What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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The other difficulty here is that the actions being taken affect everyone's life. We aren't playing a sum zero game here. How long does it take to get to 168,000,000 cases? It took 3 days to go from 50,000 to 100,000. It then took 6 days to go from 100,000 to 200,000. The trend in numbers keeps going to the right, increased doubling time. They keep moving the metric. When the lockdown talk started it was 2 weeks. That went to 4 weeks, its now gone to 8 weeks and beyond.

You keep the country shut down until we get into the lower quartile of herd immunity, you will cause a depression. That costs lives, that costs families, that cost livelihoods. Is a life saved from a virus worth more than one lost in the consequence? You do far too much your future could be a third world country.

The lockdown talk sounds great. It makes us feel safe. In your numbers assuming 50% will get it. Again, New York, assuming they are missing the mark by a factor of 10, they still have 46% of the population to go. Their healthcare system is overwhelmed at 4%. How long do you prolong this to get through the remaining 46% without overwhelming the system?
Nobody knows how long this is going to take. This is part of the problem from both sides. People want to know that April 21, at 12 noon this will all be over and we can move on but nobody knows. Eventually, we are going to have to go back to life as normal and eventually it will happen. When? I cant say and nobody can. What we do know is that not doing anything doesnt work very well.

I dont know about other areas but the economy around here really isn't slowing down much. Restaurants are packed with people doing curbside pickup, most are still working from home and the the sporting goods store I work at met its sales goals 5 months early thanks to panic buying. Now, long term this could change but as of now, it looks ok. I think we will weather this pretty well and that the time we have bought has allowed hospitals to better prepare themselves.

As to your question of someone dying now versus someone dying later. Once again, we dont know that this will cause a depression to that level. What we know is what we can see at this point and sometimes you have attack what is in front of you and let the future be unknown.

Once again, I am not saying that I think what we are doing are the correct things but I think there is a way bigger picture than you are painting.
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I hear NYS is confiscating ventilators and ppe from some areas to send to NYC.....something about the guard being sent to pick up (take) the stuff......seems that NYC is pleading shortages/poverty...

Very interesting article on Reuters online about ppe equipment acquisitions worldwide.....

Nobody knows how long this is going to take. When? I cant say and nobody can.

Except me, right? My sources are accurate and unbiased, my mind is unbiased and my reasoning is always sound and without malice. I take info from my unbiased sources, churn it through my unbiased and critical-thinking mind and provide not opinions based on political or religious leanings, paranoia or lack thereof, upbringing or strange life experiences...but facts only!

Just kidding, of course and I really appreciate your view point.

No. One. Knows. Squat.

The data are just starting to come in and make zero sense as to deaths per million. Look at California vs New York on deaths per million, both hot beds of out of country visitors.
I am thankful that we have three days running (not statistically significant at all) where deaths in the US are at least "flat" (look at deaths per day chart)
Look at Italy vs. other countries on deaths per million. No sense.
Data isn't apples to apples, We could all die, we could be freaking out over nothing. No one knows but everyone will bitch, me included.

Heading outside this weekend, thankful for what we have.
The latest 'data' suggest that many people carry and are able to infect others but show no symptoms.....then those same folks are the ones who are hit very hard (regardless of age/pre existing conditions) later.....also the % of dead that are 'old' is dropping.
The other difficulty here is that the actions being taken affect everyone's life. We aren't playing a sum zero game here. How long does it take to get to 168,000,000 cases? It took 3 days to go from 50,000 to 100,000. It then took 6 days to go from 100,000 to 200,000. The trend in numbers keeps going to the right, increased doubling time. They keep moving the metric. When the lockdown talk started it was 2 weeks. That went to 4 weeks, its now gone to 8 weeks and beyond.

You keep the country shut down until we get into the lower quartile of herd immunity, you will cause a depression. That costs lives, that costs families, that cost livelihoods. Is a life saved from a virus worth more than one lost in the consequence? You do far too much your future could be a third world country.

The lockdown talk sounds great. It makes us feel safe. In your numbers assuming 50% will get it. Again, New York, assuming they are missing the mark by a factor of 10, they still have 46% of the population to go. Their healthcare system is overwhelmed at 4%. How long do you prolong this to get through the remaining 46% without overwhelming the system?
I don't know, some of the economic data I've seen from the 1918 flu suggests that economies will repair themselves more quickly if the curve is flattened...which seems contradictory. Perhaps has to do with confidence/morale from not seeing people dropping over everywhere, who knows.
Italy on 3/23 @ noon had 6077 dead.
4/1 @ noon had 13,155 dead.
Today 4/3 @ 5pm has..14,691 dead.

Deaths per day seem to be stable......to a degree. Certainly no dramatic reduction. Somewhere around 700-800.
Italy on 3/23 @ noon had 6077 dead.
4/1 @ noon had 13,155 dead.
Today 4/3 @ 5pm has..14,691 dead.

Deaths per day seem to be stable......to a degree. Certainly no dramatic reduction. Somewhere around 700-800.
And to think we could peak somewhere around 3000/day...crazy.
I don't know, some of the economic data I've seen from the 1918 flu suggests that economies will repair themselves more quickly if the curve is flattened...which seems contradictory. Perhaps has to do with confidence/morale from not seeing people dropping over everywhere, who knows.

The thought that somehow the government can protect them may be all that is holding some folks together. As much as I hate to say it, government inaction on the kung flu issue would probably be more destructive than what they have done already.....and what they have done will be plenty destructive in one way or another.....stave off crashing the economy by crazy government stimulus and you might just be putting off the crash....
You must read CNN.
CA was one of the first hotspots. The politicians are failing miserably if their timeline is close to the national timeline! The federal government is for backing up the states, not forcing them unless they are really doing poorly. How was CA "weeks" ahead? Trump declared a national emergency 9 days after California.

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Haha, you must watch Fox news. What a dumb comment. The Bay Area's 6 counties SIP was announced on 3/9.

CA has ~10% of the US population and was a hot spot early on. It is now 8th in new cases/day behind states like MI, PA, LA, MA, and FL which have much smaller populations. So yeah, our local and state governments did a very good job in addressing the situation by taking action well ahead of when Trump realized the severity of the situation.
So yeah, our local and state governments did a very good job in addressing the situation by taking action well ahead of when Trump realized the severity of the situation.
What date do you figure Trump realized the severity of this situation and how did you decide that?
Haha, you must watch Fox news. What a dumb comment. The Bay Area's 6 counties SIP was announced on 3/9.

CA has ~10% of the US population and was a hot spot early on. It is now 8th in new cases/day behind states like MI, PA, LA, MA, and FL which have much smaller populations. So yeah, our local and state governments did a very good job in addressing the situation by taking action well ahead of when Trump realized the severity of the situation.

What was Pelosi’s exact words on Feb 24th....
What was Pelosi’s exact words on Feb 24th....

“It’s exciting to be here, especially at this time,” said Pelosi as she walked surrounded by media and onlookers. “To be able to be unified with our community.

We want to be vigilant about what might be on the horizon — what is out there in other places. We want to be careful how we deal with it (coronavirus). But we do want to say to people, come to Chinatown. Here we are, again, careful, safe, and come join us.”
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