Welcome to Colorado Leftover Watch

How do they manage the front sight post? Looks like the peep is going to set pretty high just from the mount and and hieght of the dail housing.

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I just spoke with Justin from Co Leftover Watch; many changes and you might see the app again come July.

From what I know, you can apply in the leftover now even if you didn't apply in the primary draw. After that draw, any turnbacks or additional leftovers will be available on leftover list. @Fauntleroy, what say you?
There was talk about changing how returned tags were handled.

There was definitely talk about changing up the process and they had a survey on what people would prefer, but I've never heard any followup on any changes. Right now they are still saying it will be the usual process of tags randomly hitting the leftover list starting in August. I have no idea if they might still change how they do things, but it seems a little later in the process to change things up after they have already outlined everything.

Any license that is returned before August 3rd and is eligible to be reissued will be available August 4 at 9AM. Any license returned after this will become available starting August 11 at 9AM and will follow the reissue process. These huntcodes will be released at random times T-F 9AM-4PM through the end of the season.
Another thing to note, 100% preference goes to youth hunters in the secondary draw fyi.
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I just spoke with Justin from Co Leftover Watch; many changes and you might see the app again come July.

From what I know, you can apply in the leftover now even if you didn't apply in the primary draw. After that draw, any turnbacks or additional leftovers will be available on leftover list. @Fauntleroy, what say you?

Thanks for the update Robby.
I am definitely interested in the app and hopefully it's back and working. Will Justin post on here if it happens ? His email is not working, site is down, and hasn't been on here in a year.
Thanks for the update Robby.
I am definitely interested in the app and hopefully it's back and working. Will Justin post on here if it happens ? His email is not working, site is down, and hasn't been on here in a year.

I sent him a text that you guys had some questions so we’ll see if he gets on.

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I just spoke with Justin from Co Leftover Watch; many changes and you might see the app again come July.

From what I know, you can apply in the leftover now even if you didn't apply in the primary draw. After that draw, any turnbacks or additional leftovers will be available on leftover list. @Fauntleroy, what say you?

So "might" as in he may not offer it again? What happened on Justin's end?
I'm betting the app wasn't as profitable as he was hoping and that's why there's been no update from him on here.