What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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What if President Trumped Twitted something about cancelling the election and having to stay in power four more years due to this crisis?
I bet the media would say things are clearing up and everything would be back to normal in a week or so.

God Bless.

The Babylon Bee already beat you to the punch.

**********THIS IS SATIRE ****************

The data that would make the point either way would be to compare historical mortality rates /1000 at same time of year to those currently in China (good luck), the USA and European countries including Italy. That would enforce or negate the hypothesis that mortality is the same just shifted to Covid 19 from other causes.
Gov Beshear pretty much shut down Kentucky today, all bars and restaurants are closed to the public except carry out and drive though, our courthouse closed its doors but is still doing business via net or phone, were pretty much shut down only thing left is total quarantine and lock down.

were gonna be fine down here as long as we don’t run out of coffee, if that happens..........I’ll start to get dangerous to society!!
Every bar, restaurant, pub, theatre, etc is now closed here in upstate NY. I was hoping my job closed because I have asthma and do In home sales. I’ve had pneumonia before and was hospitalized and it really really sucked. I have a feeling this would be much worse. I will try to keep my distance and do all measuring from outside the house with a mask and gloves on and do estimates through email. Screw that. I’m not gonna get it. Plane tix are super cheap right now but this might make my MT rifle hunt into an early archery hunt. I doubt this will still be around come late August but worried it’ll come back by late October. Not sure what to do . Or just get a refund all together on my tags cuz I know I won’t draw the unit I was going for... man this sucks!

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If it’s already been said, I apologize, but I’m not skimming 60 pages to find out. Heard a Dr today say that he was of the opinion that the coronas has already swept across the US late fall/early winter back when everybody had some flu like symptoms, but tested negative for flu. Everybody got the standard “it’s probably something viral, treat your symptoms and rest, see ya later, here’s a big ass bill.”

That might hold water.
If it’s already been said, I apologize, but I’m not skimming 60 pages to find out. Heard a Dr today say that he was of the opinion that the coronas has already swept across the US late fall/early winter back when everybody had some flu like symptoms, but tested negative for flu. Everybody got the standard “it’s probably something viral, treat your symptoms and rest, see ya later, here’s a big ass bill.”

That might hold water.

Kind of leaning that way myself.
If it’s already been said, I apologize, but I’m not skimming 60 pages to find out. Heard a Dr today say that he was of the opinion that the coronas has already swept across the US late fall/early winter back when everybody had some flu like symptoms, but tested negative for flu. Everybody got the standard “it’s probably something viral, treat your symptoms and rest, see ya later, here’s a big ass bill.”

That might hold water.

I can only speak to my wife's hospital. But they've been screening anyone with similar symptoms for the last 3 weeks or so. Everything negative, there has been other Coronavirus, H1N1, the regular flu, etc. In the last 4 days they've had a number of positives, several people in ICU on ventilators and an increased number of suspected CV19.

All of the Docs there feel it is something different. And the area was hammered with a bad flu in October/November.
This Pandemic is only getting worse and I think more of it is fear driven than anything. If people could keep a level head on their shoulders and not panic, this would be over sooner than later. I think the hysteria is only making things worse and I have rapidly seen it change over the last couple days.

Is this illness serious? I think it is for some and not for others. I can tell you that if there is ever a time for the glass is half full thinking, it is now. Instead it is quite the opposite. Death and Gloom and mass hysteria. People I never thought would be acting this way, are. They are trying to rationalize it but most see thru it.

Large companies shutting down, utility company's shutting down most work other than Emergency. Lots are underestimating it and lots are overestimating it. Both can be harmful. Stocking up on ammo and guns is probably one of the weirdest actions I have seen yet. You can not shoot the virus. If you did not have enough ammo or guns after the last guns and ammo scare, shame on you.
If it’s already been said, I apologize, but I’m not skimming 60 pages to find out. Heard a Dr today say that he was of the opinion that the coronas has already swept across the US late fall/early winter back when everybody had some flu like symptoms, but tested negative for flu. Everybody got the standard “it’s probably something viral, treat your symptoms and rest, see ya later, here’s a big ass bill.”

That might hold water.

it has been brought up in close friends who had that persistent viral illness late fall/early winter. I don’t think it’s the same thing. Hard to tell right now but that one seemed a little longer lasting (3-4 weeks of persistent cough) than the current covid of around 7-10 days. 97% of symptoms are gone by day 12 in covid19 patients, and that just wasn’t the case with the earlier virus.
The crazy thing about viruses is they can act similar and be totally different. I thought the earlier one acted more like a parainfluenza virus, and infect ivory was not anywhere high, probably around 25-30% max. Some people had it but a lot of people had immunity to it, which suggests something not novel. Whereas the covid19 is novel in that it hasn’t hit humans before so no one has immunity to it and infect ivory is very high.
In my mind, different bug.

in case anyone needs to know, I am a physician, I didn’t just sleep at a HIexpress

Interesting read
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