What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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Regardless of the 3% vs 9% mortality rate, folks are starting to take this seriously. I sat in a strategy meeting today as to how our company would continue to do business if the office tower we work from were temporarily closed due to quarantine. Hopefully just a intellectual exercise rather than something we will have to implement.
Multiple choice test for conspiracy nuts. Choose the most likey answer.

How did the Corona Virus make the jump to humans?

A) It was accidentally Unleashed from a bio weapons facility.

B) Some Chinese people at a market developed a taste for bats and snakes, as bear gallbladders were in short supply.

C) The Chinese government unleashed it to kill off the eldery, whos depends use and mirlax consumption were draining the state.

Alex, i will take answer C for 1000!

Good info for those interested. I love forums but sometimes the information get misconstrued. Not necessarily intentional.
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Pretty sure I had a false negative flu test. Check off all the boxes and am very ill. My cousin was just pulled on of intubation today. Type A. Our cases have nothing to do with one another as we don't associate. Flu sucks.
Multiple choice test for conspiracy nuts. Choose the most likey answer.

How did the Corona Virus make the jump to humans?

A) It was accidentally Unleashed from a bio weapons facility.

B) Some Chinese people at a market developed a taste for bats and snakes, as bear gallbladders were in short supply.

C) The Chinese government unleashed it to kill off the eldery, whos depends use and mirlax consumption were draining the state.

Alex, i will take answer C for 1000!

B, the answer is always B!
Some of the stuff that is eaten as food over there is cringeworthy.

Killing off the elderly to balance the checkbook doesn't seem to far fetched either.
Bernie and AOC are taking notes.
Multiple choice test for conspiracy nuts. Choose the most likey answer.

How did the Corona Virus make the jump to humans?

A) It was accidentally Unleashed from a bio weapons facility.

B) Some Chinese people at a market developed a taste for bats and snakes, as bear gallbladders were in short supply.

C) The Chinese government unleashed it to kill off the eldery, whos depends use and mirlax consumption were draining the state.

Alex, i will take answer C for 1000!
Conspiracy nut checking in...with a reply for you...

A, Why do you assume the "Corona Virus" made "a jump""? Maybe it was "built" for humans from it's inception...Do you honestly think this bug doesn't smack of a bio-weapon??

B. Chinese people have always dined on "critters" we (bigoted Americans) wouldn't feed to their dogs.

The Chinese government didn't "unleash" anything.... They are the equivalent of a 4 year old child playing with an AK 47. No surprise when innocent bystander get shot. Yes, this is not the first time the chi-coms have stepped on their own dick with regard to gross incompetence concerning bio-weapon spillage.
I mean if they accidentally released a bioweapon they turned around really quick releasing the genome of the virus at least. That would seem like a poor strategy to kill their own people and risk infecting the world. Why would they release a virus on their own people as contagious as this? They risk the entire world turning their backs on them and not doing business with them.
I mean if they accidentally released a bioweapon they turned around really quick releasing the genome of the virus at least. That would seem like a poor strategy to kill their own people and risk infecting the world. Why would they release a virus on their own people as contagious as this? They risk the entire world turning their backs on them and not doing business with them.
History shows us time and time again a rational thought is highly subjective.

The world is not turning their back on China they produce way too much stuff for way too cheap.
China has history of viewing their citizens as disposable. They are just a cog in the machine nothing more
History shows us time and time again a rational thought is highly subjective.

I think watching the response of world leaders is telling of that.

If this thing is really bad, the world's governments clearly care more about the stock market than human lives.

Guess just hoping now it all blows over by summer.
My personal opinion is this is another staged distraction. Mueller didn't work, impeachment didn't work, so now market manipulation seems less direct and coincidentally it is election year.

Also consider the response from the CDC, the timing of it, and the CDC NCIRD director's sibling.

Didn't hear much on the news about Weinstein's verdict. Or CEO resignations.

Population control is a legitimate theory. Consider Gates' position on it.

How are those protests in China going lately, by the way?

Could all be total coincidence and BS, or not. Time will tell if this is a real threat, I suppose.
I have a very crazy theory: Maybe, just maybe, the Chinese government is trying to kill off their aging and old population due to the heavy burdens on their socialistic system of government. They really shot themselves in the foot with the 1 child policy so that now there are not enough people to pay for this aging population. Here is a link describing who is dying from the virus: https://www.businessinsider.com/coronavirus-death-age-older-people-higher-risk-2020-2

Meanwhile, here is a graph:

View attachment 157987

See a pattern here?

By creating a virus particular to the older population, they effective "remove" the problem.

That's kinda how being old works... ya get weaker to every disease.

No one needs to create a virus to get rid of old folks, nature does a good enough job of creating them on its own.

Why would they spend so much effort to quarantine if they wanted it to spread?
That's kinda how being old works... ya get weaker to every disease.

No one needs to create a virus to get rid of old folks, nature does a good enough job of creating them on its own.

Why would they spend so much effort to quarantine if they wanted it to spread?

You bering up some good points. I was just researching the age mortality and was struck by how not one child under 10 years of age has died but the mortality for people over 50 is substantial... very substantial. But yeh, I get it would be difficult to make a virus that targets certain age groups. I am not one for conspiracies, was just seeing what others thought.
The reports that people are getting it for a second time is a bit unsettling.

It was not intentionally released to control population. China would bulldoze a citys worth of preschools with the kids inside if it meant they could keep their economy running smoothly. They are taking a huge hit because of the steps they are taking.

It is not some scheme to make Trump look like an idiot. Anyone who would blame him for the stock market losses of late are as dumb as the people who think this is a media conspiracy against him.

I don't think we are being told everything about CV, it could very well be worse than they are telling us. People love to be afraid and to think whatever current event has never happened before. This situation has happened before and will happen again until the sun burns out.

I do think it should be noted that they are telling us to expect for a disruption and to have 2 weeks of food and water on hand. The most I have ever heard from the Govt is to have 72 hours worth of supplies. The pallet of 20 LB bags of rice at BJ's was half full when I was there last week. I did see someone roll a 72inch flat screen out the door so maybe we'll all be OK...
seems you are giving them quite a bit of credit.

If they can't run a caucus I doubt they can convince Japan to close schools to trick Americans that this is Trumps fault.

There is literally no reason to believe this is orchestrated. Do you really think the American people would want to switch administrations in the middle of a pandemic that's threatening America? Not a chance.

This situation, in my opinion, only helps the Trump administration.
I don’t
If they can't run a caucus I doubt they can convince Japan to close schools to trick Americans that this is Trumps fault.

There is literally no reason to believe this is orchestrated. Do you really think the American people would want to switch administrations in the middle of a pandemic that's threatening America? Not a chance.

This situation, in my opinion, only helps the Trump administration.

I don’t think it is orchestrated at all, some what shocked at the conspiracy theories on here. I do think the American people would switch during a pandemic. This is problematic for trump if it doesn’t fade prior to fall. Dismantling the CDC prior to an epidemichad poor optics and incumbents go as the economy goes. You feel comfortable with Pence in charge of the virus plan?
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