments about the sky rocketing positive case counts. I went to the Oregon Health Authority website to get tests per day and positive tests per day since march 9th.

march 9th 2020 100 test 5 positive = .05 infection rate
march 20th 2020 1226 test 56 positive = .045 infection rate
april 2nd 2020 2035 tests 81 positive = .039 infection rate
april 15th 2020 1757 test 56 positive = .031 infection rate
may 1st 2020 1335 tests 67 positive = .05 infection rate
may 18th 2020 3355 tests 72 positive = .021 infection rate
june 2nd 2020 3514 tests 99 positive = .028 infection rate
june 15th 2020 5245 tests 194 positive = .036 infection rate

The Governer and local news hypes up the daily positive rates. I would assume if you go from 100 tests per day to 5245 test per day you would have more positives tests. I must be missing something, but I can't see the data that would lead me to believe the sky is falling and we may need to shut some of the reopened parts of the economy back down. The state government also released some pretty scary modeling.

Like nearly every other state our main city Portland has had huge protest/rioting daily. We have been told by the experts in Oregon that there is no evidence that the protests/rioting hepled to spread the virus. The experts say it is due to and people starting to spend time with friends and family.

So on mach 9th 5 percent of people tested were positive for covid 19
On June 15th 3.6 percent of people tested were positive for covid 19

Protesting with massive mobs of people, not spreading the virus, but every day you are strongly encouraged not to have a bbq in your backyard with friends or family.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist, and definately believe this is a real virus.

I guess I just don't understand goverment/local news media reaction to data that actually counters exactly what they are saying.

As I am typing this they are again talking about possibly shutting business back down because of the huge spike in positive testing on the local radio station.


Jul 26, 2015
If you had COVID would you go walk around without a mask at a grocery store, go to church, go to a concert?

I'd hope not, because you would feel that would be irresponsible. The reason masks should be mandatory in surging states is because there are so many people with light/mild symptoms that could be attributed to colds or even seasonal allergies that a lot of people do not know they have it.

So people should be wearing them to protect those that are at risk. It's not about YOU it's about others. I don't understand your argument about limiting ma freedom when it's a small thing you can do that can save someone's life. (Which scientists and politicians are coming to an agreement on) So are you trying to say is that you just don't give a shit? That's a much better answer and would make sense.

If wearing a mask provides you and others 1% protection that's better then zero. All for the cost of a small inconvenience out shopping/eating/working and $5.

Those same scientists and politicians also say we have 12 years left before the world ends if we don’t get off fossil fuels.

So, we better hurry and stop, ya know, to up that 1% chance of protection vs 0

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Jul 26, 2015
I live in the state of Oregon. Yesterday our governer announced statewide mandatory masks indoors in public places. She also hinted at the fact we may have to go backwards on our reopening process due to the recent spike in positive covid 19 cases. All the news radio stations and local news channels have huge breaking news segments about the sky rocketing positive case counts. I went to the Oregon Health Authority website to get tests per day and positive tests per day since march 9th.

march 9th 2020 100 test 5 positive = .05 infection rate
march 20th 2020 1226 test 56 positive = .045 infection rate
april 2nd 2020 2035 tests 81 positive = .039 infection rate
april 15th 2020 1757 test 56 positive = .031 infection rate
may 1st 2020 1335 tests 67 positive = .05 infection rate
may 18th 2020 3355 tests 72 positive = .021 infection rate
june 2nd 2020 3514 tests 99 positive = .028 infection rate
june 15th 2020 5245 tests 194 positive = .036 infection rate

The Governer and local news hypes up the daily positive rates. I would assume if you go from 100 tests per day to 5245 test per day you would have more positives tests. I must be missing something, but I can't see the data that would lead me to believe the sky is falling and we may need to shut some of the reopened parts of the economy back down. The state government also released some pretty scary modeling.

Like nearly every other state our main city Portland has had huge protest/rioting daily. We have been told by the experts in Oregon that there is no evidence that the protests/rioting hepled to spread the virus. The experts say it is due to and people starting to spend time with friends and family.

So on mach 9th 5 percent of people tested were positive for covid 19
On June 15th 3.6 percent of people tested were positive for covid 19

Protesting with massive mobs of people, not spreading the virus, but every day you are strongly encouraged not to have a bbq in your backyard with friends or family.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist, and definately believe this is a real virus.

I guess I just don't understand goverment/local news media reaction to data that actually counters exactly what they are saying.

As I am typing this they are again talking about possibly shutting business back down because of the huge spike in positive testing on the local radio station.

You not kissing anything, it’s all the sheep that are missing everything!!

“Please tell me what to do, how to act, and how to think mr govt, please oh please “

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Spike elk

Jun 17, 2012
Honestly what the fu$% are you even talking about? What does wearing a mask to protect your fellow citizens have to do with soldiers?

Do you think they would sit around cheering and celebrating you not wearing a mask? Pretty sure at least the 10s of thousands of US soldiers fighting overseas that contracted the Spanish flu and died a horrible death wouldn't be.
As some of you have referred to, these brave men and women died for my "freedumbs". Over a million US soldiers paid the ultimate price which I am grateful for and mentioned previously. Freedom has a price. That was the point.

Another example of our society paying the price. I will use CDC's numbers; in 2017 (Most recent year I could find) 169,936 Americans died from various accidents. Now, if we never drove on a road, hiked in the mountains, or left our house to do anything like go to work or go on a deer hunt, then that number would really go down. Should we lock down to save those folks? That is almost 170,000 people dead from living. Those 170,000 people who died in 2017 and probably near that number annually from accidents, are the price that we pay for living. We are OK with that. That is the price we pay. Freedom has a price.

Another example of paying the price for freedom is drunk driving fatalities. Every day around 30 people are killed by drunk drivers. So should we go back to prohibition? Hell no! Liquor stores in most states were "essential businesses". We tolerate the destruction and death that comes from alcohol, that is the price that we pay for that specific freedom. Freedom is not free.

Because of science we know that the chances of dying from Covid for our entire population is .05%. That means that of all of the people who get it, 99.95% of them will be just fine. If you are not an elderly person in a care home then that number goes up to a recovery rate of 99.98%. The flu is 99.9% If you are ages 0-24 than the flu is more deadly than Covid. This is all science from the CDC. In addition to that some of the science coming from the World Health Organization claims that there is asymptomatic spread does not really happen. That means that healthy people really have no reason to wear a mask. So yes, I am completely OK with 99.95% of the people surviving C19.

Once again if you are really butt hurt about my "freedumb" then you can use your freedom to get a N95 mask, which you can pick up on Amazon for a couple bucks, and then dumb arses like me will not interfere with your 99.95% of not dying from Covid. Pretty simple.
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