What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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here are trump’s thoughts on it....

Holy cats, some of you really need to take a class on how government works. The budget from the White House is a wish list, Congress controls spending and funding. No money was cut from the CDC regardless of what your Democrat contenders say.
Holy cats, some of you really need to take a class on how government works. The budget from the White House is a wish list, Congress controls spending and funding. No money was cut from the CDC regardless of what your Democrat contenders say.

I watched a trump press conference, didn’t see a Democratic one.
I watched a trump press conference, didn’t see a Democratic one.

There is a full court press in the media and from the Democrat contenders to spread this nonsense that Trump gutted the CDC. It is dishonest to repeat it as it is not true. The link above shows the AP, who are no friends of Trump, spoke out to contest the claims by Biden and Bloomberg. That should really tell you something.
I have a lot of anti-vaccine friends and they will never ever get a flu shot but are anxiously awaiting news about a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine.

Get yer flu shot!

There is a full court press in the media and from the Democrat contenders to spread this nonsense that Trump gutted the CDC. It is dishonest to repeat it as it is not true. The link above shows the AP, who are no friends of Trump, spoke out to contest the claims by Biden and Bloomberg. That should really tell you something.

the press shouldn’t be friends with politicians. Snopes seems solid and I posted a link showing the pandemic response team was fired in 2018 and not replaced.
the press shouldn’t be friends with politicians. Snopes seems solid and I posted a link showing the pandemic response team was fired in 2018 and not replaced.

Three paragraphs on Snopes does not make a substantial argument one way or the other. How do they know what the set up within the CDC is in regard to pandemic response? Them saying this team was not replaced is not the same as saying the CDC does not have a group of people paired to this issue. It's nonsense to think so.
You all remind me of sanders supporters, must be hard work;-)

Not at all. A little effort to quell nonsense posts meant to frighten people with fearful declarations is a quality use of my time.

Just trying to bring a honesty and clarity to the current situation. If this truly is a pandemic capable virus it's coming no matter what. Using it for political traction is repulsive.

Here is some good reading.

North Korea has done something right in this one isolated case. Cut off all contact with the outside world. No one in no one out. No international trains or flights. Foreigners are in quarantine. Thus far they have no reported cases. This should have happened globally long ago. We wouldn't be in this situation. This is what needs to happen in the future if/when faced with a true infectious threat capable of mass annihilation. Knucklehead Kim figured it out. SMH!!
Not at all. A little effort to quell nonsense posts meant to frighten people with fearful declarations is a quality use of my time.

Just trying to bring a honesty and clarity to the current situation. If this truly is a pandemic capable virus it's coming no matter what. Using it for political traction is repulsive.

Here is some good reading.

I don’t see this as a political issue.
I don’t see this as a political issue.
Then, respectfully, you're blind.
The CNNs of the world are beating on DJT relelntlessly over this crap.

Here's a good commentary I read and lifted...

TropicalJerry7 hours ago
So you mean that it might not be the end of the world? Well schucks. I was just about to open a good bottle of scotch.
I'm 74. In my lifetime I have been told more times than I can count how the world was going to end. Bad polio vaccines. Nuclear holocaust. Race wars. June bugs. Tanzania laughter (look that one up). Running out of oil. Global cooling. AI. Global warming. New world order. Daycare sex abuse. Collapse of the dollar. WW3. Y2K. SARS. Mayan calendars. Asteroid impacts. Ebola. Infrared grills. Satellites falling on my house. And a whole host of other crap.
Given my age and circumstances (I live in the USVI), I'm more likely to die from drowning or a clogged artery.
In those 74 years, I've noticed one thing: none of them happened, either because they were total BS or level heads prevailed.
Should people take precautions? Absolutely. But the people pushing this panic aren't doing so for altruistic reasons.
1. They want to get Trump out of office.
2. They want to tighten the surveillance state.
3. Drive down the stock market to buy up the equities cheap.
4. Television ratings.
All of those are occurring as we speak. I've seen this re-run before.
North Korea has done something right in this one isolated case. Cut off all contact with the outside world. No one in no one out. No international trains or flights. Foreigners are in quarantine. Thus far they have no reported cases. This should have happened globally long ago. We wouldn't be in this situation. This is what needs to happen in the future if/when faced with a true infectious threat capable of mass annihilation. Knucklehead Kim figured it out. SMH!!

I was wondering about NK, of course if they had an outbreak they wouldn’t share that info.

They weren’t terribly far from isolation anyway.

I would say if you contract the flu in NK right now you and your family are shot, burned and ash spread in with pig shit.
Never let a crisis go to waste and this is a perfect boogeyman platform for .govt to save us all. Help me! Help me! Maybe by November the virus will keep the .govt obeying libtards at home.
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