If you had COVID would you go walk around without a mask at a grocery store, go to church, go to a concert?
I'd hope not, because you would feel that would be irresponsible. The reason masks should be mandatory in surging states is because there are so many people with light/mild symptoms that could be attributed to colds or even seasonal allergies that a lot of people do not know they have it.
So people should be wearing them to protect those that are at risk. It's not about YOU it's about others. I don't understand your argument about limiting ma freedom when it's a small thing you can do that can save someone's life. (Which scientists and politicians are coming to an agreement on) So are you trying to say is that you just don't give a shit? That's a much better answer and would make sense.
If wearing a mask provides you and others 1% protection that's better then zero. All for the cost of a small inconvenience out shopping/eating/working and $5.
You are worried about improving protection by 1% which is a really small number. I am talking about a number that is 95% smaller than that.. Five tenths of a percent is the mortality rate of C19. People who are at risk should not be out and about. If they are compelled to do so because they do not have anyone around to help them out, then THEY should wear a mask to protect themselves or have their own early morning shopping hours where they are the only ones in the store. Pretty simple. Get a N95 mask for a couple bucks and no worries. It should be mandatory for THEM to wear a N95 mask. THEY would be protected whether I do or not.