What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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We humans sure have managed to survive a lot of stuff since the dawn of the new century. I do happen to have two Costco rolls of tinfoil at the house. Might be posting them up on the classifieds if the price is right for all the hat makers.
Sunny side here as well, fellas!

Went to Walmart. Didn't die. AND IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!

Aisles were empty. Employees were happy. Out of like 5 things, but all the decongestants were in stock which is what I was after. Wonder how many people bought cartloads of hand sanitizer and bleach but no analgesics or decongestants.
Stock market is definitely struggling. Still don't think we've seen but half of the downside. Hope I'm wrong.
On the bright side, gentlemen, if you are in a position to refinance to a 15 year mortgage, there is no better time! I suggest you check rates at your bank. It's a no brainer!
Yep, we are doing that now. Crazy how good a deal you can currently get. Almost free money.....almost.

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Here is today's update. WA where I live 11 dead and 20 new cases today.

  • Santa Clara County total hits 20 as 6 new cases confirmed
  • San Francisco mayor reports first 2 cases in the city
  • SF closes a school after a student tests positive
  • First French lawmaker contracts the virus
  • New Jersey Lt. Gov confirms 2nd "presumptive" case
  • 2 more cases confirmed in Texas's Harris County
  • NYC asks travelers from 5 countries to 'self-quarantine'
  • Trump refuses to answer questions about testing kit shortage
  • NY state cases double to 22
  • Washington state reports another 20 cases
  • Palestinian territories confirm 7 cases
  • Seattle closes 26 schools
  • Pentagon tracking 12 possible COVID-19 cases
  • 35 passengers aboard 'Grand Princess' showing flu-like symptoms
  • Another senior Iranian figure dies
  • Illinois reports 5 more cases
  • NYC reports 2 more cases, raising total to 4
  • Italy postpones referendum vote; death toll hits 148
  • WHO's Tedros: "Now's the time to pull out the stops"
  • Tennessee confirms case
  • Nevada confirms first case
  • New Delhi closes primary schools
  • EU officials weigh pushing retired health-care workers back into service to combat virus
  • Italy to ask EU for permission to raise budget deficit as lawmakers approve €7.5 billion euros
  • Beijing tells residents not to share food
  • 30-year-old Chinese man dies in Wuhan 5 days after hospital discharge
  • Cali authorities tell 'Grand Princess' cruise ship not to return to port until everyone is tested
  • Global case total passes 95k
  • Lebanon sees cases double to 31
  • France deaths climb to 7, cases up 138 to 423
  • EY sends 1,500 Madrid employees home after staffer catches virus
  • Trump says he has a "hunch" true virus mortality rate is closer to 1%
  • Switzerland reports 1st death
  • South Africa confirms 1st case
  • UK chief medical officer confirms 'human-to-human' infections are happening in UK
  • UK case total hits 115
  • Google, Apple, Netflix cancel events
  • HSBC sends research department and part of London trading floor home
  • Facebook contract infected in Seattle
  • Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Netflix cancel events and/or ask employees to work from home
  • Netherlands cases double to 82
  • Spain cases climb 40, 1 new death
  • Belgium reports 27 new cases bringing total to 50
  • Germany adds 87 cases bringing total to 349
I would guess Costco is probably out of tinfoil

Mark my words, this is going to get very bad here in the US. We havent had anything significant happen to the US that we had to worry about in a long time. Probably the reason we make up problems now like the social justice warriors.

This illusion that " It cant happen to us, we're america" is about to get a reality check. We are pitifully, amusingly unprepared. We have become soft and we are going to pay the price. On top of that, one downfall of a democratic society is that we can't pull extreme measures quickly, if at all, like China has had to do to get their situation under control.
Word is there is a confirmed case in Summit County Colorado. Guy in his 30’s who was there ski...
Mark my words, this is going to get very bad here in the US. We havent had anything significant happen to the US that we had to worry about in a long time. Probably the reason we make up problems now like the social justice warriors.

This illusion that " It cant happen to us, we're america" is about to get a reality check. We are pitifully, amusingly unprepared. We have become soft and we are going to pay the price. On top of that, one downfall of a democratic society is that we can't pull extreme measures quickly, if at all, like China has had to do to get their situation under control.

What is it that you are predicting is going to happen?
Mark my words, this is going to get very bad here in the US. We havent had anything significant happen to the US that we had to worry about in a long time. Probably the reason we make up problems now like the social justice warriors.

This illusion that " It cant happen to us, we're america" is about to get a reality check. We are pitifully, amusingly unprepared. We have become soft and we are going to pay the price. On top of that, one downfall of a democratic society is that we can't pull extreme measures quickly, if at all, like China has had to do to get their situation under control.

the demographics of people that have serious risks when infected seems to have been established.
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We humans sure have managed to survive a lot of stuff since the dawn of the new century. I do happen to have two Costco rolls of tinfoil at the house. Might be posting them up on the classifieds if the price is right for all the hat makers.

I'll trade you half a bottle of hand sanitizer and a roll of paper towels for them. In your opinion would that be enough to make a whole body suit?
I'll trade you half a bottle of hand sanitizer and a roll of paper towels for them. In your opinion would that be enough to make a whole body suit?

I'm thinking in another week or two they might be worth a Ken Griffey Jr or Cal Ripken Jr rookie year card in about 95 percent condition.
The media will never waste a crisis. The disease its self does not worry me as much as people's panic because of it. The flu has this thing whipped, handily. I just dont see why mass cities are shutting down because of it. Trying to create mass hysteria to crash the economy prior to the election? If it's this bad why is there not better flu precautions?
Word is there is a confirmed case in Summit County Colorado. Guy in his 30’s who was there ski...

yep. He flew here from Italy. And was hanging out with another Person in Italy who was known to have the corona virus. So nice of him to want to come skiing in Colorado lol
I'm thinking in another week or two they might be worth a Ken Griffey Jr or Cal Ripken Jr rookie year card in about 95 percent condition.
The media will never waste a crisis. The disease its self does not worry me as much as people's panic because of it. The flu has this thing whipped, handily. I just dont see why mass cities are shutting down because of it. Trying to create mass hysteria to crash the economy prior to the election? If it's this bad why is there not better flu precautions?

yea that’s my thoughts. If it’s so bad why didn’t they shut down travel from other countries when cases first appeared?
yea that’s my thoughts. If it’s so bad why didn’t they shut down travel from other countries when cases first appeared?

I know half the government and almost all media is still pist off about the impeachment. Is this their last desperate attempt? Their version of jumping the fence line and not giving a care about facts and fiction? Scare the whole country into mass hysteria to cause civil disobedience to the brink of conflict? Down the worm hole again........
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What is it that you are predicting is going to happen?

Havent been wrong yet ;) I see the market took a huge dip again today, futures for tomorrow headed that way currently as well.

Just look at the facts..its right there in front of us all. Some just dont want to look. Its human nature though, cant really blame people for it.
yea that’s my thoughts. If it’s so bad why didn’t they shut down travel from other countries when cases first appeared?

There are massive political and economic pressures to not close borders.

Unfortunately, whether this one gets us or one a hundred years from now they will close the borders too late.
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