What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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Mark my words, this is going to get very bad here in the US. We havent had anything significant happen to the US that we had to worry about in a long time. Probably the reason we make up problems now like the social justice warriors.

This illusion that " It cant happen to us, we're america" is about to get a reality check. We are pitifully, amusingly unprepared. We have become soft and we are going to pay the price. On top of that, one downfall of a democratic society is that we can't pull extreme measures quickly, if at all, like China has had to do to get their situation under control.

I guess I don’t see where people are implying it can’t happen here. I see it more of what can realistically be done. What do u propose we should be doing differently to get a better outcome?

I mean if u find a treatment or vaccine for this, u literally become a billionaire overnight. Think people aren’t doing everything to find it?

U said marks ur words it’s going to get bad. Why not lay out in detail so we can see how accurate u really are.
Predicting that people will die and stock market will tank doesn’t really require u be be in the genius iq category

Well now ammo sales are through the roof too. Toilet paper and ammo, that’s all we need!
I guess I don’t see where people are implying it can’t happen here. I see it more of what can realistically be done. What do u propose we should be doing differently to get a better outcome?

I mean if u find a treatment or vaccine for this, u literally become a billionaire overnight. Think people aren’t doing everything to find it?

U said marks ur words it’s going to get bad. Why not lay out in detail so we can see how accurate u really are.
Predicting that people will die and stock market will tank doesn’t really require u be be in the genius iq category

And yet so many people are acting like that's not going to happen. If everyone already thought that way the DJIA would be less than 20k right now. The gradual grind down is a graphical representation of the rate of acceptance or at least buy in that this will be bad.

And why do I have to offer a solution to say it's going to get bad? Those two things aren't correlated.

I dont think there is a solution, it's too late. And I don't think we are built to handle something like this politically or otherwise. We're going to have to ride this out.
certainly for smokers,asthma, diabetic, and heart issues also. Outside of that will be based on public reaction.

I agree with that but the impact from the public reaction will be significant. I dont think society will take the approach of everyone is going to get it eventually and some of you are going to die so go about your business.

Arguably that would be the quickest way to get to the other side of this.
And yet so many people are acting like that's not going to happen. If everyone already thought that way the DJIA would be less than 20k right now. The gradual grind down is a graphical representation of the rate of acceptance or at least buy in that this will be bad.

And why do I have to offer a solution to say it's going to get bad? Those two things aren't correlated.

I dont think there is a solution, it's too late. And I don't think we are built to handle something like this politically or otherwise. We're going to have to ride this out.

What do you mean by, "It's too late."?

You honestly believe something could have been done to stop this?
Having all the first world medicine and technology in the world does not help when certain people in our government want the doors left wide open for third world problems to come in unchecked.
Might fire up the endmill this weekend and knock out a few 80 percenters for the upcoming COVID 19 apocalypse.
Giant urban areas remind me of factory farms, that many living things in close proximity to each other living in each others filth, hell yeah there is gonna be problems like this. I had to go LA last year for work to purchase equipment and there is no way in hell you would pay me to live in a giant city like that, the place was disgusting and trashy.
I'll stick to being free range myself.
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This is right across the harbor from where I work and less than 200 yards from my wife’s work which is another Marriott, both hotels share the same parking garage. Both my kids my wife and I have had the flu since last Saturday ohh boy....
How are you guys going to handle packages/purchases that come? This can live on surfaces for up to 9 days.

A bleach mist followed by an additional 4 hour wait on the porch!

Possibly a ultraviolet light treatment as well. Can never be to careful!

For everyone's sake, please stop using cash for awhile. Debit or credit cards folks. Keep those germs to your self!
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