What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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it has been brought up in close friends who had that persistent viral illness late fall/early winter. I don’t think it’s the same thing. Hard to tell right now but that one seemed a little longer lasting (3-4 weeks of persistent cough) than the current covid of around 7-10 days. 97% of symptoms are gone by day 12 in covid19 patients, and that just wasn’t the case with the earlier virus.
The crazy thing about viruses is they can act similar and be totally different. I thought the earlier one acted more like a parainfluenza virus, and infect ivory was not anywhere high, probably around 25-30% max. Some people had it but a lot of people had immunity to it, which suggests something not novel. Whereas the covid19 is novel in that it hasn’t hit humans before so no one has immunity to it and infect ivory is very high.
In my mind, different bug.

in case anyone needs to know, I am a physician, I didn’t just sleep at a HIexpress
I’m no doctor and I know anything is possible but there are lots of people who are testing positive walking around and never developing a single symptom , to slightly ,to severe ,to death.
I think that’s why a lot of the dr’s in my area are thinking it has possibly and hopefully already moved through, we had a lot of sick people in the hospitals here by December between the flu and that mysterious respiratory illness
As much as I like Ron Paul and dislike government intervention I think we need it now. I have a state job with a ton of time off and 6weeks of sick time every year. One of my coworkers has been sick since Friday and still coming to work over the weekend he traveled to Wisconsin over 3 hours away. Another of my coworkers came to work with a fever yesterday. I texted her to ask if she was at work and sick. I was gonna tell her to go home...she came in my office to tell me she was sick but it’s ok cuz she purelled everything. Most people are too dumb to follow directions and idiots like those two are why this has blown up.
Here’s some food for thought:

as of last nights evening news, almost 40,000 covid19 tests had been run in the US.
Positive tests were only 4,000. Negative were 35,000. Still waiting results were 1700

So, even in those folks that thought they fit the bill and testing was done, only 1/10 were positive for covid19.
That tells us there is still a bunch of other junk out there that causes similar symptoms like cold, flu, etc...
Be cautious but let’s not freak out. But also, similar symptoms may not mean you have been through the fire yet....stay vigilant and protect yourself and your fellow man please!
As much as I like Ron Paul and dislike government intervention I think we need it now. I have a state job with a ton of time off and 6weeks of sick time every year. One of my coworkers has been sick since Friday and still coming to work over the weekend he traveled to Wisconsin over 3 hours away. Another of my coworkers came to work with a fever yesterday. I texted her to ask if she was at work and sick. I was gonna tell her to go home...she came in my office to tell me she was sick but it’s ok cuz she purelled everything. Most people are too dumb to follow directions and idiots like those two are why this has blown up.

You should have told her to go home. Why would you wait for the government to do that? It’s too late by the time they find out.

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Here’s some food for thought:

as of last nights evening news, almost 40,000 covid19 tests had been run in the US.
Positive tests were only 4,000. Negative were 35,000. Still waiting results were 1700

So, even in those folks that thought they fit the bill and testing was done, only 1/10 were positive for covid19.
That tells us there is still a bunch of other junk out there that causes similar symptoms like cold, flu, etc...
Be cautious but let’s not freak out. But also, similar symptoms may not mean you have been through the fire yet....stay vigilant and protect yourself and your fellow man please!

I’m very glad they are reporting on the total number of tested. I don’t watch the news on this, only following specific state health depts and WHO/CDC.
In Seattle, which of course is the US hotspot, they are only testing symptomatic cases (like you mention above) and the positives have dropped from 10.5% to 8% to 7% as the nhmber of total tests rises. Ive been saying this will happen for a long time. Testing will show three things: 1) a lot of people have it and will fully recover, and 2) mortality here will
Plummet, 3) population density will be the biggest factor in pockets of death.
I did that’s why I texted her. She’s a custodian and I didn’t think she should be touching things in people’s spaces. Unfortunately common sense isn’t very common
With the travel bans and school closures and all the other things the government is doing.... Are these the things the government should have done with H1N1?

I mean 12k ish died from H1N1 if we get this down and say have less than 1k die.

Is it gonna make out last administration look like a bunch of asshats? Or was heir just not the technology or information then? I was in high school and we went to school and no one panicked if I remember?

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With the travel bans and school closures and all the other things the government is doing.... Are these the things the government should have done with H1N1?

I mean 12k ish died from H1N1 if we get this down and say have less than 1k die.

Is it gonna make out last administration look like a bunch of asshats? Or was heir just not the technology or information then? I was in high school and we went to school and no one panicked if I remember?

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Because a Democratic president was in office, the media wanted to be careful not to cause any alarm or sow any discredit. I believe the shutdown for coronavirus will extend many lives. We can never know what would have happened IF.... What we do know, is that we will ALL die someday. It doesn't matter WHEN we die as long as we are READY to die.

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In Colorado they closed bars and restaurants, schools etc....but you can still fly to other states and come here from other states. And can still go to the mall? Seem

kind of weird when the government is telling youto shut down your business and ruin your livelihood because of a virus that most likely won’t even affect you. Kind of sad all the people who will have their businesses closed for good and who will loose their houses and families. In my mind if it’s a bad as they say it is. This isn’t just going away in a month. This will be here for years. So do we just close down everything for years.
Current estimates from the CDC Oct 1 through March 7 are between 36,000,000-51.000.000 cases of influenza in the US. Yes that is million. All those shocked that there seem to be a lot of sick people out there shouldn't be.
Current estimates from the CDC Oct 1 through March 7 are between 36,000,000-51.000.000 cases of influenza in the US. Yes that is million. All those shocked that there seem to be a lot of sick people out there shouldn't be.

Can you please provide where you got that info? Thx

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From the CDC webpage. Numbers don't change much year to year. 30-50 million cases. 300,000 hospitalizations and 30,000 deaths. Every year.
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They’re saying 3-6 months. With emphasis to the long side with containment. Why contain? if we all get it in a week we’ll overwhelm icus, and we won’t all get the care we needed if we can keep it at a trickle for six months doctors are more likely to be able to adequately treat us.
In Colorado they closed bars and restaurants, schools etc....but you can still fly to other states and come here from other states. And can still go to the mall? Seem

kind of weird when the government is telling youto shut down your business and ruin your livelihood because of a virus that most likely won’t even affect you. Kind of sad all the people who will have their businesses closed for good and who will loose their houses and families. In my mind if it’s a bad as they say it is. This isn’t just going away in a month. This will be here for years. So do we just close down everything for years.

i think we are going to get “hunker down” fatigue very soon. In 7 days this will feel very different than today.and the longer weare asked to do illogical things, the worse it will be.
What if President Trumped Twitted something about cancelling the election and having to stay in power four more years due to this crisis?
I bet the media would say things are clearing up and everything would be back to normal in a week or so.

God Bless.
Yup we already have a meme for thst
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