What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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How are you guys going to handle packages/purchases that come? This can live on surfaces for up to 9 days.
9 days? The last I heard it can survive on Steel and Brass surfaces for 2 hours and 9 hours on wood and plastics.

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Believe it or not UV lights are used all over the food industry as it has been validated to kill all kinds of pathogens. A lot of your meat and vegetables go through a light tunnel before packaging.
Believe it or not UV lights are used all over the food industry as it has been validated to kill all kinds of pathogens. A lot of your meat and vegetables go through a light tunnel before packaging.

So if we would have kept using aerosol cans in the 90's to weekend the ozone we would have higher rates of uv coming through and this virus would have been killed before it could get started. who new cfc's could have saved us
Here's an excellent overview from the University of Oxford
The thing people don't seem to be thinking about is how much our health care resources would be taxed if this did get out at the same level the common flu does.

We simply don't have the resources to handle a mass outbreak of a disease that is 20x more deadly than the flu, THAT is the real danger, not so much the risk of death to any individual person.

The efforts of the CDC, the Chinese government and the various governmental health orgs all over the world are exactly what allows us to be so flippant about epidemic risks.
Some new estimates from the CDC on the regular lame ass flu that nobody’s worried about.
Estimated 34 million flu illnesses, 350,000 hospitalizations, 20,000 deaths with 136 being children.

What is the current count in the US on the coronavirus, like 14 old people.
I don’t know guys I think we might be worried about the wrong one.

Some new estimates from the CDC on the regular lame ass flu that nobody’s worried about.
Estimated 34 million flu illnesses, 350,000 hospitalizations, 20,000 deaths with 136 being children.

What is the current count in the US on the coronavirus, like 14 old people.
I don’t know guys I think we might be worried about the wrong one.


Now imagine if Covid19 had been allowed to run rampant like the regular flu.

I'm not good at math but 20 x 20,000 is a big ol' number. And assuming hospitalizations at the same rate (which is a big assumption of course) you have 7,000,000 hospitalizations... in a country with 790-something thousand hospital beds. THAT is the real problem and why so much has been dumped into trying to prevent the spread.

In short, if you are a healthy young person and get it you are probably going to be alright but if the number of people even close to the number catch it who catch the flu (on top of the people who get the vanilla flu!) then shit is going to get really, really, really, real.
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