What are your favorite Mountain House meals?

Don't have any recommendations but to address the emergency use angle- unless they will be stored in a location that you will not have access to for an extended time (which therefore then begs the question of why store food there in the first place if you might not be able to get to it, but I digress)... I would recommend that you combine your prep and your Backcountry hunting supplies, and just rotate out the oldest lots to hunt with. Never take any out without first having bought the replacements, and then instead of hunting with the new purchases, put them on the shelf, and take the oldest packs in to the field. If you never have to use the emergency supply in a true emergency, then 5 years from now you'll still have a prep closet/bunker/wherever full of food that at that point still has 5 years to go, instead of at/near it's "expiration" and needs to be then cycled out. Keeps the future/shtf proofing going incrementally.
Similar to what we do.

We have a bulk bucket thing of cheaper meals with like a 30 year life for... Like if society completely collapses. Actual crisis/survival.

Buy the stuff I actually want to eat and just cycle through it so it stays fresh. Hunting/hiking/emergency.
I keep around 300 MH meals on hand for any crazy chit that may happen plus 100# of rice and cases of canned chicken.
I recently went on a solo 2 night venture which I like to do now every so often to clear my brain of society. I tried a couple I had never had, I think, the Pad Thai with Chicken and the Beef Stew. Thought both were pretty decent.
None, but I have a suggestion. Look at the nutrition information and pay attention to the calories and ingredients. There are lots of other options that have as many calories that taste better. Frankly, as low as the calories are, I'd rather go with a Snickers bar and a package of Ramen. I know ... some of you must like them or they wouldn't still be in business. ;)