What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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no, both sides of the media is not the same ..... There is a reason Foxnews is #1 and is trusted more than any other .. CNN/MSNBC et al. will always cover for the misdeeds and lies of the Democrats and will spout the rhetoric of the DNC and not even blink an eye (remember Russia-FISA gate/the impeachment HOAX, etc. ) .... for what the dems did and are doing with this stimulus-relief bill is truly sickening ... the Dems once again put themselves ahead of the American public for their own selfish needs ... "Never let a crisis go to waste" is their mantra .. if this bill dosnt pass, its failure lays squarely on the shoulders of the Democrats, no one else ................the below is what the FNM/MSM (CNN/MSNBC, etc. ) and the Dems dont want you to know ...

I agree with the basics of your point. Conversely our country does have historic precedent of infectious events wreaking havoc on our nation's health. This was a generally foreseeable (if eventual) occurrence....and that's why we do have a lot of attention paid to mitigation....many dollars spent on it.

I suppose I could quote data but every piece of it can be interpreted according to bias....mine, yours....anyone's. I personally don't think the data anyone has is beyond 60% reliable, simply because of the disparity in test availability, illness reporting, people not seeking treatment, countries having different reporting criteria, differences in medical therapies and success rates among nations....and so on to the point of absurdity.

If I narrow the focus down to the US...and simply whether or not we are doing well and were adequately prepared, I think the situation we find ourselves in currently answers the readiness question. Randomly poll 10,000 health workers and get their opinions. Do the same with small business owners. Now do it with 10,000 stockholders. If you take a macro look at life in the US today, how many Americans would say we were adequately prepared as a nation? We may have been prepared for the final exam better than anyone (other nation) else, but we still haven't earned more than a D+ for a score. That's just an estimate and not real data though.

I nearly gag at typing this: this same "crisis" with a different administration wouldn't be a crisis at all. We have frenzied ourselves into crisis mode.
The NY Govenor is who the Democrats will eventually roll out against trump for the next presidential election IMO, no way Biden has a chance and they know it. It seems NY always gets what they want vs most US cities.
I nearly gag at typing this: this same "crisis" with a different administration wouldn't be a crisis at all. We have frenzied ourselves into crisis mode.
The hysteria that’s been induced by the news media is alarming. Probably more so than the actual virus itself in the long term. The democrats finally have their actual real crisis, and I think they are going to run with it, just look at all the crap they put into their latest bill.
I nearly gag at typing this: this same "crisis" with a different administration wouldn't be a crisis at all. We have frenzied ourselves into crisis mode.

Did India just lock down 1.3 billion people for the next 21 day to punish the trump administration?

I honestly thing the american ego gets the best of us sometime. I know its hard, but we really arent in a vacuum
Democrats are dying from this also. Democrats are our of work right now also. Democrats have lost a tone of money in the staticky market also. Nobody is winning. Sorry, but that’s simple minded shallow thinking.

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The federal government isn’t in the private sector business of producing things. And has no authority to direct companies in their production. What is the issue to me is not being prepared because we import so much of the things we now need to fight this thing. And, many of the people complaint about how this administration has failed, are the same ones who talk of how great global economies are in times of piece.
Did India just lock down 1.3 billion people for the next 21 day to punish the trump administration?

I honestly thing the american ego gets the best of us sometime. I know its hard, but we really arent in a vacuum

It's classic group-think, man. No one wants to be the one who didn't do enough. It's easy to do too much and point to the result and say "see it could have been a lot worse." It's conservatism/risk averse/selfish people in charge.
It's classic group-think, man. No one wants to be the one who didn't do enough. It's easy to do too much and point to the result and say "see it could have been a lot worse." It's conservatism/risk averse/selfish people in charge.

Its more along the lines of understanding that the fat tail, even though its improbable will still happen given enough spins of the wheel.

The odds of you making a claim on home owners policy are minuscule to the total number of policies written/underwritten. Its a fools bet to pay a yearly premium. Yet why do we do it with the odds a hugely against us? why do we write that check every year? Some bets/ propositions we will offered in life will have odds that greatly sewed in our favor yet its terrible wager to make because no amount of upside can make up for the downside. This is one of those wagers.
The federal government isn’t in the private sector business of producing things. And has no authority to direct companies in their production. What is the issue to me is not being prepared because we import so much of the things we now need to fight this thing. And, many of the people complaint about how this administration has failed, are the same ones who talk of how great global economies are in times of piece.

They can use the stimulus package money to contract with American companies to produce health care products. They can do it under an Act that was used during WW2. These companies are at a stand still and dying anyway. Nobody is buying a new car right now. This would help get the economy going. All of us out of work, can go work for these companies. Right now the biggest supply and demand shortage globally is health care products. This shortage will continue for at least a year. We have the opportunity to jump on this, save lives, and become less dependent on China for the future. Instead we are at a stand still talking about giving money to each household to buy more toilet paper.

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Its more along the lines of understanding that the fat tail, even though its improbable will still happen given enough spins of the wheel.

The odds of you making a claim on home owners policy are minuscule to the total number of policies written/underwritten. Its a fools bet to pay a yearly premium. Yet why do we do it with the odds a hugely against us? why do we write that check every year? Some bets/ propositions we will offered in life will have odds that greatly sewed in our favor yet its terrible wager to make because no amount of upside can make up for the downside. This is one of those wagers.

We write the check because the lender makes us. That's why. No one is doing a calculation (in both cases, it seems).
This thread is a tremendous historical record of the mindset journey of a cross section of Americans. Collectively we've gone from "Hmm, how about those Chinese" to "End of Days", and presumably will eventually be describing this in past tense. As the crisis evolves and later ends, interesting to read the change in perception over time.
This thread is a tremendous historical record of the mindset journey of a cross section of Americans. Collectively we've gone from "Hmm, how about those Chinese" to "End of Days", and presumably will eventually be describing this in past tense. As the crisis evolves and later ends, interesting to read the change in perception over time.

When this all ends, without the predicted Doom, the handful of people that have continuously kept this thread fueled up and burning hot with their non stop speculation and arguing will suddenly disappear into the shadows. If someone was to go back thru these 100+ pages and start poking at them, they’d suddenly claim they were being picked on or they’d have some other excuse to defend their position on this matter.

As harsh as some of you will try to make this out to be, I’m just going to say this now......Trump will not let this nation go under economically. People will die and people are going to continue to die, but we will not relive the 1930’s.

How are some of you people not sick to death of posting non stop and arguing back and forth on here??
Such short memories here and maybe also a lot of talking out of buttocks.

Where do you think the govenor of New York is getting his information from or who his state and county health agencies are working with...the feds. Is it the fed govt's job to stock perishable medical supplies for clinics and hospitals all over the nation or staff county health dept's?

We knew about H1N1 in April. It didn't hit our area until early October. With global travel, things can move fast when/if conditions are right.

I ordered some masks for our clinic in the summer of '09 and most thought it was unnecessary and didn't order any. They, it turns out saved money. Luckily it was not very deadly, and people over 50 already had some immunity to it. Had it been deadly, there would be have been a "uge" PPE shortage.

Wouldn't have mattered anyway though, in October in our community, so many kids were home sick at the same time in October with H1N1, medical workers who were parents were all exposed anyway.

Here we have evil corporations donating supplies and services, like free malpractice coverage for retired medical workers who have signed up to volunteer.

You probably are unlikely to see stories like that on the national news corp's hard news divisions, even the least progressive of the progressive bunch, Fox included.
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