What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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I'm really curious how China is having next to no spread. . . Even in our estimates and projections we show numbers starting to climb up quickly. . . Disinformation? They shot everyone? They are just that good? Or they have something we don't and are watching the world burn bidding their time?

It's insane how few new cases they are having!

Meanwhile Italy is burning!

It is possible they shot everyone.
I'm really curious how China is having next to no spread. . . Even in our estimates and projections we show numbers starting to climb up quickly. . . Disinformation? They shot everyone? They are just that good? Or they have something we don't and are watching the world burn bidding their time?

It's insane how few new cases they are having!

Meanwhile Italy is burning!

Or they developed a vaccine or treatment prior to turning it loose.

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Yeah we take the info from China with a grain of salt. They may have just flat burned everyone that was sick, or they may just be that good at following orders. My guess is the second.
realize Chinese culture is very collective, they are in it for the generations with no regard to their personhood. If they are told they need to stay inside locked in their houses for the betterment of China, that’s what they do. If they are told food is coming from the govt and it never does, and people starve to death, they don’t care because the food must have gone to a better use for China. China is only interested in China’s existence in 2000 years, and any means to get there is OK by most folks there.

totally different mentality than a lot of other places. Guess who else has a similar (not quite as extreme) sense of nationalism....S Korea. They handled this quite well too. Individualistic states such as Italy, France, US, etc are not faring as well because we value individual over country.
I'm really curious how China is having next to no spread. . . Even in our estimates and projections we show numbers starting to climb up quickly. . . Disinformation? They shot everyone? They are just that good? Or they have something we don't and are watching the world burn bidding their time?

It's insane how few new cases they are having!

Meanwhile Italy is burning!

Because they literally welded apartment complex gates shut.
To understand China and the virus you HAVE to understand high-context societies/honor/face, the whole bit. That, more than anything, drives how they do things. This is especially prevalent among the higher-ups and leadership. For the 1,000th time, read up on the Great Leap Forward and what leadership there did. It’s never their fault, you see, because that would mean the Great and Powerful Oz, I mean communist regime, is wrong about something
Today, young Chinese are taught the famine during the Leap was a “western” problem, not theirs. And still today, some Chinese “leaders” have accused the US of introducing the virus to them. Again, it’s not THEIR fault....
So, have the positives dropped to nothing, no way. But it sure makes China look like their way is better that ours, no?
Dont be surprised is china instituted a multiplier for any number that would be publicly shared that was assocated with this pandemic.

For example. .10 or .25 as a multiplier
I dunno, Im skeptical over reporting coming out of China. Honestly so, I'm somewhat ignorant to the Chinese culture. I do my fair amount of research, but I've never been to China nor spoke with any Chinese about their government.

I look at the reported number of people attending the protest rally in Hong Kong, which they report it was over 1 million. That's over an 1/8th of the population in Hong Kong. If you pull a million people to a protest, I'd have to assume there are millions more believing in what they are protesting. Then hearing reports (dunno if they were accurate) about inhuman things being done to the Chinese people, make me think what was happening over there during quarantine wasn't at all peaceful. I fear bad things were done to the Chinese people, and I fear the reporting coming out of China is inaccurate about the virus current status. This is just my free thinking opinion of course. Kind of just thinking out loud here, creating debate. Not saying in anyway that my thoughts can be proved.

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As I’m sipping on tea and reading rokslide in my kitchen, I’m also overlooking a main city roadway in Wisconsin. In the past 5 minutes I’ve seen no less than 100 vehicles drive by. Yes, that is less than a normal weekend, but clearly shows people are NOT following the shelter in place order.
I'm just going to hole up with the family on the ranch and calve our cows. I can't control much past what happens on our ranch so I'm going to concentrate on what I can control. I will stay informed as I can of what's going on and try to make decisions based on that as this progresses. I will also pray for the country, that I can do. I had to go to the closest farm and ranch store yesterday to get some things for Dad. He needed them to keep our feed wagon running if this thing stretches out, and there are not yet any reported cases in the county I had to go to. He is 65 and higher risk than me, so I went. My brief time in town I saw enough crazy that I don't care to go back for a while unless it's absolutely necessary.
Maybe the masks are doing some good?

My understanding is the cheap paper masks do more harm than good after speaking to a few nurse friends and my Dr. Need a mask with a respirator like the N 95 to do any good and Chinese are not wearing respirators. Lie after lie from China. Have to wonder if this was intentional.
My understanding is the cheap paper masks do more harm than good after speaking to a few nurse friends and my Dr. Need a mask with a respirator like the N 95 to do any good and Chinese are not wearing respirators. Lie after lie from China. Have to wonder if this was intentional.

These paper mask are a Damn joke, I own a poultry farm and inside the houses is very dusty so we wear mask and I would never wear these mask inside the chicken houses. If the mask won't stop dust it sure as heck wont stop a virus, basically it's all for show to patients making us look more professional and safer.
South Korea was prepared for this, because they botched the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, MERS epidemic 5 years ago. They learned hard lessons and have done an excellent job handling the virus now, it appears. South Korea has a lot of test kits, because they learned from MERS and stockpiled them for a future virus. When the Corona Virus appeared in China, Trump was being impeached under phoney, bogus circumstances, which distracted Trump and the country. Of course China takes the lion share of the blame for letting the virus out of China. Trump is doing an excellent job in spite of the clear and present threat by some members of the press. He's the right man at the right time, he reminds me of the equally flawed Churchill.

Our current administration was too busy fighting the Russia hoax and impeachment.
The China piece in the puzzle is very concerning to me. Their #s dont add up, their obstruction of information, I would think that in-part can be blamed for the rest of the worlds unprepparedness. I'm going to assume every first world military is keeping a very close eye on China right now. China's in a very bad spot. Currently everyone will take any med supplies they can get. Once this passes I'd not be surprised if the world collectivy turned their back on China.
This was from yesterday afternoons press conference from the Governor here in Washington State. This diagram was next to him the whole time.
The China piece in the puzzle is very concerning to me. Their #s dont add up, their obstruction of information, I would think that in-part can be blamed for the rest of the worlds unprepparedness. I'm going to assume every first world military is keeping a very close eye on China right now. China's in a very bad spot. Currently everyone will take any med supplies they can get. Once this passes I'd not be surprised if the world collectivy turned their back on China.
And then China and North Korea will kick off World War 3. Nothing for China to lose at that point if the majority of manufacturers pull out of there and return home. They either completely collapse or try to do something about it.
How deep will the damage be?
Over 800 more fatalities in Italy in the past 24 hours. Is the virus mutating? Why the younger people? Why more men than women? Yes, the Italians smoke more than we do, but typically (except for the UK) most Europeans are heavy smokers.

JP Morgan said on Wednesday, March 18th: “...we are slashing our forecast for real annualized GDP growth in Q1 to -4.0%, followed by an even weaker -14.0% in Q2… growth partly recovering to 8.0% in Q3 followed by 4.0% growth in Q4."

When the dust settles, citizens should also ask themselves: how will consumers behavior change—it will change—and who will benefit? Will consumers be strong enough to resume life from where they were before the crisis? And, how long will it take to repair the damage, or find a new normal?
The most important thing we can do in this situation is to preserve capital. You need to live—so you can fight another day.

(“Political Rant”-The US is led by a man who has not got a clue and has denied the existence of a dangerous epidemic since informed about it in early January. If he does not step aside, soon, and quite wasting our time with his “poverty of linguistics”, and let Dr. Fauci/Dr. Groirer/Dr. BIrx et al answer the press conference questions, the situation in the US will get out of control totally. Fine if that is what Americans want but just watch China become the leading economy in the World as quick as Covid-19 infects people.)

America for several years has become a fundamentally unserious country. This is the luxury afforded us by peace, affluence and high levels of consumer technology. We didn’t have to think about the things that once focused our minds—nuclear war, oil shortages, high unemployment, skyrocketing interest rates. Terrorism has receded back to being a kind of notional threat for which we dispatch volunteers in our military to the far corners of the desert as the advance guard of the homeland. We even elevated a reality TV star to the presidency as a populist attack on the bureaucracy and expertise that makes most of the government function on a day to day basis.

The COVID-19 crisis could change this in two ways. First, it has already forced people back to accepting that expertise matters. It was easy to sneer at experts until a pandemic arrived, and then people wanted to hear from medical professionals like Anthony Fauci. Second, it may—one might hope—return Americans to a new seriousness, or at least move them back toward the idea that government is a matter for serious people. The colossal failure of the Trump administration both to keep Americans healthy and to slow the pandemic-driven implosion of the economy might shock the public enough back to insisting on something from government other than emotional satisfaction.

The coronavirus pandemic, one hopes, will jolt Americans into a realization that the institutions and values Donald Trump has spent his presidency assailing are essential to the functioning of a democracy—and to its ability to grapple effectively with a national crisis. A recognition that government institutions—including those entrusted with protecting our health, preserving our liberties and overseeing our national security—need to be staffed with experts (not political loyalists), that decisions need to be made through a reasoned policy process and predicated on evidence-based science and historical and geopolitical knowledge (not on Trump-ian “alternative facts,” political expediency or what Thomas Pynchon called, in Gravity’s Rainbow, “a chaos of peeves, whims, hallucinations and all-round assholery”). Instead of Trump’s “America First” foreign policy, we need to return to multilateral diplomacy, and to the understanding that co-operation with allies—and adversaries, too—is especially necessary when it comes to dealing with global problems like climate change and viral pandemics.

End of so-called Political Rant (for some) and Useful Information (for some). Let’s see how this looks a year from now. I am an optimist and realist. This is not a “rant” but a call to look seriously at a “Game Changer” as to how we function as a society going forward. Time to get back to work.

PS-Read the CDC guidelines before you start commenting about the use of masks, the type of masks, how to clean the masks, when to wear the masks...I grant that we all have differences of opinion, but when it comes to the actual FACTS about masks, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and sanitizers/hand washing/social distancing...read the CDC and/or your own State Board of Health/Board of Medical Licensure guidelines. This is a very fluid situation and the mitigation maneuvers/guidelines are updated on at least a daily basis. I didn't start this thread, and I have my own opinions. I also use and know many of the guidelines as to how to screen/evaluate/triage/treat COVID-19.
This was from yesterday afternoons press conference from the Governor here in Washington State. This diagram was next to him the whole time.

Exactly!!! 3 people have been approved and tested as of last timeninwas at the ER all were negative. Lots of folks were not approved to be tested so the numbers dont add up.. Fox news numbers just now..


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