What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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It really isnt the virus that is the concern. It's the economic downturn and peoples ignorance to it.

The virus is the smokescreen to the global agenda. An advanced form of false flag. It's an easy way the bankers of the world can say, "it isnt because of us, it's the virus" when the market tanks. I hope I'm wrong and there is no reason to panic. In which I'm not panicking but I am preparing. A house full of kids puts a different level of preperation at hand.
We home school so nothing big changes there. No more library though. No church for a while. I'm the breadwinner so when i am at work, you can bet I'll be wearing a mask. I'll handle cash with caution now and educate my kids how to properly wash your hands. Washing your hands is a lot like brushing your teeth. There is brushing your teeth then there is . Brushing. Your. Teeeeeeeth.

If you read your bible none of this should be a surprise. The best newscast is right in front of you.
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Would you explain this further? I'm not privy to anything that makes Exxon a falling knife. Exxon has paid a dividend for over 25 years and IMO it's likely that this recent sell off will correct pretty soon. If you're a day trader, then yeah, maybe Exxon isn't a good bet. If you are a buy and hold investor, then buying Exxon at it's lowest price in five years and then holding onto it for a long period of time is probably a good idea.

Even if Exxon stays around $47, with 1,000 shares and an average quarterly dividend rate of $0.87 per share; then the yearly dividend payout will be around $3,400 total for 12 months. That's a pretty good return on $47,000.

If you know something I don't, I'd love to hear it, barring any insider trading.

I do short term commodity futures, foreign exchange, and volatility trading. I also do long term investing. I made a killing last week trading VIX call options. Basically a trade that volatility was going up, kind of a no brainer considering the circumstances.

As for exxon, I'll be the first to admit that no one can predict the future, I'd be a trillionaire if I could. But this is what I'm considering.
1. Exxon, though one of the most resilient and well positioned companies in the oil sector is trading in lockstep with the overall oil market which was dealing with chronic oversupply and a switch from I investors keying in on production numbers to G&A costs. Then the coronavirus hit on top of it which is causing unseen levels of disruption of global supply chains and economies. It doesnt really matter what exxons numbers are, Its like saying there was a really shiny well maintained engine on the titanic. Doesnt matter, she's still going down. The falling knife is a common saying where someone tries to time the bottom of the market which is very difficult to do. Statistically speaking trends are more likely to continue than turn around. I personally think that this has a lot farther to go and even then I dont think that O&G will ever return to the glory days when it we get out of this.
I do short term commodity futures, foreign exchange, and volatility trading. I also do long term investing. I made a killing last week trading VIX call options. Basically a trade that volatility was going up, kind of a no brainer considering the circumstances.

As for exxon, I'll be the first to admit that no one can predict the future, I'd be a trillionaire if I could. But this is what I'm considering.
1. Exxon, though one of the most resilient and well positioned companies in the oil sector is trading in lockstep with the overall oil market which was dealing with chronic oversupply and a switch from I investors keying in on production numbers to G&A costs. Then the coronavirus hit on top of it which is causing unseen levels of disruption of global supply chains and economies. It doesnt really matter what exxons numbers are, Its like saying there was a really shiny well maintained engine on the titanic. Doesnt matter, she's still going down. The falling knife is a common saying where someone tries to time the bottom of the market which is very difficult to do. Statistically speaking trends are more likely to continue than turn around. I personally think that this has a lot farther to go and even then I dont think that O&G will ever return to the glory days when it we get out of this.

I agree. In my eyes there has to be a reset. Everyone knew the global economic structure couldnt sustain what was happening. When it resets, a global currency could be introduced.

Everything I have been following for the past 10-15 years has pointed to this making the depression look like a cake walk. That is if this is what that is.
I really really hope this isnt it

This isnt good that's for sure.
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Maybe it'll have some positive consequences....make us a little less materialistic, more self-reliant...more aware of local supply chains....maybe raise a little more of our own food, make more of our own stuff, check in with neighbors/family more...good things.
I agree. In my eyes there has to be a reset. Everyone knew the global economic structure couldnt sustain what was happening. When it resets, a global currency could be introduced.

Everything I have been following for the past 10-15 years has pointed to this making the depression look like a cake walk. That is if this is what that is.
I really really hope this isnt it

This isnt good that's for sure.
That's the other thing I forgot to mention...we have been riding a stock market wave of euphoria for the last several years.. it's a huge swing of sentiment vs if this happened and we are were already in a stagnant market and expectations were meh. The phrase big tree fall hard comes to mind.
Yes Zap,thanks.A brief summary along the lines of assorted BBC articles.Bad but not the doomsday horror many project.
It isnt the kung flu to be worried about.

I'm worried about economic collapse.

Hopefully the dudes on wall street arent worried about covid19. Then I can return a lot of the stuff I acquired this past week in exchange for hunting gear. 😜

^ Pretty good general info.

They keep pushing this whole "If you aren't sick you dont need a mask unless you are a healthcare worker" bs. This morning the news showed them picking up an infected guy and those workers had masks on to do the job. Are these masks Thors hammer where us mere mortals cant use it but if you are a healthcare worker its mystic powers are revealed? If it works for them, it works for us. They just dont want people buying them up.
Just got back from Costco. Still no tech pants. Picked up trekking poles for the wifey. They seem pretty nice.
Talked with one of the employees about why it was so busy . you guessed it flu bug mania
he said they have had 3 - 1 million day sales days in a row.
I guess I should have invested in Costco
They keep pushing this whole "If you aren't sick you dont need a mask unless you are a healthcare worker" bs. This morning the news showed them picking up an infected guy and those workers had masks on to do the job. Are these masks Thors hammer where us mere mortals cant use it but if you are a healthcare worker its mystic powers are revealed? If it works for them, it works for us. They just dont want people buying them up.

How many masks will you need to stay protected for the next two years? For you and your whole family? At work and school? Every visit to every store? I'd rather have the flu than wear those things nonstop. I already do at work, and honestly, they suck.
Just got back from Costco. Still no tech pants. Picked up trekking poles for the wifey. They seem pretty nice.
Talked with one of the employees about why it was so busy . you guessed it flu bug mania
he said they have had 3 - 1 million day sales days in a row.
I guess I should have invested in Costco

Why can I never find those trekking poles at the Costco I frequent?
It really isnt the virus that is the concern. It's the economic downturn and peoples ignorance to it.

The virus is the smokescreen to the global agenda. An advanced form of false flag. It's an easy way the bankers of the world can say, "it isnt because of us, it's the virus" when the market tanks. I hope I'm wrong and there is no reason to panic. In which I'm not panicking but I am preparing. A house full of kids puts a different level of preperation at hand.
We home school so nothing big changes there. No more library though. No church for a while. I'm the breadwinner so when i am at work, you can bet I'll be wearing a mask. I'll handle cash with caution now and educate my kids how to properly wash your hands. Washing your hands is a lot like brushing your teeth. There is brushing your teeth then there is . Brushing. Your. Teeeeeeeth.

If you read your bible none of this should be a surprise. The best newscast is right in front of you.

slick, what mask are you using? We are being told at the hospital to wear n95 style masks and put the surgical mask on the patients as they help stop the secretions from being air borne.

I bet most mask are made in China, so supply might not last long if everyone starts to need them.

Dont Forget to clean your cell phones!

I trust the military with infectious disease doctors know what they are doing Based on the evidence and facts they have.

Remember the panic from 2014 Ebola? Omaha NE Biocontainment unit treated them.

I’m glad they got the US citizens back here. They are quarantined for two more weeks from the cruise ship and the ones that test positive have been sent to units capable to treat them.
They keep pushing this whole "If you aren't sick you dont need a mask unless you are a healthcare worker" bs. This morning the news showed them picking up an infected guy and those workers had masks on to do the job. Are these masks Thors hammer where us mere mortals cant use it but if you are a healthcare worker its mystic powers are revealed? If it works for them, it works for us. They just dont want people buying them up.

there are different classifications or ratings onmasks , the general one you see people walking around with are surgical masks and those things don’t filter out small enough particles to stop viruses, they protect you from fluids or direct splashes. I believe you need to have a Niosh 95 or better to keep out viruses.
They keep pushing this whole "If you aren't sick you dont need a mask unless you are a healthcare worker" bs. This morning the news showed them picking up an infected guy and those workers had masks on to do the job. Are these masks Thors hammer where us mere mortals cant use it but if you are a healthcare worker its mystic powers are revealed? If it works for them, it works for us. They just dont want people buying them up.

This is pretty ignorant and short sided thinking. This request is based off of medical professionals and first responders needing them to do THEIR jobs safely. If the supply of masks run out because Joe Blow and his prepper friends buy up 2,000 each, where will more come from? Will professionals just pull them out of their butts?

If first responders and hospital workers get sick with the virus and can’t work, who will take care of the patients? How will patrol the streets?

Seems pretty logical and easy to understand to me. 🧐
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