What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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I'm not going there. If you want to know biblical truth you would study how the most accurate version, King James Version came about. It wasnt re written over and over as suggested. The re written versions have mans twist on it.
Then you would pick up your KJV bible and begin to read.
No man has what God has for you. Only He has what you need.

Good luck. ✌
Sounds good. If you believe a book that is potentially hundreds of years old hasn't been re-written that is your choice. Have a nice day.
Sounds good. If you believe a book that is potentially hundreds of years old hasn't been re-written that is your choice. Have a nice day.
If you believe that is what I said, your choice. It has been written once into the english language from the Hebrew and Aramaic into KJV. From there the translations have gone down hill being spun on mans will.
Study it. The thing is about the bible is it takes God to soften a mans heart for the word to be heard.

I wanted to say you can know Jesus as Lord and savior. He loves you and died for you to have everlasting life with Him if you accept Him in your life.

I think He is going to be the only thing that matters here soon. Dont forget this thread in some time from now.
If you believe that is what I said, your choice. It has been written once into the english language from the Hebrew and Aramaic into KJV. From there the translations have gone down hill being spun on mans will.
Study it. The thing is about the bible is it takes God to soften a mans heart for the word to be heard.

I wanted to say you can know Jesus as Lord and savior. He loves you and died for you to have everlasting life with Him if you accept Him in your life.

I think He is going to be the only thing that matters here soon. Dont forget this thread in some time from now.

Brother, you should brush up on some of the refutations of the KJV-only argument. The fourth and last revision of the KJV was in 1769. Other modern translations also translated directly from the original manuscripts. Don’t forget your New Testament was in Koine Greek. I’m with you in salvation, but don’t let the KJV be a stumbling block.

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The things I just heard from an executive for a large nationwide healthcare company (not left or right slanted) has my attention now.

The virus can live for much longer than the flu virus on surfaces (hours on copper vs minutes for flu)

It can be transmitted to animals and then back to humans (think about large dog parks)

No one has immunity to this like the flu, so the spread will be much wider

I’m talking with them again tonight and will get more details.

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Here’s my take after reading and listening to as much as possible on the commute the last couple weeks.

We will all get Covid19 at some point and it will seem normal. We are still passing around the Spanish Flu of 1918, we’ve all had it most likely. We have some herd immunity to flu, none to the corona virus. We have medications known to combat flu, not yet for Coronavirus, I’m sure we will soon.

We don’t know if it will die down during the summer, but hopefully it will. At some point this will just be another flu, pain in the butt, but no big deal. But that point will come after we have vaccines, meds known to combat it, and some immunity. 50% of the population get flu vaccines, 0% have a vaccine to this, so if it should spread as far and wide, it won’t be pretty.

The biggest problem i see is the major complication rate filling hospital beds, overflowing our capacity to treat.

A few numbers

Serious Complications requiring hospitalization (pneumonia etc) flu .9%, CV 18%

Requires ICU Flu .25%, CV 5%

Case fatality flu .1%, CV 2.3% worldwide (not really enough data to know US yet, could be less due to undiagnosed cases)

Rate of infection Ro(R naught). Flu 1.3, CV 4.7, (Smallpox is 5-7)

Lives on surfaces flu 4-5 hours, CV 5-9 days(current info, could change)

Incubation time flu 2-3 days, CV 5-14 days

ICU per million infected flu 9000, CV 180,000

Fatality per million infected flu 1000, CV 23,000

So the point is at some point this will be just another cold season, but right now it could easily overwhelm the system if it spreads as easily as they believe.

For one thing, Americans aren’t going to stand for a city or huge area to be roped off and quarantined like China. I mean I would like to fence of Seattle, but that has nothing to do with the virus.

In the mean time it will slow the economies just by people not buying cruises, airplane tickets, concert tickets. I mean airlines are canceling sole flights due to lack of travel, movies postponed, 3/4 of people surveyed wouldn’t take a free cruise. 2/3’s of our economy is us spending, so I don’t see this year as being real stellar investment wise.
So Washington has had cases for months?

How many cases and how many deaths?

If those who are claims the high rates of infection and a 3% death rate were correct wouldn't it have spread to millions of people by now? With thousands of death? Hmmmmmm....... Makes you wonder.

It probably would if the victims hadn't been quarantined as well as they have.
It probably would if the victims hadn't been quarantined as well as they have.

Sick people are put in isolation. Healthy people are quarantined.

There have only been people in isolation for a couple weeks. That means for a month infected individuals were free in the community. Not seeing a very large number of cases tells me it's not as serious as some would hope.
Haven't read much of this but the wife and I made our regularly scheduled Costco run and we are sure glad we did...not for fear of this virus but because people are losing their freaking minds over it and buying enormous amounts of TP, paper towels etc. Our local Costcos are OUT of a lot of things. The gal at the checkout stand said their depot was out of the stuff as well and they wouldn't have certain things for a while. Keep in mind that Idaho has ZERO confirmed cases...insanity if you ask me.
If China was going to go as far as this to end the Hong Kong protest they would have just ended the protests by force, they could definitely do it if they wanted to bad enough.

Would have been a lot easier and cheaper than making a virus to do it...
Brother, you should brush up on some of the refutations of the KJV-only argument. The fourth and last revision of the KJV was in 1769. Other modern translations also translated directly from the original manuscripts. Don’t forget your New Testament was in Koine Greek. I’m with you in salvation, but don’t let the KJV be a stumbling block.

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Thank you for enlightening me. I probably should be more educated on these things. At the end of the day, I know Jesus is the answer for my life. Frankly He is the answer to all of this. Thankfully He is in control.
Thank you again.
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