Stick Figures with spears and Green saddle ready giant dinosaurs went extinct 10,000 years ago.Really shocking that Kansas would reopen and deny science...
Stick Figures with spears and Green saddle ready giant dinosaurs went extinct 10,000 years ago.Really shocking that Kansas would reopen and deny science...
And the talk is that it's going to crash again.DJI is at 24.2K today but was at 29.6K 2.5 months ago. That is an 18% decline.
I think Kneejerk Kelly‘s change of heart has more to do with impending financial impacts for the state of Kansas then anything else. That and the super virus has had very little impact on the state of Kansas. Almost makes a person think that it was a little bit of bullshit and blown out of proportion.Actually, as a state the curve is going up but that is from 2 counties with meat processing plants.....exclude them and we are pretty good with KC the worst by far. I am just west of KC by one county and we have right around 50 cases here. My business is just starting to pick up a bit....I have a dry rot/entry door job to look @ this afternoon. Picked up a days exterior painting yesterday while spraying a lawn and pulling weeds in ground cover beds for one account. Hopefully this turns around quickly for everyone who has been adversely effected and folks stay safe from the virus.
Financial planning or lack-there-of isn't anyone's problem but their own.
Anyone that was still splashing around in high risk stuff and within a couple years of retiring, that's their fault.
Anyone with a timeline of retiring that's past 3-4 years has no reason to worry.
Risk in the market isn't called risk for nothing, if you don't have the stomach for it, stay on the porch.
Financial planning or lack-there-of isn't anyone's problem but their own.
Anyone that was still splashing around in high risk stuff and within a couple years of retiring, that's their fault.
Anyone with a timeline of retiring that's past 3-4 years has no reason to worry.
Risk in the misn't called risk for nothing, if you don't have the stomach for it, stay on the porch.
I think Kneejerk Kelly‘s change of heart has more to do with impending financial impacts for the state of Kansas then anything else. That and the super virus has had very little impact on the state of Kansas. Almost makes a person think that it was a little bit of bullshit and blown out of proportion.
This is still going onObviously there is a big disconnect between Main Street and Wall Street, more then I ever thought. Main Street is feeling the impact. Several I have talked to have stated if Kansas doesn’t open back up on the 4th their saying the hell with it and open anyway.
I am concerned at the rate the feds are throwing money at everything and really so should you. That bill will come due.
Take Kansas, we are looking at a projected loss of 1.2 billion. Cheap oil is also a factor in this hit. So next year it looks like we will be around $650 million short. Many states are in the same boat.
I hope the jobs come back as fast as they left, I just don’t think they will. I hope I am wrong.
I could say the exact same thing about the coronavirus if you get it that’s not my problem. Thats your your problem.
If you don’t want to take the risk of going out in the world and stay your ass in your house.
How many people do you think are in the ballpark of 3 to 4 years of retirement. Probably quite a few. They might have a very Different outlook on it.
Do what you want, you're a big girl.
Jimmy Crack corn....
Some good things have already and more will come.Hopefully something good comes out of all this. Strange times.
Just got tested for antibodies. Negative. Like I mentioned before I have worked the entire time and had exposure to probably 20-50 people a day. Doesn’t seem that contagious.
Did you get a patent on your cart powered horse?
Another real world update. My patrol shift (Central Texas) went and got tested for antibodies and we are all negative. Steady contact 4 days a week since this deal started. Doc said the test they are using is 90% accurate.
Is this a rural area? How many folks tested would you guess?
It is very possible that some big players in this have sold their souls to the devil....greed for wealth and power.
I believe if POTUS uncovers them they will pay for it and I do not think POTUS would ever do that.