What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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Jul 30, 2015
Lenexa, KS
In fact, some public health agencies are saying that situationally COVID-19 deaths are being under-reported.

An estimated additional 180 - 195 deaths per day occurring at home in New York City due to COVID-19 are not being counted in the official figures. "Early on in this crisis we were able to swab people who died at home, and thus got a coronavirus reading. But those days are long gone. We simply don't have the testing capacity for the large numbers dying at home. Now only those few who had a test confirmation *before* dying are marked as victims of coronavirus on their death certificate. This almost certainly means we are undercounting the total number of victims of this pandemic," said Mark Levine, Chair of New York City Council health committee

Do people die at home of the flu? Did people die at home of H1N1?


Dec 8, 2018
In fact, some public health agencies are saying that situationally COVID-19 deaths are being under-reported.

An estimated additional 180 - 195 deaths per day occurring at home in New York City due to COVID-19 are not being counted in the official figures. "Early on in this crisis we were able to swab people who died at home, and thus got a coronavirus reading. But those days are long gone. We simply don't have the testing capacity for the large numbers dying at home. Now only those few who had a test confirmation *before* dying are marked as victims of coronavirus on their death certificate. This almost certainly means we are undercounting the total number of victims of this pandemic," said Mark Levine, Chair of New York City Council health committee

I have a good friend who works as a nurse in Brooklyn and they are not even testing people that die there now in NYC so that can't even determine what caused their deaths and that's happening all over the country and overseas. She has an 83 old cousin who was dying of cancer who just passed away last weekend and death cert says covid. Thousands of people die of the regular flu and they are being counted as covid victims.

The problem with this epidemic is there is no good trustable data so you're just making stuff up like the media. They want the death count as high as possible to push through more expensive wasteful and unneeded legislation and stimulus bills.

This researcher from Stanford has a good understanding of the situation



Jan 15, 2017
Dec 6, 2019
Southern OK

Time to move the goalpost again. Now the estimation is 82,000 deaths. In the history of knee-jerk fear-based overreaction this will go down as an all timer.
Since it seems to be perfectly ok to guess at everything related to this shit, I’m going to guess that it doesn’t even hit half of that amount.

Now we get to watch all the back pedaling begin by the people in this thread.


Feb 25, 2012
N.E. Texas....
I think the bildaburgs or whoever is behind the curtain is just crashing the damn world economy. But I'm a biblical tin foil hat kinda guy. ;)


Sep 29, 2012
I have a good friend who works as a nurse in Brooklyn and they are not even testing people that die there now in NYC so that can't even determine what caused their deaths and that's happening all over the country and overseas. She has an 83 old cousin who was dying of cancer who just passed away last weekend and death cert says covid. Thousands of people die of the regular flu and they are being counted as covid victims.

The problem with this epidemic is there is no good trustable data so you're just making stuff up like the media. They want the death count as high as possible to push through more expensive wasteful and unneeded legislation and stimulus bills.

This researcher from Stanford has a good understanding of the situation

I agree with the notion that we don't know the lethality rate of this disease based on our country's failure around testing, but does it really matter? One only needs to look at COVID-19 having overwhelmed local medical systems in multiple countries, which doesn't happen each flu season, to understand this is different. I think people are being blind (or willfully....political) when they try to compare this to the common flu.

Preliminary numbers show 1,826 deaths today, up from 1,255 yesterday.
Jul 30, 2015
Lenexa, KS
One only needs to look at the data to know overall deaths are down 20% year over year. As far as I can tell coronavirus is saving lives not taking them.


Feb 1, 2020
Preliminary numbers show 1,826 deaths today, up from 1,255 yesterday.

This is certainly a big deal, and I won’t argue that it isn’t. But if you’re going to bring us stats, bring us the good stuff too. Sunday and Monday saw a decrease in new cases over the previous few days. Could be some kind of statistical anomaly, but in the absence of more data, this looks positive.


Jun 12, 2012
Piedmont, SD
So far overall cases are down 3000 today. That will go up a little but should still be less than yesterday. Death rates are a lagging indicator so you would expect them to still be going up. The doubling time for death rate is increasing though and that is a very positive indicator.


Dec 8, 2018
This is certainly a big deal, and I won’t argue that it isn’t. But if you’re going to bring us stats, bring us the good stuff too. Sunday and Monday saw a decrease in new cases over the previous few days. Could be some kind of statistical anomaly, but in the absence of more data, this looks positive.

It won't fit the hysteria-give up all of your rights-need to double the debt narrative, so he won't post it


Dec 8, 2018
So far overall cases are down 3000 today. That will go up a little but should still be less than yesterday. Death rates are a lagging indicator so you would expect them to still be going up. The doubling time for death rate is increasing though and that is a very positive indicator.

Is that strictly covid deaths? Was everyone tested and determined to have died solely from the covid virus?

From what I have the best data on testing the population for covid virus has been in Iceland where they tested about 3.4 per cent of the population and fifty per cent of those who tested positive showed NO SYMPTOMS.

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Apr 4, 2020
I haven’t been keeping up with this thread so I apologize... Anyways, for those of you that have started your prepping by filling your basement full of bottled water, toilet paper and hand sanitizers. I advise that you also buy out all the .22 LR ammo at the local hardware store. Once this blows over in a few weeks you may have to take shelter from all your angry incredibly parched, dirty faced, s*** stained hands neighbors who will be quite upset with you. Careful now, that Irish spring fragrance is going to give you away...
This is sound advice 😂😂
Oct 2, 2016
West Virginia
Ok so you want to go back to normal life and get all those other death causes back on track and exponentially add on the corona deaths and still consider it nothing? Ya I know the country and or world is economically f**ked from this and my career industry I’ve built up to will probably never be the same

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No. I never said anything you replied. But, I do see it makes your argument stronger when you blindly do that.

Here is reality. Some places are getting hammered by this. Badly. I have absolutely no incentive or want to be in those places. I feel for those that are and pray for them daily. I'm also one of the few that say People in bad areas need to be tested, if they come up negative, and want to leave that state for a less congested area, we should greet them with open arms. It could be done responsibly. It should be done for humanity. Americans should help fellow Americans that need it. And, people fleeing this need the help.

Those that can't or don't leave the hot zones need to lock up until this passes if deemed necessary. If that requires other Americans to work harder to cover them, that is what needs to be done. For however long that takes. Whether that be in NY state or LA. This republic is in this together. And it would only be American pride, ingenuity, and responsibility if people in areas with less people, who aren't facing this problem yet or will never face it with severity, helped in anyway they can..

The fact is the best way we can do that is to WORK. To pay for those supplies, produce those supplies, to move those supplies, to provide food,, shelter, necessity's, and anything needed for those in the hot zones. The absolute best way to make sure that happens is keep this economy running as strong as possible right now. Look around bud. businesses, factories, all sorts of producing entity's are shutting down daily in areas this isn't affecting. If this continues, soon enough there will be huge shortages that is going to take a toll.

This is a fluid situation. It needs a common sense approach. Yes, people are going to die. Yes, we are going to loose some this shouldn't kill. We are going to suffer some. But, we need to be looking at what is looming versus selling this country out for the politically correct BS that is going on now.


Sep 29, 2012
This is certainly a big deal, and I won’t argue that it isn’t. But if you’re going to bring us stats, bring us the good stuff too. Sunday and Monday saw a decrease in new cases over the previous few days. Could be some kind of statistical anomaly, but in the absence of more data, this looks positive.

There seems to be a pattern of reported cases going down on Sundays and to a lesser degree on Mondays, likely because labs close on the weekends so the # of test results decline which skews the numbers. The number of positive cases seems to bounce back up on Tuesdays, just like we saw today (3K increase over yesterday, and the day is not over).


Sep 29, 2012
So far overall cases are down 3000 today. That will go up a little but should still be less than yesterday. Death rates are a lagging indicator so you would expect them to still be going up. The doubling time for death rate is increasing though and that is a very positive indicator.

If you check new cases early enough tomorrow AM, you can claim we cured the disease, :D I am really hopeful that we can stem the tide and make the sacrifice many are making worthwhile, but as a country we are not there yet.


Feb 1, 2020
There seems to be a pattern of reported cases going down on Sundays and to a lesser degree on Mondays, likely because labs close on the weekends so the # of test results decline which skews the numbers. The number of positive cases seems to bounce back up on Tuesdays, just like we saw today (3K increase over yesterday, and the day is not over).
That might be true, but can it be proven? It totally might be accurate. Just trying to be objective and consider the potentially positive along with the potentially negative.


Dec 11, 2019
Totally overrated! Way more people die from normal seasonal flu. Be healthy and you won't get it or it will be mild. If you are unhealthy, underlying health issues, quarantine yourself and let the rest of the country get back to work!
Jul 30, 2015
Lenexa, KS
What sounds scarier?

“The Coronavirus Doesn’t Discriminate...”


“Who’s Sickest From COVID-19? These Conditions Tied to Increased Risk”
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