What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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One of the more recent articles I've seen on the long lasting effects covid can have.

It's more than just the 1% that die, cause they're old or already sick, and the ones who fully recover. There's some pretty scary middle ground.

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And in that middle ground as well is the many many people who never even knew they had it, asymptomatic carriers. I do believe there is a virus but the political football it has become has muddied any chance of reasonably dealing with it.
Are we listening to the CDC again? I thought this site had determined their data and direction is unreliable and they are part of the leftist government conspiracy?

And I am not quite sure where you get the notion that I am scared of the disease and have been holed up since the get go. Quite the contrary. Rather, I am hopeful we can get the economy going and keep it going, but that is being hampered in certain regions (e.g. Texas) by people who think that having Constitutional guarantees means science does not apply to them.

The same info came out of a study done at Penn State University earlier this moth. I'm guessing that is where the CDC is getting those numbers. Glockster posted a link to the study. You can read the entire study.
The same info came out of a study done at Penn State University earlier this moth. I'm guessing that is where the CDC is getting those numbers. Glockster posted a link to the study. You can read the entire study.

Thanks, but I was being more tongue in cheek with some posters dismissing the CDC when it doesn't fit the narrative and then embracing it when it does.

It will be interesting to see if testing actually bears out the theory that COVID was more prevalent than believed. We had a wave of flu-like illness hit here in Dec.-Jan. and lots of people are convinced it was COVID (my one friend who had the antibody test was negative).

They did an antibody study here locally (Stanford) in April that sounds like it was influenced by that which showed prevalence of less than 3%. That study was hyped by some as being politically motivated to show the disease was more prevalent and less deadly than it was understood to be at that time.
Saw a study referenced last week that said antibodies may be gone in 60 days after an infection. I didn't follow it up. Not sure we will ever know the scope of this thing.

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For me it is hard to take anything that is said by experts, the CDC, completely inexpert condescending hypocritical politicians, or the media serious about anything Covid any more. They have been so completely wrong every time and overlook any positive developments. I think somebody mentioned a political football being kicked around and to me that sums it up it pretty well.

I have followed the stats from the CDC on their web site both nationally and for my state. While I look at them, I do not trust them. For example just last week, after further review, New Jersey added almost 2,000 more Covid "probable" deaths to their total that somehow they had overlooked. The real issue was that as the cases were spiking the deaths were not. There is nothing to be trusted from politicians or the media. Neither of them have our good interests in mind. You have to admit that to the left political machine, this is the best thing that could have happened to them since Reagan was shot. 100% if they could choose between not having Covid 19 and facing Trump in the fall without it, and maybe losing again, or having Covid and kicking our own economy in the sack and more than likely winning the election, that they would throw old folks in care homes faster than Cuomo did in NY. (Any of you English majors please fix that sentence for me)

For me looking at the stats helps me put it into perspective. Once again I feel that the stats are skewed further left than my daughter's pink Red Rider BB gun. (If you aim for the can in the middle, you will hit the can to the left which ironically is how the news works.) But that is all we have to go on so I will use them. Just four days ago the CDC announced that they figure that nearly 23 million Americans have been infected. Some simple math. Divide the total deaths of 128,647 by the infected number of 23 million and you get the death rate of .0055. Remember back early in Covid ,when if you mentioned the F word (The flu) you were the equivalent of a flat earther? You would be fact checked by your open minded liberal social media platform that is completely invested in fairness and facts as long as they support their narrative. Well plug your snowflake ears because I am dropping the F-bomb all over this post. I just did a search, as recently as 7 days ago there is an article in google news about how Covid has a death rate that is 50 TIMES the flu. Well the flu death rate is around .001. According to the CCD's latest numbers, and they have yet to real them back in, that makes Covid 5 times more deadly than the flu. If you take into account that over HALF of our deaths are from care homes, then that statistic for the rest of us is only about twice as deadly as the flu. (Apparently elderly lives do not matter to us as much as black lives matter because no one is protesting the 60-70 THOUSAND deaths in care homes.) Those stats are still highly slanted towards the older population. Last week as per the CDC web site, there had been 137 C-19 deaths since the C-19 party started for the ages 0-24. For that same demographic, there had been 149 flu deaths.

In my state, if we double or triple our C-19 deaths before the end of the year we will still not see as many Covid deaths as we do to every day accidents in the average year. To me, all of these stats put Covid in perspective. Is it a tragedy? Yes. Every death is. However, it has been blown way out of proportion. To me a bigger tragedy is the lack of fair coverage, the lack of common sense by all of us sheeple, over 40 million people out of work, and the hateful, hard turn left that our country is now making and that will continue until we will be lucky to eat meat let alone hunt for it. Cracks me up when the media labels Trump as divisive and hateful. If you want to see some hate go on Twitter and announce that you are a white person who is not voting for Biden or that you feel that all lives matter.

I wish that the election was in July. If Biden wins, which it looks like he will, then Covid would be over next month. If Trump somehow pulls of a win, then we would have four more years of Covid to look forward to. But hey, we would at least know what to plan for on our hunts this fall. C-19 is nothing more than the flu on steroids and it is that political tool that the media and the left will use to improve their odds of winning the presidency.
Still hearing..... 2 more weeks there will be a spike. Ha!

Unbury your head from the sand and you will "hear" that ICU's in Houston are at 100% capacity. Every single state that re-opened early (AKA the all red ones in the south and southeast plus AZ) is having massive surges.
Unbury your head from the sand and you will "hear" that ICU's in Houston are at 100% capacity. Every single state that re-opened early (AKA the all red ones in the south and southeast plus AZ) is having massive surges.

I never said it was a hoax. My head is not in the sand. This is just what Iv been hearing working in healthcare since April. 2 weeks, 2 weeks. Tourist season has been in full swing here in rural wi since Memorial Day weekend. Still no spike. I don’t live in Houston, and never would
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They just shipped nurses into our county due to hospitals at capacity, sick employees etc. the last 7 days we’ve had 40% of our entire number of cases for the year. Drive past a health clinic at 9pm, there’s a line to get in, parking lots full. This wave will be more costly than the last, people are tired of lockdown and just rolling with it. They
Sent out an alert to all cell phones that said we are at capacity, if you need a bed there may not be one, stay home. For some reason this round is younger to middle aged in beds vs older, not sure if it’s changed or just more risk accepted by the younger so higher numbers.
Unbury your head from the sand and you will "hear" that ICU's in Houston are at 100% capacity. Every single state that re-opened early (AKA the all red ones in the south and southeast plus AZ) is having massive surges.
I thought hospitalization rates were dropping per case's? Spikes in cases is no surprise. Due to several variables. None more contributing then increased testing. You left that out. But, I'm sure it wasn't on purpose.;);)
Unbury your head from the sand and you will "hear" that ICU's in Houston are at 100% capacity. Every single state that re-opened early (AKA the all red ones in the south and southeast plus AZ) is having massive surges.

Yes, we are seeing surges in infections, as the IFM (Infection Mortality Rate) plummets. You can look that up if you'd like. All kinds of reasons for continued reductions in IFM, all of which can be interpreted as the end of the world and reason to panick and freak out, or fantastic news deserving serious celebration depending on how you choose to look at things.

Your comment about ICU's in Houston: "ICUs in Houston are at 100% capacity". If you're interested in actual context from the people that run the hospitals there, search Youtube for "Texas hospital CEO on the state's spike in Covid-19 cases". You can also google "Hospital COE's from Houston's Largest Hospital Systems Discuss Capacity and Covid-19...."

A few quotes if you're not so inclined:

"It’s amazing how some things turn into stories that really aren’t."

" We always run about 90 – 99% capacity"

“We are seeing younger patients, we are seeing a shorter length of stay, we are seeing lower immortality, and we are seeing lower ICU utilization right now.” (Lower immortality is kind of funny)

They also do state how infections are going way up, a serious concern.

If you look at the video, check out the dude's awesome office. A guy can dream!
I am going to all Uncle Ted on the panic in Houston. "Where have we seen this before?" Panic in Seattle- feds built a hospital in the King-dome that was never used. Panic in LA- Medical Navy ship sent by the Feds and not used. My favorite is the panic in NY. They built new capacity, temporary hospitals, some Christian Good Samaritan medical group builds a hospital in Central Park, and the other Navy medical ship is sent there. Cuomo demands 40 thousand ventilators from the feds and tells the media if he doesn't get all of them then Trump will have to come and pick who dies. Yup, none of that is used and they ended up with way more ventilators than they can ever use. Oh and the Good Sam folks get persecuted for being Christians AND have to pay taxes to NY. After the media calling Covid, er wolf on this so many times I would much rather have my head in the sand. It would be safer.
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Houston Hospital Capacity.pngTexas is divided up into trauma service centers. Just pulled this off of their web site. You can see that the trauma service area Q which is Houston has over 2,00 free hospital beds, 169 available ICU beds and over a thousand available ventilators. As long as they don't go all Cuomo on the elderly they should be just fine. Is C-19 real? Yes it is. Is it tragic? Yes it is. Is it as bad as the media and the left want you to believe? Nope. Just a political football no different than BLM. Considering that over 60 thousand people protested in Houston it is no surprise that there is an upswing in C-19 cases there.
Areas (esp rural) that were not hit in March or early April like some urban areas were, will be hit now preferentially after having been seeded from nearby urban areas or from areas that had big and ongoing bumps in numbers in late May and early June likely from migrant workers. Washington state seems to be a perfect example of this in every way if you know anything about the geography and socioeconomics there, and then look at the covid numbers and demographics by county.

Warrning, above is analysis of facts, but what follows is sarcasm which may trigger laughter or sadness. Proceed with caution.

What I can't understand is why the media cares so much more about business owners, church goers, Jewish people, and Trump speech goers that they would for their own protection want to fine them and their businesses and places of worship if they try to open up to provide services to other Americans, get together, or not all wear masks?

But on the other hand, they must just hate young & inexperienced, but energetic white & black people, and gay and transgender pride parade participants, who are gathering for parades, protests, to take over and camp in city parks, to destroy private and public buildings and monuments, to destroy cops, and to threaten local politians or threaten anyone else they disagree with. I mean after all, the media claims to overtly support these people, but do they really? They encourage these people even when many of these people are not wearing masks or when they are gathering in close quarters and camping in unsanitary conditions. How can they hate these people so much that they don't care about them dying of covid 19? Just disgusting.
On the topic of masks- just another example from experts who have been inconsistent and waffle with the politics. From his interview on 60 minutes in March Dr. Fauci said "There's no reason to be walking around with a mask,"

He went on to say, "While masks may block some droplets, they do not provide the level of protection people think they do. Wearing a mask may also have unintended consequences: People who wear masks tend to touch their face more often to adjust them, which can spread germs from their hands."

Was Fauci's head in the sand when he made those comments? I would say what he said jives with some of what I have seen at stores where employees adjust the mask they have been breathing in all day with their bare hand and then go back to checking out my groceries or stocking shelves. Watch for it and you will see it yourself.

Those comments were in March, fast forward to today and now the same governments who cannot keep your business from being looted, or you safe from "peaceful" protesters, is going to ensure that everyone is wearing a mask. That is a chuckle. Maybe they will wait a bit to defund the police then? To be clear I am not advocating for NOT wearing a mask. I do tend to agree with Fauci's earlier comments and generally do not wear one. If a woman can abort a baby because it is her body and her choice then dadgummit, everyone else should have that same freedom with their body and a mask. I am completely "pro choice" when it comes to wearing a mask.
I don’t know what the Docs are saying down here, but the emergency broadcast sent 3 alerts today about hospital capacity, needed more nurses and paying $90 an hour to fly in nurses.

I don’t know what’s happening in Houston, but here in the RGV it sounds like it’s correct.

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